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Everything posted by ChrisMWaters

  1. ChrisMWaters

    Legends of WrestleMania

    With the Jerichos in SvR, I can understand to an extent. They share the same entrances, same music, same movesets, and so on. Not so much with Legends. Sure, the two Shawns share the same music, but their entrances and trons are different. Haven't compared movesets TOO closely, but they don't seem to match. Then there's the COMPLETE differences between Hunter Hearst-Helmsley and Triple H.
  2. ChrisMWaters

    Kane, what can he do next?

    If they were ever to be serious about giving Kane a world title feud, I'd say first, get Orton the title at Mania and Kane the Money in the Bank contract. Kane cashes in, Legacy screws him out of the win. Orton keeps putting obsticals in front of Kane to keep him from getting a rematch for the title, Kane keeps going through them...either by normal ways or sadistic ways. Finally, Kane gets Orton in a match where Legacy can't get involved, wins the title.
  3. ChrisMWaters

    Legends of WrestleMania

    Been playing around with a few things in the game, and besides the whole ladder match thing (which doesn't bother me that much), here's a few changes I would make either through patch, DLC, or for a future sequel: 1)Make the entrances closer to the truth. For example, the extra outfits for Rude, Honky, Valentine and such. Also, why don't Austin and Rock have their proper champion entrances, carrying the belts? 2)I don't know if this is the same for the PS3 version, but for some reason, some of the SvR wrestlers have a more pale look compared to the legends when in a match. Entrances they look fine, it's just during the match. 3)Speaking of the SvR guys....please...make a decision. If you want to keep Legends and SvR versions of characters as recognized as the same person, then make it so if one version of the character has the title, both do. If you don't, then at least let us have the mirror matches. 4)Tag finishers need to be touched up a bit. Just some minor things. I still enjoy the game very much though. Once I get around to getting a USB cable to connect my 360 to my computer and put the proper sound files in (for some reason the burned CD I made wouldn't transfer over to the hard drive) then it'll be perfect.
  4. ChrisMWaters

    WWE SmackDown - March 27, 2009

    Now the question is, what music does Shawndertaker come out to?
  5. ChrisMWaters

    WWE General Discussion - March 2009

    Maybe Swagger figures that since he beat Hardy twice clean, he can lay claim to giving out self-facts like that?
  6. ChrisMWaters

    WWE General Discussion - March 2009

    20 years ago he'd be paired with the Bolsheviks.
  7. ChrisMWaters

    WWE General Discussion - March 2009

    This KINDA makes me wanna see a Taker/Kozlov tag team.
  8. ChrisMWaters

    March PYBO: WrestleMania IV

    Mania III vs. Reed or Mania VI vs. Martel weren't significant? I'm not arguing, I'm asking because I hadn't started to watch at the time.
  9. ChrisMWaters

    Legends of WrestleMania

    I have a 360, so my tips may vary depending on system. For weapon, I think you have to move the stick TO the weapon, then double-tap the action button. For opponent, you have to press the stick and the button at the same time. So far it's worked for me with no problems.
  10. ChrisMWaters


    Why do I get the feeling the majority of the arcade games will be NES ones? Still, would be nice to have an arcade version of Donkey Kong insted of the NES one.
  11. ChrisMWaters

    Smackdown vs. Raw 2009: News/screens

    *Shrug* Dunno. But it was fun simming Bourne vs London in a ladder match for the Cruiserweight Title. And seeing Bourne do a SSP off the top of the ladder. Next I'll have to sim Priceless vs. World's Greatest Tag Team
  12. ChrisMWaters

    Legends of WrestleMania

    I don't think any THQ games have had it where Hogan does the shirt rip, IIRC. Now that the 360 DLC is out, I'm kinda hoping they release a patch for LOW that allows DLC into it. DiBiase vs. DiBiase! Bourne vs. Snuka! Come on THQ, make it happen!
  13. ChrisMWaters

    Smackdown vs. Raw 2009: News/screens

    For anyone that still cares: 360 FINALLY gets the DLC.
  14. ChrisMWaters

    Legends of WrestleMania

    From the top of my memory for the songs, with the help of a chart to alphabetize the legends Andre: Some generic theme. Animal: LOD Theme Arn: Don't remember BBB: One of his face themes (don't remember if it was his 80's face or 90's face theme) Boss Man: Attitude era theme Studd: Some music that isn't the one he used at Royal Rumble 89 Bret: Late 94 and on WWF theme Bulldog: Same theme he used in a Smackdown game before, from what I heard Beefcake: His normal theme Dusty: AMERRRRRRRRRRRRRIIIIIICAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN DREEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAM Valentine: Haven't heard his yet Hawk: See Animal HTM: His most remembered theme Hogan: Real American HHH: First theme in WWF Sheik: Theme he used at X-Seven, AKA The Sultan's theme Jake: Normal theme Duggan: Normal theme Neidhart: Haven't heard his yet Snuka: The theme that starts with "SUPER SUPER SUPERFLY!" JYD: Some weird generic song with dogs barking (debating on whether to change it with "Grab Them Cakes" or his first theme "Another One Bites The Dust") Kamala: Tribal chants that didn't match the theme I remember him using at X-Seven Bundy: Some generic music Koko: "Piledriver" Hayes: Whatever it was, it wasn't "Badstreet USA" Perfect: His last WWF/E theme Nikolai: Same song he came out to when inducted into Hall of Fame Flair: Same as his SvR counterpart Rude: A genericized rip-off of his WWF theme it seems Rock: Theme he used around his time in the Corporation Piper: The bagpipe theme he's used recently, not his classic one from the 80s/90s Sarge: Normal face theme. HBK: "Sexy Boy" with him singing it (not the Sherri one) Austin: His most used one. DiBiase: His theme as used on Anthology Warrior: His theme as used on Anthology Taker: Same as SvR Yokozuna: His theme as used on Anthology
  15. ChrisMWaters

    Legends of WrestleMania

    A way to make your own. Go to YouTube, type in "Badstreet USA" Then use this site: http://www.youtubetomp3.net/
  16. ChrisMWaters

    YO! TSM raps: John Cena in 2009

    You know, now you're making me wish Lesnar had come back shortly after Cena's first WWE Title win. After all, they had unfinished business.
  17. ChrisMWaters

    WWE Raw - March 23, 2009

    For why Lawler didn't get involved...I'm thinking back to when Savage was a commentator back in 1994. He was barred from actually getting involved in matches and such. When he finally did, going after Bob Backlund during his "Snapping" phase, the next week he was no longer in WWF (course, that's part of real life, but that's how I see it) Plus, Lawler has had bad luck with getting involved with things like that. Wasn't the last time with Great Khali, and Lawler got Viced?
  18. ChrisMWaters

    WWE SmackDown - March 27, 2009

    Other nominees would be Paul Bearer or Marty Jannetty.
  19. ChrisMWaters

    WWE General Discussion - March 2009

    It's not like the all-Divas announcement aired on the program last week. Wait, it did. Can we all just pretend that didn't happen? <WWE Creative>Would you look at this please? You need something new. Yeah, I know. But I haven't found a good picture of a three-headed monkey yet.
  20. ChrisMWaters

    Gobstopper: The Movie

    While I don't hate horror movies persay, I do agree with the second part. This needs to be made into a feature. The biggest problem I could see would be the actual Wonky candy company suing them.
  21. ChrisMWaters

    WWE Raw - March 23, 2009

    And again, I go to my old standby... <WWE Creative>Would you look at this please?
  22. ChrisMWaters

    WWE Raw - March 23, 2009

    Is it still a let-down to you despite no punt?
  23. ChrisMWaters

    WWE Raw - March 23, 2009

    I was just about to ask if anyone heard that 12 Rounds is opening in theaters this week? Christ, did Behind Enemy Lines: Columbia get this much promotion? It got more. Cena isn't really talking about the movie on the shows. Mr. Kennedy actually appeared on shows JUST to plug that movie.
  24. ChrisMWaters

    WWE Raw - March 23, 2009

    HBK: One cocky bastard.
  25. ChrisMWaters

    WWE Raw - March 23, 2009

    I've always thought she looked like a female version of...