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Everything posted by ChrisMWaters

  1. ChrisMWaters

    "Macho Man" Randy Savage DVD talk

    You know what they REALLY need to sell as a package with the DVD? Sunglasses like Savage had.
  2. ChrisMWaters

    TSM Remembers: The Boogeyman

    http://www.wwe.com/inside/news/boogeymanrel And there's no Booker T around this time to help him keep his job.
  3. ChrisMWaters

    WWF WrestleMania

    That and hey wanted Patterson as ref in case Mr T got lost and they'd have someone who could direct traffic. That does make sense. T I thought did pretty well for the time period and such.
  4. ChrisMWaters

    WWF WrestleMania

    Also, something I wondered: Did they just want Muhammad Ali there for the name and to throw some punches in the directions of the heels, hence why they made him the outside referee insted of a normal one?
  5. ChrisMWaters

    WWF WrestleMania

    Watched this event a few days ago, via my 24 day WrestleMania Marathon (today is WrestleMania IV, and so on). While it doesn't have the level of prestige some of the later WrestleManias would have, and it's weird to see a WrestleMania without the World Title on the line in some form or another, this event did serve its purpose. And the cheering when Andre slammed Studd was pretty damn good for the time and crowd.
  6. ChrisMWaters

    Legends of WrestleMania

    http://sports.espn.go.com/espnmag/story?id=3966718 This interview will answer your question on that.
  7. ChrisMWaters


    I think if they're gonna make a Trauma Center rip-off, they should go retro and make a M*A*S*H game.
  8. ChrisMWaters

    WWE General Discussion - March 2009

    Maybe he sold his Mankind Mask.
  9. ChrisMWaters

    The 25th Anniversary of WrestleMania Thread

    All right...let's say that WWE uses all the women on their roster right now with maybe the exception of Teddy's assistant. That would be 17: Alicia Fox Beth Phoenix Brie Bella Candice Eve Torres Jillian Hall Katie Lea Burchill Kelly Kelly Lalya Maria Maryse Melina Michelle McCool Mickie James Natalya Niki Bella Rosa Mendez Which 8 past stars would YOU want in it? Me? Trish, Lita, Molly and Victoria, and a REALLY long shot: Bull Nakano (She's retired and I heard lost a lot of weight from when she wrestled)
  10. ChrisMWaters

    This is not a Test - Andrew Martin dead

    Since Koko B. Ware is getting in, I wouldn't rule out anyone. Test had a more successful WWE career than he did, IMO. True. Koko pretty much was a Jobber to the Stars, IIRC (didn't watch much of his career since I didn't start watching until 94). Test was: Former European Champion Former WWF Tag Champ with Booker T Former WCW Tag Champ with Booker T Hardcore Champ And fought for the ECW title on his last WWE PPV.
  11. ChrisMWaters

    This is not a Test - Andrew Martin dead

    "We are honored to enter into the WWE Hall of Fame Andrew Martin...better known as Test!"
  12. ChrisMWaters

    Legends of WrestleMania

    Yokozuna vs. Andre is one match I'll be simming in this game, for sure. Others I had are (some with the Importing ability): DiBiase vs. JBL Hogan vs. Cena Andre vs. Undertaker Hart Foundation or LOD vs. Miz & Morrison LoW Shawn & Hunter vs. SvR Shawn & Hunter Taker vs. Taker Snuka vs. Kingston Andre vs. Big Show Yokozuna vs. Mark Henry Those are ones just off the top of my head.
  13. ChrisMWaters

    Legends of WrestleMania

    Apparently this is the non-WrestleMania arena in the game.
  14. ChrisMWaters

    WWE SmackDown - March 13, 2009

    I have to say this while watching Smackdown via DVR: I like Edge using the Sharpshooter. He should use it more often.
  15. ChrisMWaters

    Moments So Contrived

    Maybe they figure they could be booked in a match at any moment so it's best to be prepared. After all, how many times has an authority figure said, "You have a match NOW?" Or they just see it as wearing a uniform of sorts.
  16. ChrisMWaters

    Legends of WrestleMania

    OK...checked the vids again. From what I've seen: RELIVE Hogan vs. Bundy from Mania 2 Hogan vs. Andre from Mania III Warrior vs. Hogan from Mania VI Hogan vs. Slaughter from Mania VII Hart vs. Austin from Mania 13 Austin vs. Michaels from Mania 14 Austin vs. Rock from Mania XV REWRITE Junkyard Dog vs. Valetine from Mania 1 Roberts vs. Honky Tonk from Mania III Beefcake vs. Honky Tonk from Mania IV Warrior vs. Rude from Mania V Hart vs. Yoko from Mania X And I can barely see it, but looks like Michaels vs. Hart from Mania XII REDEFINE Andre/Studd in Hell in a Cell in Mania 1 Rude/Snuka in a Steel Cage in Mania VI Bossman/Perfect in a Ladder Match in Mania VII Hart/Piper in a Submission Match in Mania VIII Some type of Steel Cage match for Mania IX (guessing either Hart/Yoko or Hogan/Yoko.)
  17. ChrisMWaters

    Legends of WrestleMania

    Hmm. Checked the "Rewrite" video... I guess they consider the fact that Beefcake didn't win the title a "loss", hence why you play as him for the Beefcake/Honky Tonk match.
  18. ChrisMWaters

    Moments So Contrived

    I think of it as the production guy in the back is watching the match, and just cues up the music as soon as the fall happens. One time I can think where it was used to good effect was at the 1988 Royal Rumble...Rick Rude's music was playing, as he thought he won the match...but then the referee revealed he had DQed Rude in favor of Steamboat.
  19. ChrisMWaters

    The OAO WWE DVD Thread

    ...OK, now I know I'm up to long. I missed a good portion of those names. Rey was the most surprising one that I missed, really.
  20. ChrisMWaters

    The OAO WWE DVD Thread

    Didn't they already kinda do that with "The Monday Night Wars"? Biggest problem I see with a DVD like that is...really, how many former WCW People are still with WWE. I can count: -Jericho -Big Show -Flair -Anderson -Chavo -Steamboat -Austin, but that'd be stretching it. ...and that's about it for the mains. Hogan's an iffy, depends on which way the wind is blowing for THAT kind of relationship. Goldberg hates WWE. Nash, Sting, Steiner, Booker are all in TNA. Hall is probably too drunk. Guerrero and Benoit are dead. Any I'm missing?
  21. ChrisMWaters

    WWE Encyclopedia

    Either Piper or Bob Backlund.
  22. ChrisMWaters

    DLC and it's future in videogames

    Personally, there isn't TOO much need for new systems anytime soon, IMO. I mean, it's not like the graphics are going to get TOO much better any time in the near future, after all. Except for MAYBE the Wii, but Mario Galaxy proved, with effort, you can still do a damn good job. That's not to say I can see any of today's systems having a lifespan like the Atari 2600 (14 years and 2 months is tough to beat), but still...probably a few years longer than their predecessors (X-Box, PS2 (maybe) and Game Cube.)
  23. ChrisMWaters

    2009 Hall of Fame

    And neither team held the WWF Tag Titles together, despite everyone except Koko B. Ware having held the belts later. Quick opinion time from someone who wasn't watching back then: Better team...The New Foundation or High Energy?
  24. ChrisMWaters

    Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection

    Was Sol Feace made by Sega?
  25. ChrisMWaters

    ECW Spoilers for 3/10

    I always get a chuckle out of the "Tag Team Member Eliminates Partner" spot from these types of matches.