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Everything posted by ChrisMWaters

  1. ChrisMWaters

    The 25th Anniversary of WrestleMania Thread

    With the exception of his entrance attire from last year's WrestleMania.
  2. ChrisMWaters

    The 25th Anniversary of WrestleMania Thread

    You know what I just thought. Even though it's not a title match or anything, I would get a kick if both Undertaker and HBK went "Retro" with their ring attire for this WrestleMania. As in, Undertaker with the classic hat/spats/ascot...and Shawn with attire like he had at WrestleMania XII
  3. ChrisMWaters

    WWE Raw - March 9, 2009

    All I could think with Flair standing with Kofi is "They really need to bring back managers."
  4. ChrisMWaters

    DLC and it's future in videogames

    One of the things I think is good for DLC is that, unlike its predicessors, this will probably mean there won't be 500 versions of Street Fighter IV released.
  5. ChrisMWaters

    WWE Raw - March 9, 2009

    Perhaps once someone heard HHH break in the called, and managed to have someone patrolling close enough to get there in that time. Well, that's the kayfabe explaination.
  6. ChrisMWaters

    WWE Raw - March 9, 2009

    Maybe not.
  7. ChrisMWaters

    WWE Raw - March 9, 2009

    Ah, now that he/she/it is on ignore, I can view. Looks like yes, there is a possibility of a Mysterio/Someone vs. Miz/Morrison tag title match. Oooh...Taker/Michaels vs. JBL/Kozlov.
  8. ChrisMWaters

    WWE Raw - March 9, 2009

    They didn't put R-Truth in it.
  9. ChrisMWaters

    The 25th Anniversary of WrestleMania Thread

    Now that the 25 Divas battle royal has been officially announced... Could this possibly be the first WrestleMania that has more women competing in it than men, even if it is just one match?
  10. ChrisMWaters

    WWE Raw - March 9, 2009

    Let's see if they remember Kofi was beat up before the Elimination Chamber.
  11. ChrisMWaters

    WWE Raw - March 9, 2009

    As would their weight.
  12. ChrisMWaters

    WWE Raw - March 9, 2009

    Hmm, looks like the rumors about a Divas Battle Royal at WrestleMania are coming true after all.
  13. ChrisMWaters

    WWE Raw - March 9, 2009

    Oh, and now that JBL is a champion again, can we get JBL's "Dance" entrance again?
  14. ChrisMWaters

    WWE Raw - March 9, 2009

    Is it me, or is this the most that The Undertaker has talked in years?
  15. ChrisMWaters

    WWE Raw - March 9, 2009

    That package makes me think: Good thing Taker never had the Mania match with Benoit...or these packages would be ruined.
  16. ChrisMWaters

    ECW Spoilers for 3/10

    So no ECW Title Match at WrestleMania, since Christian's in Money in the Bank then?
  17. ChrisMWaters

    2009 Hall of Fame

    High Energy! Plus Koko B. Ware was really really over. Who's going to induct Koko B. Ware? Big Bird? Hector Guerrero dressed as The Gobbledy Gooker.
  18. ChrisMWaters

    2009 Hall of Fame

    Hmm. I think my idea of Kaufman in the Hall of Fame would make more sense than Koko, but that's just me.
  19. ChrisMWaters

    TSM Remembers: The Boogeyman

    dx1997: If you wanna see Taker/Boogey cross paths, play Smackdown vs. Raw 2009 and play Undertaker's "Road to WrestleMania" story.
  20. ChrisMWaters

    The 25th Anniversary of WrestleMania Thread

    Richter's only 47!? So she was only 23 at WrestleMania 1? Damn, I thought she was older than that. @_@
  21. ChrisMWaters

    Moments So Contrived

    Kane's "Dream Sequences" from shortly before he lost his mask.
  22. ChrisMWaters

    JBL bails out OVW.

    "One hundred BILLION dollars!"
  23. ChrisMWaters

    Would WWE ever take Kurt Angle back?

    Found this video a while back, and it's a few years old, but maybe this will answer the question at hand:
  24. ChrisMWaters

    Legends of WrestleMania

    Um...Perfect is in the game, and I think he comes out to his classic theme.
  25. ChrisMWaters

    Legends of WrestleMania

    Well, if it's anything like Smackdown vs. Raw 2009, you could do what I did with Tommy Dreamer: get an MP3 of the song, set it up by itself as a playlist, then edit Bossman's entrance so he comes out to that. I did that with Dreamer, so insted of his theme from the game, he actually comes out to "Man in the Box".