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Everything posted by ChrisMWaters

  1. ChrisMWaters

    Legends of WrestleMania

    Well, technically the blue bars cage wasn't introduced until after the classic and now current one. Kayfabe, it was introduced at WrestleMania 2 for Hogan/Bundy
  2. ChrisMWaters

    Legends of WrestleMania

    From what I've heard, the cage is the blue bars. And Hell in a Cell was a match type at WrestleMania XV, and that was one of the arenas in the game, so... Plus both Taker and Bossman are in.
  3. ChrisMWaters

    Xbox 360

    Question I just thought of. I got a 20 Gig hard drive with my 360. Let's say I want to upgrade to a larger hard-drive. Is there any way to transfer data from the smaller hard drive to the larger one?
  4. ChrisMWaters

    "Macho Man" Randy Savage DVD talk

    Petrol: That description has me picturing Striker and Maria playing Macho Man and Elizabeth for a Halloween party for some twisted reason.
  5. ChrisMWaters

    Legends of WrestleMania

    Kinda sad to know DLC won't be transferrable. But hey, we can still have the "Money" feud between DiBiase and JBL. EDIT: There's a new question...does Howard Finkel announce the transferrable characters too?
  6. ChrisMWaters

    WWE SmackDown - February 27, 2009

    I believe the Undertaker soliloquy in front of his parents' graves is on the 'Tombstone' boxset. Off topic, but I can only think of two uses of a wireless mic in WWE history: the aforementioned Undertaker promo building up the Inferno match and Mr. McMahon berating The Big Show at WrestleMania XV. DDP's motivational character and Jillian Hall have headset mics, if that counts.
  7. ChrisMWaters

    WWE Raw - February 23, 2009

    Ssssshhhh! YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO REMEMBER THAT! [/WWE booking committee] We would have also accepted... <WWE Creative>Would you look at this please?
  8. ChrisMWaters

    WWE Raw - February 23, 2009

    This segment needs the "Ch Ch Ch Ch, Ha ha ha ha" from the Friday the 13th Movies.
  9. ChrisMWaters

    WWE Raw - February 23, 2009

    Goldberg and Triple H alliance?
  10. ChrisMWaters

    WWE Raw - February 23, 2009

    I'm still wondering what Ted Jr. would look like if he had a beard like his father.
  11. ChrisMWaters

    WWE Raw - February 23, 2009

    Why is it I can picture whatever match Jericho has at WrestleMania being a "Legends Lumberjack" match?
  12. ChrisMWaters

    WWE Raw - February 23, 2009

    Questions. Who would have played the part of Apollo Creed? And who would have done the big James Brown "Living In America" show they did before the match? "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan?
  13. ChrisMWaters

    WWE Raw - February 23, 2009

    And a Randy Savage reference on Raw!
  14. ChrisMWaters

    WWE Raw - February 23, 2009

  15. ChrisMWaters

    WWE Raw - February 23, 2009

  16. ChrisMWaters

    WWE SmackDown - February 20, 2009

    Hmm...they don't say WHICH Tag Team Titles are on the line next week. Kozlov vs. Taker. ...didn't we have that match already within the past 6 months? Looks like they're not saving Hardy vs. Hardy for WrestleMania, unless there's a schmoz ending.
  17. ChrisMWaters

    The 25th Anniversary of WrestleMania Thread

    If Atlantic City had a good place for it, I'd love or one there again.
  18. ChrisMWaters

    Greatest African American Wrestlers

    ...wasn't Aja Kong a japanese woman? You thinking of Awesome Kong?
  19. ChrisMWaters

    Legends of WrestleMania

    Those managers may get annoying on higher difficulties in the game.
  20. ChrisMWaters

    Title Lineage Trivia

    If I knew how to create one of these games, I'd create one for the World Heavyweight Championship
  21. ChrisMWaters


    With skiing and possibly snowboarding in the game, it'd make sense to have balance board capabilities for Mario & Sonic: Winter Olympics. What other events would they have for such a game though, I wonder...
  22. ChrisMWaters

    Smackdown vs. Raw 2009: News/screens

    Future Downloadable Character: Mike Knox's Beard. (picture made by a friend of mine)
  23. ChrisMWaters


    Since I didn't see it mentioned, and despite the fact that I may be one of the few people who actually enjoyed both versions of the original: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mario_%26_Son...ic_Winter_Games Yeah, I liked the first Mario & Sonic Olympics game. Sure the running on the Wii version wore out my arms, but it was still fun to me.
  24. ChrisMWaters

    Title Lineage Trivia

    A hard one that they could make would be tag titles.
  25. ChrisMWaters

    Christian's Re-debut in WWE has occurred!

    Yeah, the Killswitch is the Unprettier, after last ECW. Better move name, IMO.