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Posts posted by ChrisMWaters

  1. There's just one problem I have with Orton saying he waited all this time to get even with HHH.


    Orton and Edge fueded for many, many months with HHH and HBK. Not once did Orton seem extra annoyed with HHH.


    I suppose the guy who posts the MIB 'please look into the light' photo isn't here any more.

    I'm here.


    I was just asked to cut down on using it.

  2. Ironically, Revenge of the Fallen is set to release on the very day (25 years ago) that Transformers debuted on TV.

    Wonder if they'll mention that in the advertising or not.


    Also wonder if they'll remember this time around to include the original theme into the movie, even if it's just in the end credits like how the 60s/70s Spider-Man toon theme was in the credits for the first Spider-Man movie.

  3. One thing that could help differenciate more wrestlers, IMO.




    That's one thing that I will like about the 80s/early 90s more than Attitude or today, at MOST only 50% of the roster wore black ring attire. Now 90% of the roster does so.


    Angle was my personal hero in the Attitude era for NEVER wearing black...until WrestleMania X8.


    It's just a personal frustration of mine though.


    It's also something I miss from recent times. Orton, Batista...hell even Hunter for a while...all wore different colors to the ring. Now...primarly black.

  4. I finished all of the WM Tour Modes last night. Onto Legend Killer Mode. I was disappointed to see that, so far, there are no alternate belts to unlock. I was hoping to see the Attitude Era title in there (there were screenshots of Hogan wearing it, initially) as well as the two WWE Titles that came before the Winged Eagle title.

    I'm kinda all right with no Attitude Era championship in the game. Out of the non SvR guys, there's only two guys in the game that had held that version of the title, and that's Austin and Rock.


    I don't count Helmsley because this was pre DX.


    I WOULD like to see alternate straps for the Intercontinental title though.

  5. 2)I don't know if this is the same for the PS3 version, but for some reason, some of the SvR wrestlers have a more pale look compared to the legends when in a match. Entrances they look fine, it's just during the match.


    I was playing DiBiase vs JBL last night and it was like DiBiase was fighting a ghost. JBL was THAT white. I mean, he was glowing. I mean I'm REALLY enjoying this game, it's just the little costmetic things that are bugging the shit out of me that keep it from being a perfect experience. I hope they decide to patch a lot of this shit.

    Yeah, that's what I was talking about.
