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Everything posted by ChrisMWaters

  1. ChrisMWaters

    March PYBO: WrestleMania IV

    The WrestleMania Anthology came out first, and at the time they didn't have the rights to use it. When it came time for the Rumble Anthology, they managed to get the rights, and thus they were able to use it.
  2. ChrisMWaters

    WWE General Discussion - March 2009

    It's not like the all-Divas announcement aired on the program last week. Wait, it did. Can we all just pretend that didn't happen? <WWE Creative>Would you look at this please?
  3. ChrisMWaters

    March PYBO: WrestleMania IV

    Blue from first round or white from the finals. The latter if just because of the "lift on the shoulders while she holds title" pose. The only problem with that WrestleMania is, every time I watch it (like how I did 8 days ago as part of my WrestleMania marathon), I get "Pomp and Circumstance" stuck in my head.
  4. ChrisMWaters

    Kane and MMA fighter in bar brawl?

    Bobby Heenan, is that you?
  5. ChrisMWaters

    WrestleMania Roundtable Part Four:2000 to 2004

    Oh, the match itself isn't horrible, but the story leading upto the match... Hence why, when they did the recap, they did it with that music video insted of having any voice for it.
  6. ChrisMWaters

    WWE SmackDown - March 20, 2009

    Is the link still up for it, since my DVR didn't record it tonight for some reason?
  7. ChrisMWaters

    2009 Hall of Fame

    But who realistically does his induction? Vince would be ideal since Fink's been there nearly 30 years, but he's already doing Austin's. I guess Mean Gene gets the call. I could see either Lillian Garcia, Tony Chimmel or Justin Roberts (or all three) getting the nod.
  8. ChrisMWaters

    Legends of WrestleMania

    Yes, you can give imported wrestlers the titles in the game. Unfortunately, it seems that you can't have other wrestlers as managers at ringside, only the default four managers.
  9. ChrisMWaters

    WWE General Discussion - March 2009

    http://www.wweshop.com/displayimage.asp?product=W01871X.JPG Not too bad lookin.
  10. ChrisMWaters

    Legends of WrestleMania

    Are you going to play it? If you are, and have video capabilities and SvR09, could you do a video of DiBiase vs. JBL at either Mania III or Mania VI. I'm curious to see if the SvR guys come out on the ring carts.
  11. ChrisMWaters

    Legends of WrestleMania

    For anyone that's still interested in this game: The only one I noticed for sure that got the shaft in the importing is Paul London, but I didn't look. Cade and Murdoch may have not been their either. Boogeyman made the cut though.
  12. ChrisMWaters

    One and Only Star Wars Geekiness Thread

    Bumping this thread because of this, which I found by accident.
  13. ChrisMWaters

    WWE SmackDown - March 27, 2009

    I dub him... THE SHAWNDERTAKER!
  14. ChrisMWaters

    Legends of WrestleMania

    How will that rumor, if it's true, work for created superstars imported from SvR to LoW?
  15. ChrisMWaters

    WWE SmackDown - March 20, 2009

    Awesome. I'm hoping MVP's recent successes lead to him getting back the tunnel and pyro in time for Wrestlemania. And the cheerleaders that he had at Mania 23.
  16. ChrisMWaters

    The 25th Anniversary of WrestleMania Thread

    Wasn't the feud between Kane/Big Show and Carlito/Masters kinda constructed back for Mania 22?
  17. ChrisMWaters

    The 25th Anniversary of WrestleMania Thread

    Jed: Not quite, new match as of ECW.
  18. ChrisMWaters

    WWE Encyclopedia

    http://www.wwe.com/inside/titlehistory/wom...445413212111213 RESEARCH!
  19. ChrisMWaters

    ECW Thread 3/17/09

    Hmm. So next weeks ECW is all Divas. Maybe it's a secret test run to turn ECW into an all Divas show?
  20. ChrisMWaters

    The OAO Mystery Science Theater 3000 Thread

    He came with the metal box tin of the 20th anniversary set (AKA MST3K set 13.]
  21. ChrisMWaters

    WWE Raw - March 16 2009

    And even if no one remembers the build, the video packages tend to make the build look better than it was before.
  22. ChrisMWaters

    The 25th Anniversary of WrestleMania Thread

    Well, I didn't see her listed, so Jillian may be the one on the bottom row.
  23. ChrisMWaters

    The 25th Anniversary of WrestleMania Thread

    Which 20 were shown? If you don't know, maybe someone can show the picture so I can see if I can figure it out.
  24. ChrisMWaters

    Wrestling Quirks

    I don't really know if this would count as a quirk or not... But why do some wrestlers who wear singlets as their ring attire sometimes feel that they need to lower one or both straps of the attire in mid match? Like how Mr. Perfect would have one strap down mid-match for no apparent reason. Angle I can kinda understand it being a taunt.
  25. ChrisMWaters


    I'm convinced that the average person doesn't know what M*A*S*H is. And the average person knew what "The Warriors" was before the video game came out?