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Everything posted by phoenixrising

  1. phoenixrising

    What athletes had the best names

    Former Georgia Tech CB I'Perfection Harris
  2. phoenixrising

    Future baseball HOF'ers

    I believe there was a situation that involved Gary carter wanting to go into the Fall wearing I believe an Expos cap while the hall wanted him to wear a Mets hat. Of course I probably have the teams switched around in the story, if so my bad. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Didn't Dave Winfield actually take offers as to who's team hat he would wear on his plaque? I think the Padres made the best offer since they were desparate to have a Hall of Famer wearing a Padres cap. Soon after the Hall decided they would decide what cap a player wore.
  3. phoenixrising

    Picked up NCAA 2006 today...

    Has anyone else noticed that the running game is freaking pumped to the max on this game, especially in the second half. I've had two games where I've allowed over 175 yards to the opposing back...might have something to do with them being the impact player. However I have noticed in the second half that my o-line blocks better and my backs start ripping through gaping holes.
  4. phoenixrising

    Picked up NCAA 2006 today...

    Bought it today for the PS2. Pretty cool so far. -- As far as the PS2 is concerned they changed the control layout so it's weird. The right stick now controls jukes on offense and is the Hit Stick on defense. Circle now switches players. --You can now hold down X to scramble with the QB and the icons do not come down. --I played my second game as Florida, and they have an all-shotgun playbook which rocks all kinds of ass. Also there is now packages. --Recievers hold on to the ball better, haven't seen the kinds of frustrating drops I saw in 2005. --Impact players - Each team has three. For example, UCLA's are Maurice Drew, Marcedes Lewis and Spencer Havner. They have a white circle under them at all times, and the circle flashes when they are "in the zone". If you call a play to use them their attributes go up. Neat feature. So they merged some of the Madden elements into the game. The playbook stuff I like but I have to get used to the new control layout. Good game and definitely worth my $50.
  5. phoenixrising

    2005 Bored's College Football Pick 'Em Contest

    Count me in again, same team as before - UCLA.
  6. phoenixrising

    One and Only Star Wars Geekiness Thread

    IIRC, the Death Star has more than enough fighters (7,000 TIE's according to my Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels) but Tarkin refused to launch them cause he didn't consider the Rebels a threat. So the only fighters that launched were Vader and his two wingmen.
  7. phoenixrising

    Athlete you thought was gonna be great...

    Todd Van Poppel
  8. phoenixrising

    Your worst ever sporting moment

    One I always bring up: 1998, UCLA plays Miami in a game that was rescheduled and I get to watch Edgerrin James make himself a top 5 pick. 1999 - Jacksonville being able to beat any team not named the Titans. Has any other NFL team lost three games to the same team, before or since?
  9. phoenixrising

    San Andreas Help Please

    Ocean Docks in Los Santos, I believe. I believe it is at the Easter Basin docks in San Fierro. It is right next to a large crane and a large ship. You can enter the crane to export cars onto the ship. Look around the crane and there should be a chalkboard. Go up to it and the game will ask you to push a putton to view the imports for that day.
  10. phoenixrising

    GTA: San Andreas

    it looks like the direction pad, in all red. If it's flashing red it means one of your territories is under attack. Go to the area and there will be cars blocking off the street and a bunch of rival gang members. Kill them all. I think all you have to do is respond, I've been killed a couple of times and the territory was still mine. If you don't respond you lose respect.
  11. phoenixrising

    MLB Predictions

    AL West: Anaheim Texas Oakland Seattle AL Central: Minnesota Cleveland Chicago Detroit Kansas City AL East: Boston New York (Wildcard) Baltimore Toronto Tampa Bay NL West: Los Angeles San Diego Arizona San Francisco Colorado NL Central: St. Louis Chicago (Wildcard) Cincinnati Houston Milwaukee Pittsburgh NL East: Florida Atlanta New York Philadelphia Washington
  12. phoenixrising

    GTA: San Andreas

    Just concentrate on keeping it in viewing site. You don't have to worry about being right up close to it, until CJs brother's hands start getting stepped on and his grip meter starts falling. Once that happens just hit the gas and get under the ladder of the truck and he drops into your car. I got lucky on that part, once he started slipping the firetruck was on a long stretch of highway and I did it the first try... I had to do the mission twice, because on the first try I couldn't get close enough to Sweet and he wound up bouncing off the pavement. Both times Sweet started losing his grip in the same area, it's a wide open road so you get a lot of room to work with. Drive your car right under Sweet and keep it there until he falls off.
  13. phoenixrising

    GTA: San Andreas

    I finally beat the game today as well, and I believe my completion percentage is around 60 as well. I still have to do the trucking missions, the quarry missions, Bike and Boat School and a bunch of vehicle missions. The game ended kinda abruptly but it did fit in with the recurring theme in the game.
  14. phoenixrising

    Veterans' Committee Ballot

    Satchel played three different decades, but he was certainly good enough to play in the Majors in the 20s and 30s. 12-10, 3.07 ERA is one of the best seasons ever for a 45 year old pitcher. And for those wondering, Minoso and Paige played those games in their 50s in order to qualify for a pension fund. I thought Minoso was trying to become the first player to play in six different decades - he was going to try to play a game in the 90's but he did not get the chance...I kinda remember that he might have been playing somewhere but the White Sox didn't want to bring him up just to set that milestone. I thought i remember something in SI or ESPN or something.
  15. phoenixrising

    It's National Signing Day.....

    I'm happy that UCLA is #25 but I'm wondering if that's cause the USC leftovers are that good.
  16. phoenixrising

    GTA: San Andreas

    Yeah, or put them off for later. Firefighter and Ambulance will come first (fireproof, increased health I think for Ambulance, not sure if there is infinite run in the game). Finished Taxi, but not before having my greatest GTA: SA moment to date. I was driving on the freeway trying to find a Pay and Spray for repairs, but I jumped over to the wrong lane and oncoming traffic. I got hit under a bridge and the taxi caught fire. I got away but watched car after car slam into the taxi, then each other. Then the taxi went up...Yes I caused a 13 car pileup, destroyed thirteen cars and I am damn proud of it. I love this game.
  17. phoenixrising

    Which QB has the most pressure on him this Sunday?

    Also with Vick, it's his first conference championship appearance so if he loses they'll just say he'll be back to many more. Easily McNabb. Losing four conference championships in a row would brand him as the guy who can't win the big one.
  18. phoenixrising

    GTA: San Andreas

    Thanks iggy and Broccoli, I played it last night and got through it. Instead of riding on the right side of the tracks I drove on the area to the right of the tracks, and Smoke capped them all before the end of the first tunnel. I also did OG Loc's last two missions, and "Management Issues" is hilarious. I'll probably work on Taxi, Firefighter, Ambulance and the courier missions before I finish up Los Santos.
  19. phoenixrising

    Cubs New Closer has been named

    The interesting thing is that Gossage was a reliever before he became a closer. Hhad already posted a couple of good seasons with the White Sox in relief. Paul Richards, about twenty years before, moved Hoyt Wilhelm from the bullpen to the starting rotation and Wilhelm had success, throwing a no-hitter and finishing in the top 5 in ERA. He decided to do the same with Gossage...and got the 9-17 record. I always found that interesting because prior to finding out the story (in Bill James HBA and Paths To Glory) looking at Gossage's career and finding that anomaly was just weird. James suggests Richards also may have had an old school mentality where your best pitchers started and the bullpen was full of washups and castoffs, and put Gossage into the rotation because he wanted his best pitcher starting games instead of coming out of the pen. Gossage did pitch 15 complete games that year (1976). Pretty impressive. He went to Pittsburgh the next year, became a reliever again and moved on to the Yankees in 1978. Rich Gossage's Career And thus concludes my long story on an odd move. Anyway it will be interesting, after the success of Gagne and Rivera in the closer's role after being failed starters, it can't hurt the Cubs. If it doesn't work out they can fall back on Hawkins again.
  20. phoenixrising

    GTA: San Andreas

    sorry - double post
  21. phoenixrising

    GTA: San Andreas

    I just got this game again after my first one got scratched...right now I am on the "Wrong Side of the Tracks" mission - the one where you have to chase the train on the Sanchez with Big Smoke firing at the gangstas on top. Any tricks to beat this? I swear I've been through it 7 times already and still haven't passed it.
  22. phoenixrising

    Why ESPN sucks

    I still listen to Rome on the radio occasionally, but I have never been a fan of either of his TV shows. He's still good occassionally but he'll run a subject into the ground. On blowing his interviewees, I remember when Eric Gagne came to LA and was struggling to make it as a fifth starter, and Rome was all over, calling him among other things "a piece of crap". Well, Gagne becomes the god of all closers and makes the All-Star team, and Rome is just all over him begging Gagne to forgive him for his on-air comments. I think Rome has learned his Chris Everett lesson - he'll confront athletes on the air, but will let the matter drop. Example: Rome has Simeon Rice on after Tillman died, and Rome is talking about what a sacrifice Tillman mande, and Rice says he was a coward for quitting the Cardinals or something to that effect. Rome tried to get Simeon to spin the comment into something positive, and when Simeon didn't he just kind of let the matter drop. I would expected Rome to go harder after him. The best part of the show has always been the callers/e-mailers. I remember when it was announced that the new Star Wars movie was going to be titled "Attack of the Clones". It was the greatest half-hour of radio ever, followed by Rome and the XR4TI crew.
  23. phoenixrising

    And So it Begins

    Wasn't Delgado a catcher when he first came up, who was switched to first base very quickly?
  24. phoenixrising

    2005 NFL Hall of Fame Finalists

    Wow, lot of pretty good players to choose from. Steve Young Dan Marino Michael Irvin Richard Dent Derrick Thomas Benny Friedman would be a nice choice, he was really the first player to put up huge passing numbers...for years he held the TD pass record. And I'm leaving out Monk and L.C. Greenwood, who both should be in already.
  25. phoenixrising

    And So it Begins

    Oh the Dodgers did a good job, too bad everyone is more focused on losing LoDuca and Green. Who cares about a division title and the first playoff win since '88 when you lose your popular first half hitter/second half slumper and a $15 million player who is average at best? WHERE IS THE HEART AND SOUL!!! I'm really hoping for the Dodgers to do very well in '05.