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Everything posted by Conspiracy_Victim

  1. Conspiracy_Victim

    The OAO Raw IS Diva SearcHHH thread

  2. Conspiracy_Victim

    The OAO Raw IS Diva SearcHHH thread

    Hey Jericho how about giving neither ONE of them a title shot?
  3. Conspiracy_Victim

    OaO Fable Thread

    Well, apparently it isn't the end-all-be-all of RPGs that I was hoping. It's getting good scores on reviews so far (8.6 at gamespot, 9.2 at IGN) but most have the same complaints, namely fairly short main quest (can get through it in 10 hours or so if you just go straight through), very hard to die, etc. etc. So, while it's seemingly very good, it isn't quite everything we'd (OK, I'd) hoped for. I'm still going to play it through a couple of times just so I can see it. Oh well, Halo 2 November 9th! Plus Jade Empire and KOTOR 2 coming out..eventually.
  4. Conspiracy_Victim

    MLB Game Chatter

    I'd just like to state, in case people hadn't noticed, that the Astros are now 1 1/2 games back of the Cubs for the wild card. Thank you that is all.
  5. Conspiracy_Victim

    I can't take this anymore

    Hmm.. Should I risk my avatar and sig? Wait I don't have a sig. Oh who am I kidding Bush has this one anyway . Should anyone care to I guess I'll give it a shot.
  6. Conspiracy_Victim

    Should We Say "Told You So"?

    All the French hate makes me laugh. There would be no United States of America if they hadn't helped us win the Revolutionary War. There would be no statue of liberty. They've never done anything to deserve the hate they're getting. Besides, doesn't the guy you support *say* he believes in "compassionate" conservatism? Far be it for me to argue with a Mod, but France has SEEMINGLY (emphasis on the word please, no empirical evidence at the moment) done nothing but disagree with the United States since the Reagan years. With the rise of the EU it's gotten worse, as France (and now, to a lesser extent, Germany) look like they're trying to stake a claim as world powers. The best way to do that is to "stand up" to the big bully USA and make it back down. Plus, in light of their "conscientious objection" of the invasion now looking economically based, they look like they're willing to sell us out in the UN Security Council if it'll make 'em a few bucks. And if you want to talk Revolutionary War, I think the scales have been more than balanced by our bailing them out in both World Wars, as well as getting us dragged into Vietnam ("advisors" at Dien Bien Phu, etc.). And in response to your other post (triple posting is passe), Reagan saw Iraq as a thorn in the side of Iran. They were a way to keep Khomeni busy. I doubt that qualifies as a "loving relationship". The saying "enemy of my enemy is my friend" is at least somewhat applicable here.
  7. Conspiracy_Victim

    Should We Say "Told You So"?

    Try level headed. Or less blinkered. I'm certainly no hippie. Nor do I have any particular affinity with Europe - certainly not France in particular. And as for the "our thread" part - you sound like a child. It's a message board - guess what? Other members are going to post in threads! Shock horror! You might disagree with their point of view! How dare they! Yup, sarcasm can be difficult to see over the internet. Of course if it gives a "level headed", "less blinkered" liberal a chance to go off on us evil brown shirted Neo-Nazis I guess he'll take it.
  8. Conspiracy_Victim

    Hottest Video Game Charactor

    No because he was too busy being broody "The whole world's against me" guy. I swear, someone didn't have to hate him just because they were the bad guys, he made people hate him by being such an asshole. Personally I would've kicked Rinoa the Obnoxious One to the curb and ridden off into the sunset on the SeeD Academy with Quistis. Shoot I would've done it after the FMV scene introducing Quistis.
  9. Conspiracy_Victim

    Hottest Video Game Charactor

    Boy lots o' Auron love. He's an asskicker, I guess it carries over. I'm a bit scared of his upcoming appearance in Kingdom Hearts 2 (a young Auron? He was YOUNG?!) but actually it may not be that bad. Since I can't remember how to code spoilers (it's late I can't think) I'll just hope what I've read recently about his appearance in the game stays with what they've got now. Back to the topic at hand I'd have to go with: Rayne - BloodRayne (she could suck me any day...wait, she sucks WHAT??) Paine - FF X-2 Quistis - FF 8 (sexy librarian look RULES~!) Chun Li ummm *small voice* KOS-MOS - Xenosaga (No I don't know why, just kinda hot that's all) The briefing officer from MechAssault (for the life of me I can't remember her name)
  10. Conspiracy_Victim

    September Call-ups

    It's a good thing Richard Justice isn't the Astros manager. We'd have Burke at 2nd, Willy Taveras in CF, Beltran would've been traded a month ago, and Biggio and Bagwell would've been replaced by 2 guys he found at a local softball league. The guy's a major asshole (yes I've met him, it's not just a generalization) who doesn't like being second guessed (ironic ain't it?) and shouldn't be anywhere near a major newspaper. just my $.02
  11. Conspiracy_Victim

    Franchise Mode

    It depends on the game really. Usually though I like the biggest challenge possible so I try to create a team/franchise whenever possible. In football (college especially) I go with a grinding offense and a run stuffing defense with at least one good/very good pass rushing defensive end (who I control). Then I recruit speed speed and more speed for defense and offensive skill positions. Then once I get a few stars I open up the offense a bit and start laying into teams. Usually takes me a about 3 or 4 years to get my team exactly where I like it but then I run off national championships constantly.
  12. Conspiracy_Victim

    The One and Only Smackdown Thread (August 26, 2004

    JBL and the cowboy hat balanced on the halo is the funniest hat based WWE comedy since Kurt and the tiny cowboy hat.
  13. Conspiracy_Victim

    The One and Only Smackdown Thread (August 26, 2004

    "I mean, how many main events have you been in?" "Well, none really" "Oh my god..." I'm really starting to like JBL as cowardly heel champ, God help me.
  14. Conspiracy_Victim

    The One and Only Smackdown Thread (August 26, 2004

    "I hate you, Kane, more than life itself." Lita hates life? Well given the storyline she's in I can't say as I blame her.
  15. Conspiracy_Victim

    The One and Only Smackdown Thread (August 26, 2004

    Uh oh. They need Ahnold to lose his next election so HHH can get his rub back. I still like random HHHate.
  16. Conspiracy_Victim

    The One and Only Smackdown Thread (August 26, 2004

    Boy, Oded Fehr really changed his look for Resident Evil.
  17. Conspiracy_Victim

    The One and Only Smackdown Thread (August 26, 2004

    Ummm...okay. Ending on a rollup takes a bit away but still a fun match.
  18. Conspiracy_Victim

    The One and Only Smackdown Thread (August 26, 2004

    I wonder if they're bringing Big Show back as a heel or face? They're not really leaning one way or the other so far. Since it's his big return I'd say face but they keep talking about his "rage" and such.
  19. Conspiracy_Victim

    The One and Only Smackdown Thread (August 26, 2004

    No John no! What would little Johnny(?) think?
  20. Conspiracy_Victim

    The One and Only Smackdown Thread (August 26, 2004

    I want Booker to drop the Houston Hangover on Cena somewhere in this series. I miss it.
  21. Conspiracy_Victim

    The One and Only Smackdown Thread (August 26, 2004

    I miss the days of these buildup promos for wrestlers. They actually made guys like Skinner and Tatanka look worthwhile. Glad to see they brought it back. Although this guy will probably end up as Savio Vega with a 'fro.
  22. Conspiracy_Victim

    The One and Only Smackdown Thread (August 26, 2004

    That promo shot with JBL in the neck brace and the cowboy hat balanced on top cracks me up.
  23. Conspiracy_Victim

    The One and Only Smackdown Thread (August 26, 2004

    Yeah Kidman caught Chavo right on the temple with his knee. Not nice.
  24. Conspiracy_Victim

    The One and Only Smackdown Thread (August 26, 2004

    ECW? What's that? Raven was a champion? I thought the first time he ever stepped into a ring he was Johnny Polo or chipping Moppy. Richards, you mean STEVEN Richards? Defending a major championship? AHAHAHAHA you slay me sometimes Chris.
  25. Conspiracy_Victim

    The One and Only Smackdown Thread (August 26, 2004

    Oooohhhh Chavo.. Hope you took some aspirin before the match.