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Everything posted by Conspiracy_Victim

  1. Conspiracy_Victim

    MGS: The Twin Snakes

    This is all IMO, of course, but I agree with the "Raiden's a whiny bitch" camp. First, he looks like a Final Fantasy reject with his little androgynous look. Then, he's on a top secret mission to save the world, and he's more interested in reflecting on when he met his girlfriend and getting yelled at for forgetting their anniversary! Blah, give me Snake going through the rig whipping everyone's ass with a song in his heart and a pithy comment on his lips and I'll be happy. I want killing machine dammit! And as someone who never played the original MGS (horrors, I know) I found the plot to 2 pretty incomprehensible, especially just about everything after Raiden gets onto the Metal Gear. All in all, the actual gameplay was good enough with a nice mix of styles, but by the end of the game I hated Raiden, wanted Snake and Otacon to be the heroes, and Bishi-boy to end up impaled on a piece of rigging somewhere.
  2. Conspiracy_Victim

    Calling X-Box fanboys

    After paging through this, it sounds more like he hates every game currently out. Actaully, I second the nomination for Crimson Skies. I don't normally like flying games but the controls are great, the cutscenes are good, and the voice acting fits the characters very well (the lead has a definite Bruce Campbell influence going). You want difficult, get Ninja Gaiden. I beat Normal a couple days ago and I was sweating in spots. Some of the boss fights really test your reaction time. Plus the unlockables are pretty fun. Ryu's alternate costume is weird, but you can keep the blue ninja costume he has at the beginning, The plasma saber is fun as well. KotOR, despite your protests, is still worth a purchase. Better inalmost every way the the current dreck being produced by Lucas, it's a load of fun and eats up time. Besides, you can be a Dark Jedi and STILL get the girl! That's entertainment! Buffy is good, although the learning curve is awful high at the beginning. I wasn't a fan of Orta, but I can see why others like it. Then in July comes Fable and hopefully all spare time I have will go away (I REALLY hope it lives up to the hype). Oh yeah, if you don't mind cursing in games, look for a small sports game called Deathrow. Sport of the future type game, the game looks a bit rough but it's still fun. Bad day at work, throw the game in and beat up on some poor schlub. That's all I've got right now. I'm going to see if my freind at Gamespot will let me burn ERRRR borrow MVP Baseball to see if it's any good, as I really want to get a baseball game this year (go Astros).
  3. Conspiracy_Victim

    The OAO Raw Thread, 3/8/04

    Vicky...Yummy! Asstronomical outfit. Well, as enthralling as This is Your Life sounds, I'm going down to the range to hit a couple buckets of balls to get ready for a friend's bachelor party/golf trip to VEGAS baby VEGAS! VCR is recording so I don't miss Blaze, and I'll seeya later.
  4. Conspiracy_Victim

    The OAO Raw Thread, 3/8/04

    Johnny Blaze and Orton could for a tag team called Flame Retardant. You actually made me laugh out loud at that one. +5 overness points for you.
  5. Conspiracy_Victim

    The OAO Raw Thread, 3/8/04

    Spike makes an appearance, and it's not by getting thrown through a wall, table, or other very hard object. I'm impressed.
  6. Conspiracy_Victim

    The OAO Raw Thread, 3/8/04

    I think the real question on everyone's mind is: Where's Johnny Blaze?
  7. Conspiracy_Victim

    The OAO Raw Thread, 3/8/04

    HHH is shooting! etc. etc. I SO wanted Bret Hart to come out and kick his ass after he said "I am the best there is!"
  8. Conspiracy_Victim

    The OAO Raw Thread, 3/8/04

    Did the music guy just miss his cue for HHH? Huh, guess not, it was just a really awkward pause. THERE we go, can't have a night without HHHitler himself.
  9. Conspiracy_Victim

    The OAO Raw Thread, 3/8/04

    SHUT UP SHAWN! FUCK OFF! THIS IS CHRIS' TIME TO SHINE! Ahem, sorry about that.
  10. Conspiracy_Victim

    The OAO Raw Thread, 3/8/04

    Is it safe to say Matt Hardy is now the infamous (in SKieth's jargon, anyway) JTTS?
  11. Conspiracy_Victim

    The OAO Raw Thread, 3/8/04

    Matt likes the wrinkled look and can't keep his weight down..Got it. Matt facts are getting real lame.
  12. Conspiracy_Victim

    The OAO Raw Thread, 3/8/04

    What, did Rosey have to be protected by not even getting in the match?
  13. Conspiracy_Victim

    The OAO Raw Thread, 3/8/04

    And the crowd just can't seem to give a crap about any of this except for Flair.
  14. Conspiracy_Victim

    The OAO Raw Thread, 3/8/04

    Rock and Coach, separated at birth! Good call 'Cane.
  15. Conspiracy_Victim

    The OAO Raw Thread, 3/8/04

    Scorpion King vs. Hamburglar err, Hurricane revisited!
  16. Conspiracy_Victim

    The OAO Raw Thread, 3/8/04

    Now THAT'S an over wrestler. Doesn't need to say a damn word and the crowd chants his name.
  17. Conspiracy_Victim

    The OAO Raw Thread, 3/8/04

    WHO'S THE DRIVER?! Someone call ths Scooby Gang! now THIS is ghey. Wrestlemania pizza?
  18. Conspiracy_Victim

    The OAO Raw Thread, 3/8/04

    Jericho vs. Stevie? I thought Stevie was a face too nowadays?
  19. Conspiracy_Victim

    The OAO Raw Thread, 3/8/04

    The thing is that he really does. So does Angle. the swampy pits of RVD hurts the asthetics of his nicely built ass... Yes, but pre-sweat, RVD's is pretty nice. I'm just going to stare at your picture of Kylie and block out any memory of this conversation.
  20. Conspiracy_Victim

    The OAO Raw Thread, 3/8/04

    They've mixed together RVD's theme and Booker's crappy new music? Oy vey.
  21. Conspiracy_Victim

    The OAO Raw Thread, 3/8/04

    From the Undertaker to a segment sponsored by "Dawn of the Dead". Coincidence? OK probably it is.
  22. Conspiracy_Victim

    The OAO Raw Thread, 3/8/04

    OK so the ring has collapsed, and now it's levitating. A 10,000 pound ring? C'mon those steel steps have gotta weigh a ton each alone.
  23. Conspiracy_Victim

    The OAO Raw Thread, 3/8/04

    It's 'Taker's sign saying "Kane, get ready for me to no-sell you at Wrestlemania."
  24. Conspiracy_Victim

    The OAO Raw Thread, 3/8/04

    Kane with homosexual incestuous necrophilia TONIGHT!
  25. Conspiracy_Victim

    The OAO Raw Thread, 3/8/04

    DRUIDS MOFOS! Ok so it's probably Kane but still, I want Jawa wannabees NOW! Um, did they just cut the opening of RAW for everyone, or just me?