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Everything posted by Conspiracy_Victim

  1. Conspiracy_Victim

    FF X-2 thread

    LaParka: I think the resposes do matter somewhat. I heard a fight sometime later in the game can be easier if you respond in the right way. Plus I do know that there's a bit of a change later on (cosmetic oretty much) in the game if you get on the Ronso's good side enough. Also, I haven't had that much trouble in the Calm Lands. I remember X with the fights every 2 or 3 seconds but it doesn't seem nearly as bad now. The Thunder Plains and the walkways leading up Mt. Gagazet on the other hand are just as annoying to me. Anyway, now that I've finally finished the light side on KOTOR I can go back and finish it. I'm going to blow off the advertising and finding a wife for the dude and just going for it.
  2. Conspiracy_Victim

    The Official MLB Offseason Topic

    Damn. Looking at that article it looks like the Yankees want every day to be an old timers day at the park. BTW for you Yank-me fans do you really believe Pettite will end up in the Astros Mud n' Blood this year? I would've thought that in light of the Schilling trade Georgie would throw everything short of his yacht at AP. Of course it as nice seeing AP and Roger Clemens at today's Texans game in someone's luxury suite. Hmmm...
  3. Conspiracy_Victim

    One and Only NFL Week 13 Thread

    Umm...Go Texans! In case no one noticed Texans beat Falcons 17-13. Vick makes an appearance and looked OK (a bit tentative, but who wouldn't be) and Carr nutted up and led the team to 2 TD's when Banks broke his hand at the end of the 1st half.
  4. Conspiracy_Victim

    28 Dyas Later...

    Well they said near the beginning that before communication was cut off that the virus had been spotted in Paris and New York so either: A) Antidote had been found B) Virus had spread worldwide, leaving only scattered survivors c) Virus had killed its carriers too fast, letting it eventually die out. Given the fact that virus carriers in England were starving to death, I'd have to go with B.
  5. Conspiracy_Victim

    FF X-2 thread

    Actually you can hit 500 pretty easily. As quickly as you can (without getting hit), go to the screen with the two bridges that are in front of the water. Stop so that the 1st bridge is visible on the far right end of your screen. Keep hitting the lockon button and you'll keep locking on the monsters as they approach. For the most part it'll be the 5 shot monster, then the 7 shot, then the 10 shot bird in that order. It'll change eventually since I think the 5 shot monster is a bit faster than the other 2. Anyway, use regular ammo on the 2 dogs then use a death shot on the bird, run up and pick up the ammo, repeat. You shouldn't get hit at all and eventually get to a level 3 chain, which gives you 15 points a kill. Do that up to about the 2:30-2:00 mark then start approaching the end of the level. You should have almost if not over 500 points by the time you reach the end of the road. Change screen, use a death shot on the machina at the end, then haul ass to the beach. I finished with about 650 points with no problem.
  6. Conspiracy_Victim

    Trish heads to Hollywood

    THANK YOU! I knew I had seen him somewhere. Now I remember where. He was the huge guy chasing Jackie around the apartment and balcony, wasn't he? Not exactly Oscar material, but at least he's OK at being big and somewhat menacing.
  7. Conspiracy_Victim

    Trish heads to Hollywood

    I'm impressed they managed to pull almost everyone back from the original MK. Christopher Lambert, Talisa Soto, Robin Shou, even Linden Ashby (didn't they kill Cage at the beginning of MK: Annihilation?). Apart from Bridgette Wilson-Sampras or whatever, the whole gang is back. I'm still not holding out much hope. The first one was good schlock but the second one was utter crap. I'll give it the old "Wait and see".
  8. Conspiracy_Victim

    Heat Thread

    huh...either it was a hairline fracture and Gail just wrestled through it or they did some real creative editing.
  9. Conspiracy_Victim

    Heat Thread

  10. Conspiracy_Victim

    Heat Thread

    looking..looking... Damn Gail bustin' out the old school bow and arrow/surfboard.
  11. Conspiracy_Victim

    One and Only NFL Week 12 Thread

    OK folks I'm still depressed from the Texans game and these 3 PM games here suck so I'm going to go beat something up. Just gotta decide if it's going to be X-2 (yes I know you don't like it, Plunderin) or KOTOR (finally getting through it with a light side character). See everyone later. I'll probably watch Heat just so I can get a grimace out of Gail breaking her collarbone.
  12. Conspiracy_Victim

    One and Only NFL Week 12 Thread

    Mirer the speed demon with the TD run.
  13. Conspiracy_Victim

    Who here has FFXI?

    Bah I ALWAYS make a ranger first. Gonna suck to have to do a quest before I can create one. I might get it, but might not. It seems to be a fun online version of FF but I played EQ for a year and after a while I just didn't have fun with it. Mainly spending an hour running from territory to territory trying to find a group. Yes I know that's part of a MMORPG's charm, but I just seem to do better on my own. I'll give it my standard "We'll see".
  14. Conspiracy_Victim

    One and Only NFL Week 12 Thread

    Yep no matter how bad they are, count on Oakland to start shit with KC.
  15. Conspiracy_Victim

    One and Only NFL Week 12 Thread

    I'm trying to figure out what the Texans are going to do with the draft, because this game showed the holes they have in the D. Either a space eating D-Lineman (Tommie Harris, come on down!), a big cover corner (Chris Gamble, how you doin'?) or a big fast safety (I'm looking at YOU, Sean Taylor!) With a possible top 10 pick depending on how the season goes, any of those positions will be available with a talented player. Well, so much for that ATL lead.
  16. Conspiracy_Victim

    FF X-2 thread

    Hmm..don't think I've gotten the Bum Rush grid yet.. Protection of Halo eh? Actually I think Yuna is on that one I'll probably go ahead and switch Rikku over and give it a shot. BTW If I never have to calibrate a damn lightning tower again it'll be too soon.
  17. Conspiracy_Victim

    One and Only NFL Week 12 Thread

    Yep. Moved from Alaska to Houston when I was 2. How's that for culture shock? what kind of work did your parents do in order for you to move that far, military? Nah good guess though. My dad did computer work for the state government then moved to Houston during the big hi-tech boom that hit town in the late 70's early 80's. Plus my mom's family was down here. BTW to all Mass. people who were offended by my crass generalization I apologize. Even you Plunderin . I was sensitive following the loss and needed to be held and stroked gently while I cried myself to sleep. I take my football SERIOUSLY dammit! Military/Government...pretty much the same thing I take my football seriously too so when ya hit me with the smack talk I just let it roll off. Real sports fans get emotional, if they don't they shouldn't follow it. Good attitude. You'd be surprised how many arguments I've been involved with over the net that degenerate into "Fuck you!" "No, fuck YOU!". I've learned to eventually follow up with stuff like that apology just so I can slide by all the bullshit. I salute you.
  18. Conspiracy_Victim

    One and Only NFL Week 12 Thread

    Yep. Moved from Alaska to Houston when I was 2. How's that for culture shock? what kind of work did your parents do in order for you to move that far, military? Nah good guess though. My dad did computer work for the state government then moved to Houston during the big hi-tech boom that hit town in the late 70's early 80's. Plus my mom's family was down here. BTW to all Mass. people who were offended by my crass generalization I apologize. Even you Plunderin . I was sensitive following the loss and needed to be held and stroked gently while I cried myself to sleep. I take my football SERIOUSLY dammit!
  19. Conspiracy_Victim

    One and Only NFL Week 12 Thread

    Yep. Moved from Alaska to Houston when I was 2. How's that for culture shock?
  20. Conspiracy_Victim

    One and Only NFL Week 12 Thread

    You forgot about the child molesting priests Oh yeah thanks. I'll remember that one. *files away for further use*
  21. Conspiracy_Victim

    One and Only NFL Week 12 Thread

    I will however give a hearty "no, fuck you" to you from a Houstonian who has never ridden a bull. And I didn't even ride a horse to school or use an outhouse either you ignorant prick. Now go pahk you cah in Hahvahd Yahd and have some more chowdah. There, did I get all the stupid assumptions about Bostonians out of the way?
  22. Conspiracy_Victim

    One and Only NFL Week 12 Thread

    BULLLLLLSHIT! BULLLLLSHIT! I don't often do this, whether playing or not, but the refs screwed the Texans with that holding call. Of course, this game shouldn't have gone to OT in the 1st place so I'm not going to bitch too much. Lack of DL depth and no offensive ability cost the Texans big.
  23. Conspiracy_Victim

    One and Only NFL Week 12 Thread

    Jesus no pass rush this drive. Brady's doing a 7 on 7 drill. Well nice game cartman congrats but the refs handed you guys this one with the second holding call.
  24. Conspiracy_Victim

    One and Only NFL Week 12 Thread

    What the FUCK are the refs doing calling this shit in OT! That's a huge load of crap!
  25. Conspiracy_Victim

    One and Only NFL Week 12 Thread

    Dammit Chris Palmer's playcalling is pissing me off. He's done this all season with horrible play selection and trying to force what isn't there.