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Everything posted by Conspiracy_Victim

  1. Conspiracy_Victim

    The One And Only WWE RAW 7-14-03 Thread

    RVD is INTENSE~! He and Kane are going to finish a bowl next week! Wait, that's not it...
  2. Conspiracy_Victim

    The One And Only WWE RAW 7-14-03 Thread

    Well that match was a huge stinking pile of bullshit.
  3. Conspiracy_Victim

    The One And Only WWE RAW 7-14-03 Thread

    So Orton and Flair get eliminated then HHH pins all 3 Dudleys by himself....at once...on one leg...while drinking a Coke and calling Steph on the phone.
  4. Conspiracy_Victim

    The One And Only WWE RAW 7-14-03 Thread

    I feel a sudden urge to start reciting the Monty Python "Crunchy Frog" sketch now.
  5. Conspiracy_Victim

    The One And Only WWE RAW 7-14-03 Thread

    The bad guy in SWAT sounds like a member of La Resistance. "Wahn Hahndred MEEELLION Dawllars!"
  6. Conspiracy_Victim

    The One And Only WWE RAW 7-14-03 Thread

    I weep for the live audience that has to sit through this crap.
  7. Conspiracy_Victim

    The One And Only WWE RAW 7-14-03 Thread

    I'm getting a definite JR/Mankind feel to this Kane interview. Oh goody the (pseudo)Fruity Frenchies!
  8. Conspiracy_Victim

    The One And Only WWE RAW 7-14-03 Thread

    "The crowd wants nonstop action nowadays" So THAT's why I think HHH sucks! By the way, why is the WWE training people to chant "boring" when they're trying to create a slower style? Wouldn't that be couterproductive?
  9. Conspiracy_Victim

    The One And Only WWE RAW 7-14-03 Thread

    Numerous people actually I believe. Interesting point though. Oh goody look at Storm get over big time! Man the crowd loves him!
  10. Conspiracy_Victim

    The One And Only WWE RAW 7-14-03 Thread

    All those surprised that Stevie jobbed please say "ME" now. *listens to crickets chirping* Yeah me neither.
  11. Conspiracy_Victim

    The One And Only WWE RAW 7-14-03 Thread

    Trish needs to bend over backwards more often. Make me feel happy. OK call me crazy but I kinda like Test the misogynist prick. I don't know why, it just seems to suit him.
  12. Conspiracy_Victim

    The One And Only WWE RAW 7-14-03 Thread

    Kevin Nash and Trish teaming up? Damn how's Trish going to drag him to anything watchable? OH God and Scotty Steroid? Trish must've REALLY pissed off the brass with that interview.
  13. Conspiracy_Victim

    The One And Only WWE RAW 7-14-03 Thread

    Hmmm Evolution vs. Dudleys. Well, since it's a tag match HHH can job to someone who's not a threat to him.
  14. Conspiracy_Victim

    The One And Only WWE RAW 7-14-03 Thread

    Woo let's let Austin beat up on Jericho! Jericho needs the rub after all. /HHH thinking off
  15. Conspiracy_Victim

    The One And Only WWE RAW 7-14-03 Thread

    Damn, I was hoping Austin would have a neckbrace too. He'd look like a roll-on deoderant.
  16. Conspiracy_Victim

    The One And Only WWE RAW 7-14-03 Thread

    Roll the tape monkeys! I still mark for the extremely expensive Jeritron 5000.
  17. Conspiracy_Victim

    The One And Only WWE RAW 7-14-03 Thread

    Bah HHH will hobble out on crutches, pose, spit water, then beat Booker T and RVD with Pedigrees while still on crutches. Until they get the belt of HHH and stop making RAW the "HHH Variety Show" I watch the show with the same morbid interest that I look at a car wreck. Here's hoping Molly and Gail can put on a decent match, and the bookers get out of the bar on time with the cocktail napkins that have tonight's show on them intact.
  18. Conspiracy_Victim

    Spider-Man: The Animated Series

    Yeah that was by far the best Spider-Man. Of course, that's not saying much considering the competition. Just out of curiosity, how did that series end? I seem to remember the alternate universe Spideys and Stan Lee's cameo. Either that or when the superheros (Spidey, Black Cat, Iron Man, Capt. America, Fantastic Four) battle the supervillains (Lizard, Dr. Doom, Doc Oc, and... someone else) on that alien planet.
  19. Conspiracy_Victim

    The One and Only Velocidential Thread

    Well Gail's little story showed that she CAN wrestle. Unfortunately it looks like she's most at ease with a lucha libre style, which is verboten in the WWE since it might be, you know, ENTERTAINING! Impressive training videos, what with her busting out stuff like the Infrared. She needs to get more comfortable talking in front of a camera though. She talked like she was scared the interviewer was going to yell at her or something.
  20. Conspiracy_Victim

    Your Most Hated Enemies

    The last guy? Yeah he was a jackass I remember him. Surprisingly enough, the "hero" of the story had the toughtest time with him. The hero's special moves were all so pussified that I was sweating like crazy the time I beat him. Not only that but he was the last of the 3 to beat him and so I had to knock him out three times instead of twice. With the big guy, I just kept picking him up, slinging him around, and throwing him across the screen. The guy with all the tats actually had it the easiest, he had that high/low axe kick combo and that tornado spinning kick that owned him. Fun game and some fun little extras, but it was still real dissappointing overall.
  21. Conspiracy_Victim

    Spider-Man: The Animated Series

    I caught the end of one of the episodes last night. I liked the animation, although I don't know the technical term for it (kind of an ultra cel-shade or something). Doogie is a pretty good Pete, and I also like Lisa Loeb as MJ. Gonna try to catch em both this weekend.
  22. Conspiracy_Victim

    Fox show Keen Eddie

    Well if (and since it's FOX, this is a big IF) it lasts into the fall you'll be able to watch it unimpeded since Smallville is moving to run back to back with Angel last I heard. As to the show I love it. Eddie's little fantasies about Miss Moneypenny are great ("What's your position on this, Miss Moneypenny?""On all fours..." *spaced out Eddie*) and Sienna Miller is a nice piece of eye candy. I hope it lasts longer than a summer replacement show usually does.
  23. Conspiracy_Victim

    PCU on DVD!

    Thank you! My old VHS copy I recorded off of Cinemax about 4 or 5 years ago is getting kind of worn. Sucks there's like no extras though. I'd love to hear Piven, Favreau, and/or Spade giving their memories of the movie.
  24. Conspiracy_Victim

    Backyard Wrestling Screenshots

    Great minds think alike man. You think making a Ken Keniff character, making his finisher the Bronco Buster and beating ICP with him is too much? Who the hell cares what he thinks? *I* think you suck. Go run to your sharp metallic objects now. M Well, at least you live up to your member title. BTW last time I checked *I* didn't give a shit about what *you* think. Go stick your finger in another socket, your shock therapy is wearing off. Wow, that's all it took to piss you off. I rule. M No I'm not angry. I'm bemused that someone I don't know would try to make a judgement based upon something posted on a message board. How pathetic.
  25. Conspiracy_Victim

    Backyard Wrestling Screenshots

    Yo mama so fat when she fell down and broke her leg, gravy came out! Yo mama so stupid she got fired from the M&M factory for throwing away the W's! Yo mama so fat that when she wears yellow and black people think she's a cab! There's the oldies but goodies. Acceptable MrRant? Or do I have to keep dredging up this stuff?