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Everything posted by Conspiracy_Victim

  1. Conspiracy_Victim

    Backyard Wrestling Screenshots

    Great minds think alike man. You think making a Ken Keniff character, making his finisher the Bronco Buster and beating ICP with him is too much? Who the hell cares what he thinks? *I* think you suck. Go run to your sharp metallic objects now. M Well, at least you live up to your member title. BTW last time I checked *I* didn't give a shit about what *you* think. Go stick your finger in another socket, your shock therapy is wearing off.
  2. Conspiracy_Victim

    NCAA Football 2004 Hands-On

    Well for those of us who haven't fallen into the Bill Gates Cult of Home Gaming (yes, I'm j/k) it's a bit more difficult. I'm leery for some reason about sending off a memory card to some guy I've never met and hope he sends me my card back, and not some corrupted piece of crap. Oh well I just want to see what my friend's rating is anyway (Univ. of Louisiana-Monroe, probably still listed as a C although he's moving to RG, #51). He was rated pretty well last season IIRC, so I want to see how he looks this season.
  3. Conspiracy_Victim

    Backyard Wrestling Screenshots

    Great minds think alike man. You think making a Ken Keniff character, making his finisher the Bronco Buster and beating ICP with him is too much?
  4. Conspiracy_Victim

    Backyard Wrestling Screenshots

    Can you create a wrestler? I'd make an Eminem and kick both the ICP's asses before putting them through flaming thumbtack covered tables.
  5. Conspiracy_Victim

    C&C Generals fans unite!

    Sounds pretty cool with the new units and all. Plus the Advance War-ish ability to use new armies as you beat them (ok not QUITE like AW but close enough). First press release here .
  6. Conspiracy_Victim

    NCAA Football 2004 Hands-On

    Yeah DVDs and games usually come out on Tuesdays for some reason. I guess so everyone can get their weekend shipments on Saturday or Monday and get everything set up (shelf space, signs, advertisements, etc.). Still too far away though *kicks things around impatiently and goes to look at more screenshots*. BTW Phoenix, how long does it take you to enter all the rosters? Man for 165 teams and 54 per roster that's gotta take a shitload of time for guys that'll probably graduate in a year or 2 or turn pro early. I guess it is better than seeing "WR #4" and shit like that on jerseys.
  7. Conspiracy_Victim

    NCAA Football 2004 Hands-On

    Eh I don't think that'll be a problem. It looks kickass but there probably won't be a huge widespread demand for it. With other games in the genre to split the demand, I imagine the bigger chains (Best Buy, Target, Wal-Mart, etc.) will have enough to make everyone happy. Only the smaller chains like GameStop might have trouble meeting demand.
  8. Conspiracy_Victim

    NCAA Football 2004 Hands-On

    Good Lord I still can't wait. The new GameInformer had a release date of July 1 so I put down my preorder at the local Game Stop. Then I check around and saw that they pushed it back to the 18th. One very unhappy Victim here. Plus when I put my preorder down I sold my 2003 so I can't even go kicking around teams while I'm waiting. I just hope Arc the Lad holds me over but it doesn't look like it's going to. I'm pretty sure I'm heading toward the big finish. Calendar is moving soooooo slowwww. I check this topic every once in a while just to see the pretty pictures *drools a bit*.
  9. Conspiracy_Victim

    What game have you played last?

    Another Arc the Lad player here. As an RPG fan I like it. Yeah it's kind of cliched in parts but it's very well told. Plus the split storylines are a good addition. Finally, the battle system does a good job of mixing strategic elements. I'd go 8.5-9/10.
  10. Conspiracy_Victim

    Comedy Central

    Well according to TV Guide the movie is "uncut and unedited" so we'll see. They make sure to point out that it is a late showing so I'm kinda thinking CC is trying to get away with it.
  11. Conspiracy_Victim

    Comedy Central

    *edited for your protection* Damn slow board.
  12. Conspiracy_Victim

    I know this topic has been done 50,000 times

    Embarassed himself on nation TV week after week? Oops never mind. Yeah Rico kicked all sorts of ass on AG. He deserves better than Jackie Gay-DUH and a horrible gay gimmick. And yeah, Ivory is one dayum hot MILF.
  13. Conspiracy_Victim

    NCAA Football 2004 Hands-On

    I can't wait to take one of my area teams (University of Houston or better yet, Sam Houston St. if it's in) and tear someone like Univ. of Texas a new asshole at home. Crowd yells "Over-rated", chaos ensues at the final gun, my coaching reputation goes up another star. Ahhh, glorious. I hope they don't tweak the recruiting too much. It was actually my favorite part of the game. Although I wish they did have larger rosters. Getting a class of 17 5* athletes then having to cut half a dozen of them because there's no room sucks.
  14. Conspiracy_Victim

    DVD Releases

    Bah. All DVD's pale in comparison to the Battlestar Galactica set coming out in late October. Bow down to Adama! Starbuck > everyone I've said my piece I guess.
  15. Conspiracy_Victim

    more ep 3 stuff

    Just to fill in a bit of starvenger's post, Han was a junior officer on his first tour of duty in the Imperial Navy and stopped his commanding officer who was going to shoot Chewbacca after he tried to make a break from a slave detail. He got drummed out of the Navy, lost everything, and eventually became a smuggler for Jabba. I'm such a dork.
  16. Conspiracy_Victim

    New tag team?

    You mean the one that looked either a) the bad guys from Dark City or b) a Goth version of "Powder"? Yeah. Didn't he wrestle in it like 2 or 3 times then went back to being Dusty's baby boy? From there he joined the West Texas Rednecks or something, who knows, who cares.
  17. Conspiracy_Victim

    Steph and HHH wedding registry

    5" boning knife. So that's Little Hunter's nickname? With all the steroids ERRR working out Terra's done I think he's probably exaggerating though.
  18. Conspiracy_Victim

    Triple H v.s. RVD

    Dear Vincent Kennedy McMahon, I know you and your employees paint internet fans, such as myself, as the scourge of wrestling, and possibly even civilization itself. However, I would like to make one final attempt to save you from yourself in regards to tonight's episode of RAW. Tonight I saw HHH wrestle RVD in the main event. I didn't see any of the RAW previous to the main event, and didn't even know who HHH was wrestling before the entrance. During the match, RVD hit a variety of moves on HHH in an attempt to portray the "back and forth" action popular in wrestling. However, at NO TIME during the night did I EVER think RVD would beat HHH. In fact, unless it's a tag match, I NEVER think HHH will lose. And worse yet, judging by the crowd's reaction up until the DQ rule was lifted, no one in the arean thought RVD would win either! A champion is supposed to be constantly on guard for challengers who are a threat to his title. And yet RAW has rapidly become "HHH and some other guys" with no signs of a reversal. Mr. McMahon I beg you to please realize that HHH as champ has run it's course, at least for now. Buyrates stink, ratings have fallen, and fan interest seems to be on the wane. Now is the time to build someone else up. I've seen you do it before, and I have faith that you can do it again. Have HHH drop the title and give SOMEONE a chance to succeed. Sincerely, Conspiracy Victim OK so it's not the greatest in regards to grammar, but this popped into my head immediately after the ending of RAW tonight.
  19. Conspiracy_Victim

    Tough Games

    For you G n' G fans don't forget Maximo. It's not quite as hard, but it's still rather difficult. Those *insert cursing noises here* platforming elements where you had to land EVERY jump EVERY time the FIRST time nearly drove me to breaking my controller more than once.
  20. Conspiracy_Victim

    Eternal Darkness the Movie/TV Show..

    Yeah it should be a movie. the sanity effects being in the movie would be great. Imagine blood running down the movie screen, or pictures turning to watch the actors. I'll admit that I don't get scared or suprised very often but Spoiler (Highlight to Read): when you first go into the bathroom and seen your corpse lying in the bathtub full of blood definitely made me jump out of my chair.
  21. Conspiracy_Victim

    Soul Calibur II: Which version? What of endings?

    Heihachi = bitch slapped in a weapons based fighting game. Therefore, I've preordered the GC version. Kinda interested in what the art book is going to look like, the small lithograph I got when I preordered it is pretty good.
  22. Conspiracy_Victim

    Star Wars: Ep. III tidbit

    Bah. Anakin gives in to the Dark side by killing Dooku and becoming Palpatine's new Sith lord. Starts killing off Jedi. Has great big fight with Mace Windu, killing him off after they tear apart most of a small planetoid. Obi Wan tries to turn him back or stop him, ends up tossing him in lava or whatever it was that scarred him (memory's a bit hazy). Yoda flees to Degobah to await "The Jedi's Rebirth" or some such mystical sounding nonsense. Anakin is saved by Palapatine and given the black armor pimp suit. Movie ends with Obi taking baby Luke to Tatooine and Bail jetting off to Alderaan with baby Leia while Amidala cries (since apparently she doesn't die in the end, despite Leia's assertion that her mother died when she was very young in ROTJ). That's just how I'd do it, anyway.
  23. Conspiracy_Victim

    OFFICIAL~! Release Date For FFX-2

    Yeha DC 2 was a good one (finally got through chapter 8, what a pain). As a guy, I'm still looking forward to X-2. The only FF's I've played are VIII and X and I liked both of them personally. Yes the junction system sucked and yes blitzball got tedious as hell after a while but I felt the production values enhanced the games, not just covered up any mistakes that might have been made. BTW for all you DC2 fans I read that production on the next one has already started. It's actually being tentatively titled "Dark Cloud 3.5" because they plan on it being so much more enhanced than the typical sequel. We'll see.
  24. Conspiracy_Victim

    SD! spoilers!

    1) Orlando Jones? Hmm, I've heard things about him, who follows the minors/indys and can tell me about him? Since he got pinned I'm assumming he's not a hoss. 2) Oh goody Noble and Nidia get to play Beverly Hillbillies. This oughta be GREAT! /sarcasm off 3) Ulitmo and the lil' MF'er? Well, at least we know Moore will bump like a superball for him. Hope it got some time. I'm also dubious about they're latest apparent attempt to inject the Greasy Little Twink with a personality, whatever it might be. 4) Hogan jobs! Hogan jobs! And it leads to....Stephie and Zach vs. Big Show? Dear lord let's hope Big show pulls an Undertaker on Steph (chokeslam her through the mat BAH GAWD!)
  25. Conspiracy_Victim

    OFFICIAL~! Release Date For FFX-2

    OK nice to see that date be confirmed as official. Now that I finished Dark Cloud 2 and I don't know if I'll EVER wade my way through Xenosaga, I need another good RPG. I suppose I can wait another 4 1/2 months.