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Everything posted by Conspiracy_Victim

  1. Conspiracy_Victim

    The One and Only Raw Thread

    Holy Shit they're trying for continuity! And Shawn's entire contribution to the promo is parroting Booker T. That's why he's the best folks!
  2. Conspiracy_Victim

    The One and Only Raw Thread

    Why do I have the horrifying thought that there's going to be a Mack/Steiner confrontation sometime soon? I do like the White Boy Challenge though LOL. Edit: I thought it was Nova at first to, but he's too big and his hair is too long. Damn Coach is calling out Peanuthead!
  3. Conspiracy_Victim

    The One and Only Raw Thread

    Time to BACK THE MACK! Lemme holla at ya playa!
  4. Conspiracy_Victim

    The One and Only Raw Thread

    HURRI-SLAM! HURRI-SLAM! Well that was an interesting way to end it. Setting up Hurricane/Flair for Backlash? That oughta be an..interesting..clash of styles.
  5. Conspiracy_Victim

    The One and Only Raw Thread

    Jericho with the psychology. Didn't know they taught stuff like that anymore.
  6. Conspiracy_Victim

    The One and Only Raw Thread

    Uh oh Hurricane is getting over! Have him curtain jerk STAT! Man main event one week and open the next. The fickle finger of HHH ERRR Fate. /HHHate mode continues
  7. Conspiracy_Victim

    The One and Only Raw Thread

    RAW! Brought to you tonight with 50% more pyro! Man Coach is making me miss JR, and that's saying something. Damn I forgot Rock gets to go Jeff Jarrett on Goldberg tonight. And Y2J jerks the curtain. Man, are they going to put him up against RVD just to establish the pecking order?
  8. Conspiracy_Victim

    The One and Only Raw Thread

    Man Ric looks like he wants to belt Eric. What a great actor.
  9. Conspiracy_Victim

    The One and Only Raw Thread

    Here it comes....oh the agony. Of waiting! I mean of waiting!!
  10. Conspiracy_Victim

    The One and Only Raw Thread

    Hey no problem Rando I would've said it but I didn't want to get yelled at LOL. And the only match I can find is Booker v. Terra Ryzing.
  11. Conspiracy_Victim

    The One and Only Raw Thread

    Yeah that's true Rando I made the mistake of trying to be somewhat logical. I forgot this is RAW we're talking about. I'm surprised Booker isn't HHH's house boy by now.
  12. Conspiracy_Victim

    Does HHH really deserve the scrutiny?

    Well, HHH has: a) Gotten involved with the owner's daughter and by all reports parlayed it into his own gain. b) Refused to drop the belt when it seems the best for the company. c) Gotten more camera time than just about anyone else in the company to no gain. d) Reportedly refused to put over anyone else and at times has made them look bad in the ring (see kicking out of finishers/XIX pin). e) He was awarded a title after deeming the IC belt "below" him and consolidated all other singles titles so there's nothing else for anyone to go for. f) The only time in the past 7 months he's lost the belt is to a friend of his who can't compete on a full time basis, and then won it back the very next month. I admit, I liked HHH pre-quad and enjoyed watching him work. Since his return, however, I've found him annoying (not in a heel way either, just in general), a poor worker, and generally a pain in the ass. Just IMO.
  13. Conspiracy_Victim

    The One and Only Raw Thread

    Well I'm going with Booker loses. After spending the whole RAW complaining about how Nash layed him out last week, HBK tells Booker that it was all a msitake and Nash has his back. During the match Flair interferes, Nash goes after Ric. Ref distracted HHH cheats to win. So now we get HHH as champ (still), HBK as the peacemaker, Nash as the wrongfully accused face, and Booker comes off as a whiny loser. Barring a Kilq beatdown of Book, that's the worst way I could come up with that they could bury Booker and coming off clean.
  14. Conspiracy_Victim

    Massive Buffy Finale Spoilers

    OK I had to look and I must say that although it all seems to be a fitting end to the series that I am...displeased... by how some characters turn out. All I can say is that the postscript had BETTER be added somehwere down the line.
  15. Conspiracy_Victim

    One & Only Velocidential thread

    Kanyon wuz robbed! Rhyno's not bettuh than Kanyon! Although yeah that was a helluva response for Rhyno. Dude looks like he's trying to go 100 MPH and the fans like it.
  16. Conspiracy_Victim

    One & Only Velocidential thread

    So Jackie Gayda's going to play the 104 year old Tibetan monk? Or is Jackie going to be the guy who is better than Kanyon?
  17. Conspiracy_Victim

    One & Only Velocidential thread

    You know watching the Cena vs. Benoit and the recap of the tourney, all I can ask is: Would it have KILLED Taker to put Cena over clean? I mean, Benoit is widely regarded as one of the best technical wrestlers in the world and Cena goes over clean. Taker is a 40 year old guy with a bum elbow (among other things) and has to get beaten down by 3 guys AFTER dominating the entire match for Cena to win. Something ain't right.
  18. Conspiracy_Victim

    One & Only Velocidential thread

    Wow..so that's where Dawn Marie's been for the past 4 months..at a photo shoot.
  19. Conspiracy_Victim

    One & Only Velocidential thread

    Next match... WHO BEDDUH THAN KANYON?
  20. Conspiracy_Victim

    One & Only Velocidential thread

    Shannon Moore getting some promo time kinda! Woo hoo! So if Moore's an MF'er amd Crash is a Moore-on...Jobber squad in da HOUSE! Oh man Hogan reincarnating Dusty's masked character (Midnight Rider? Something like that...) is going to suck Chef's chocolate salty balls. I'd almost rather have Flexy Lexy be Mr. America.
  21. Conspiracy_Victim

    Didn't really know where to put this...

    Apparently it will soon. Complete with Guile himself, Jean Claude Van Dammit.
  22. I've actually been reading about Bubba Ho-Tep for a while and have been wanting it to get a studio release. People who saw the screening in Vegas claimed there are some absolutely hilarious moments in the movie and that it is surprisingly good. Here's hoping.
  23. Conspiracy_Victim

    Matrix Reloaded

    OK I haven't seen it anywhere in the folder so I just thought I'd post that the final theatrical trailer for Matrix: Reloaded is up here . Man I can't wait! It looks like the Wachowski brothers get serious with the CG and martial arts in this one.
  24. Conspiracy_Victim

    Return of the Jedi

    That's pretty much where I stand. I think they're just trying to create a sense of being in a living, developing universe (yes there's the money to be made too, but that's the pessimist in me). Continuing the story line in both directions is simply a way to flesh out characters and events mentioned in the movies, and create a logical progrssion of the story.
  25. Conspiracy_Victim

    What would it take for the United States...

    I'm not naive and jingoistic enough to believe that there's no chance of a fall. That being said, I think if you truly believe in the goodness of this country's ideals you have to believe they will prevail. The real patriot will look at our Constitution (the shortest and longest-standing, btw) as being set up to prevent a collapse. And they will fight for it when/if it comes under attack. Questioning my patriotism aside, what world power has existed forever? Rome? Overextended, brought in divisive racial and ethnic groups, fell to outside invasion? Britain? Their colonialism fell apart all over the world. Spain? Beaten back by England and France. It's a historical fact. Outside influences when combined with a variety of internal factors (economic, political, social etc.) result in a society's decline. I'm not saying we're going to end up a third world country or anything, just that we might eventually "fall back" a bit to the rest of the pack.