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Everything posted by Conspiracy_Victim
Sorry but this line just made me laugh for some reason.
Details on the Goldberg signing, Ultimo Dragon
Conspiracy_Victim replied to a topic in The WWE Folder
Goldberg elicits nothing more than a huge "EH" from me. The guys hasn't been on TV in years, is sloppy, and prone to injuring either himself or others. His apparent prima donna "I'll work when I want with whom I want" is going to wear thin on the locker room REAL quick. For nothing else it should make for interesting behind the scenes news. Can you imagine production meetings where Vince and company first broach the topic of Goldberg over HHH? I don't know who'd loose their cool first, Vince HHH, or Steph. P.S.-I read on the first page that a sig is needed to show you're in it for the long haul. Que? Anyone want to help me come up with a catchy banner? Yuna, anyone? PLEASE? -
Well, we're certainly showing we're ready to kick the crap out of 1991 Iraq.
Conspiracy_Victim replied to a topic in The WWE Folder
No it isn't Bored. I myself love Deano Machino in my own manly, not that there's anything wrong with that, sorta way. I would gladly strap myself to a chair and watch "The Best of Test & Albert" on Betamax if he asked me to. And, as the ultimate show of devotion, I would listen to Barbara Steisand on his request. -
Marvin, if he wanders(ed) inton a Tomahawk it wouldn't be considered an assasination. The Executive Order banning the killing of world leaders only distinguishes peacetime activity. Hussein, besides being the political leader of Iraq, is also the military leader. That makes him a perfectly legitimate target in case of conflict. Otherwise GWB wouldn't have gone for the one hit knockout Wednesday night. as for Caliban, I doubt we would be voluntarily hitting anything BUT legitimate targets. Our world image has already taken a beating because of the pissing contest with France in the UN. The last thing we'd need is TV images of little old ladies and children being pulled out of rubble all over Baghdad. Unless one of the missles/bombs GPS locators go on the fritz and they go wild, I would imagine that our targets are mostly bunkers, palaces, command and communication sites, and governmental buildings.
The really scary part is that this is a CONTROLLED fury, not blind bomb dropping. We've hit his palaces while avoiding residential areas next door. Power plants have been left untouched so the residents are able to have lights. The way we as a military system are able to deliver such destruction in such a controlled way is amazing.
I can't believe Amanda Bynes is going to be in a comedy with Colin Firth! Poor Colin must've been hard up for a paycheck before Bridget Jones 2 starts up. As for Frankie, the dude should get what he can while he can so he doesn't end up like other child stars (see Lewis, Emmanuel and Coleman, Gary). More power to him.
Never played it, but I will admit that the game (Deulist of the Roses) sounds and looks intriguing. I'm an old man and still watch the cartoon even. Hey, I was raised in the days of classic GI Joe, Transformers, Robotech, and such. /defensive tone off
Well Zelda in particular and their game library in general. Yes I know they have the Resident Evil series now and they have made strides, but Nintendo has always seemed to want to appeal more to the younger gamers. Just my opinion.
Yeah they changed it (IIRC) to green blood in later versions of the OOT. They also took out some chanting that was allegedly Muslim sounding. Nintendo doesn't seem to realize that you don't need to be PC all the time. Of course, they still seem to be going for the 10-16 demographic, so I suppose they're just making sure they don't offend the parents.
Yeah that's why the Texans (or anyone else) won't make a move most likely. He's one of the best in the game and all, but $24 million just for the SIGNING BONUS? And his contract demands are about 7/$49 million. Give me a break. The day an OL gets that is the day the salary cap hit $150 million. Can you imagine if he gets that and something happens (like he blows out a knee) and has to retire? The team then has to either keep him on the roster the REST of the contract, or cut him and have the entire bonus taking up cap room the next year. That kind of thing would get a GM fired.
I've got my order in on Amazon, which means that they'll run out and I'll be screwed. I debated buying it for too long, everywhere I checked was out of the bonus disks.
Mina looks like a female Kilik. Great. Damn I hate that guy. My friend who had SC I for his old Dreamcast got so good with Kilik thathe could just do that jumping staff throw and hit you with it. That plus his two level sidestep thrust were almost unblockable, since you couldn't really tell where he was hitting you. Pain in the ass. Still debating which version to get. PS2 controller is more suited for the game, but 'Cube has Link. May just get the 'Cube version and a controller adapter.
I know I got my copy. I didn't really get into the show until about season 7 so I never knew about the movie until I saw it in Blockbuster one night. Rented it, watched it, laughed my ass off at it. The only really bad thing was that it was cut the same length as the TV show (minus commercials). They should have had all of This Island Earth and just made it closer to 2 hours. However, I bought the DVD and enjoy it to this day.
For whomever has the Texans (sorry I've forgotten) a couple quick notes from someone who's been reading up on them as he can. A) Kinda out there, but Orlando Pace looks like he wants out of St. Louis in the worst way And the Rams may be looking into getting Turley as a replacement. Texans are one of the few teams with cap space and plenty of picks. I doubt anything will happen (despite Carr getting beaten like the proverbial red headed stepchild), but it might get interesting as the draft gets closer and assuming this isn't a big smokescreen by the Rams or Pace. B) Should they keep their pick and looking at their off season losses, IMHO opinion the Texans may be looking more and more at Terrell Suggs. His pro day is the 26th I believe and that will tell us more, but Capers is a defense first kinda coach. Andre Johnson might fill the offensive playmaker need they have, but his less than glowing scouting reports (average hands, routes are questionable) might be a bit scary for a #3 pick. Still, those would be my 2 choices since Rogers is all but being fitted for a Lions jersey.
OK here's my take on the events while rewatching the tape *channels Oliver Stone*: The switch happened during Brock's entrance. The commentators mention the black eye Kurt has on his way down to the ring, they cut to a fairly close up, it's Kurt. Kurt enters the ring and does his spin and the hood falls down. Kurt put the hood back up and knelt in the corner until Brock's entrance started. Lights go down, Kurt and Eric (under the ring) switch. Brock comes in, beats up the hooded wrestler (Eric), F-5, goes for the pin and sees it's Eric. He then looks outside to find Kurt (thinking that he's going to try to jump him in the ring) and sees Team Angle. He goes to run off T & A 2003 and Kurt (under the ring) and Eric switch again. Brock re-enters the ring, rollup, seeya at Mania thanks for the pseudo-screwjob. Tazz and Mitchell even say "That WAS Kurt coming down to the ring" after the match. Anyway, I'm almost positive that was what happened, barring any editing by Mr. Dunn and his crew.
Well, according to the hometown Chronicle, Steve Francis was telling the refs that Miller was violating the foul line rule and NOT neccessarily with his feet. The rule, if I'm not mistaken (I'm sure if I am I'll be corrected, I don't know the rule book by heart), states that ANY part of the shooter's body passing the foul line before the shot hits the rim is a violation. Miller was clearly leaning well over the line on the first. On the second it looked like he was consciously making sure he was standing straight and he, of course, clangs it off the front of the rim. Just my opinion that it was the correct call to make, but a very strange time to make it. And it wasn't even the first time the Clips got called for it, IIRC.
Well, I'm still not convinced that it's Cordy. Maybe the First's little sister (The Second?) or something. If it IS Cordy, Joss has some 'splaining to do and it better be a good one. As for tonight, Faith continues her ass kicking goodness (man she kicked the everloving crap outta Angelus) and there was even some humor besides Lorne to keep it somewhat light hearted ("Did I mention I have Tourette's?"). Plus, Wesley continues to rule the whole Angel universe. It's hard to believe the transition Wes has made from his first appearance as the prissy Watcher wannabe. I'm eagerly anticipating the crossover with Glenda the Good Witch showing up in LA next week.
Well I actually have two, both alter on in the series (I only watched the last 3 seasons or so). Parts: The Clonus Horror and Time Chasers. Two awful, AWFUL movies that Mike and the bots gleefully tear to shreds.
A mark out moment for me was actually when I was just watching a game. A friend was playing X-Men for Genesis I believe and he came to a point where you had to shutdown a timer and the only clue was that "you had to reset the computer system". So, I'm sitting there trying to figure it out with the clock ticking away and my friend actually turns off his friggin system! Being rather late into the game I freak out but he just turns the system back on and the game picks up right where it left off. Up until that point I didn't even know games could interact with your system like that. There was also...hmm..let's see: Psycho Mantis fight in MGS Snake jumping in after Ray in MGS2 KOS-MOS reveals her inner ass kicker in Xenosaga Ridley fight in Metroid Prime FINALLY beating Halo Blowing away Maria in GTA (I laughed my ass off at that one) Auron's arrival at Zanarkand (opening FMV), Final Fantasy X Yeah some of these have been mentioned, but I still love 'em.
That may have been true with MGS2, but look what Japan got when it came out there. They got some special edition (IIRC) with several different extras that never saw the light of day over here. That's the way it seems sometimes. When a game is released here first Japan gets ticked off, so they get a special edition or some sort of "extra". When we have to wait, oh well it takes time to translate, etc. Double standards totally rule!
Well for myself and Yuna at least there's another preview of X-2 here at Gamespot. Nothing really new, although it goes into a bit more depth on the job spheres and the fact that X-2 is largely mission based (???) albeit somewhat more open ended. Basically, the order you do the missions help determine how the game advances. Interesting, although I imagine there's only so many permutations Square can cram onto one disc, even if it's a DVD.
*panicking* Ok when did this come on? Did this come on LAST Wed. and I missed it? WTF?!! I'm going to be tremendously pissed if I missed Faith's return. Please tell me you get it before Houston gets it. PLEASE TELL ME THAT!!
great..MORE stuff to download *sigh*. Eh, I think the music video will have to hold me over until...November *grumbles some more*.
I think it's understood that Morgan dies at the end of Glory. Shoot just about EVERYONE dies at the end of Glory. Freeman, Broderick, Washington, Elwes.. He's standing in the front ranks of the charging men right into a cannon fusillade, so I doubt too many got away from it. I don't remember if you see him in the slow pullback of the grave trench, but I'd be willing to bet that he didn't make it out in one piece.