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Everything posted by Conspiracy_Victim

  1. Conspiracy_Victim

    The One and Only RAW Thread for December 16, 2002

    They killed Chris' finishing move thanks to MAVEN? I mark for cheap heel tactics.
  2. Conspiracy_Victim

    The One and Only RAW Thread for December 16, 2002

    This crowd is loud tonight, although Test getting face heat makes me wonder how effective mass hypnosis really is.
  3. Conspiracy_Victim

    The One and Only RAW Thread for December 16, 2002

    Man Goldie, Book, Xstian, and Y2J can make just about anything funny. Even ass cream. "What is this, RAW or an afterschool special?"
  4. Conspiracy_Victim

    The One and Only RAW Thread for December 16, 2002

    DEAR GOD NOOOOO!!!!! HHH-Maina running wild on you!
  5. Conspiracy_Victim

    The One and Only RAW Thread for December 16, 2002

  6. Conspiracy_Victim

    The One and Only RAW Thread for December 16, 2002

    Trish playing Ricky Morton to Test's Robert Gibson..that's something I never thought I'd see
  7. Conspiracy_Victim

    The One and Only RAW Thread for December 16, 2002

    Nice pseudo Lasso from El Paso to...something..by Vicky
  8. Conspiracy_Victim

    The One and Only RAW Thread for December 16, 2002

    Uh oh time for Big Stevie Cool's "push" to continue by jobbing to the Testicles
  9. Conspiracy_Victim

    The One and Only RAW Thread for December 16, 2002

    I can't believe I'm going to voluntarily turn off the 2nd half of a good Rockets game to watch what will most likely be a travesty of a RAW.
  10. Conspiracy_Victim

    The One and Only RAW Thread for December 16, 2002

    OK so we get HBK to come out to start the show, tells everyone that the better man won. HHH comes out with a gagged Flair and tells Shawn that he's worthless, the whole roster is worthless, and everyone should worship him as the God of Wrestling. The whole roster comes out, encircles the ring, and gets on their knees and bows down to HHH. Mr. Rizin then puts on Aztec sun god robes and everyone in the crowd throws little pickles at him. OK maybe I channeled Real Genius there, but you get the idea. Let the 2 hour HHH blow job begin. I just hope he has the common courtesy to give the audience a reach around. Damn Real Genius and Full Metal Jacket references in one post. Cool.
  11. Conspiracy_Victim

    Steel Battalion

    Basically yeah. I've heard it too that if your mech blows up with you in it that saved game is over and you have to start ALL OVER AGAIN. Sorry but even if I had an X-Box I'd think twice about spending $200 on what's been described by several places as a mediocre game with that much of a difficulty curve.
  12. Conspiracy_Victim


    Angel had hired the unemployed actress Cordy to be the secretary/general nuisance. However Doyle the demon (who had the visions at the time) had the hots for her. They meet up with this shining orb the destroys any and all demons on contact with it's light. Doyle sacrifices himself to get hold of some controls that dropped the suspended globe into a big box, cuitting off it's light (it's been a while give me a break about specifics). But before he did it, he kissed Cordy. Somehow his ability to see visions transferred to her with the kiss. So, she became the Higher Powers' contact point with Angel. However, the visions start to become too much for her since she is just a human. So Skip (one of my favorites) offers to take her back to the past and have her avoid meeting Angel in LA, thereby take thing the visions away and making her a successful actress. However, Angel would have received the visions upon Doyle's demise and driving him insane. Cordy sees this and refuses. So, in order to allow her to keep the visions without killing her, Skip makes her part demon. Then comes the whole ascension thing that you most likely know about. Again, it's been quite a while so I can't guarantee the details but that's what happened in a nutshell.
  13. Conspiracy_Victim

    WWE House show report~! Ft. Myers

    Umm...I don't get it. Inform me.. If I recall correctly, it refers to the time it took Storm to job to someone (Edge, wasn't it?). Posters on the website make reference to it as Storm 1:08. If I'm totally off base let me know.
  14. Conspiracy_Victim

    Brilliant but Cancelled

    Hell yes I remember Sledge Hammer! Absolutely hilarious takeoff on cop shows. David Rasche was brilliant deadpanning everything, no matter how convoluted everything got. "Trust me, I know what I'm doing." *BOOM!* (big ass .44 goes off)
  15. Conspiracy_Victim

    DVD releases for 12/10

    Dont' forget K-19, Stuart Little 2, Like Mike (ugh), Farscape season 2, The Emperor's New Clothes, and Jackass vol. 2 & 3 (yeah boy that's on my Christmas list!)
  16. Conspiracy_Victim

    Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Season 7

    Referring back to last page, I saw MaxDanger refer to Spike feeling the chip kick in when he speared the guy who got turned into the giant worm demon by Anya. After seeing the episode again a week or two ago I think it was, I might have seen something different. It looked to me like Spike EXPECTED to get hurt by the chip and then looked surprised as hell when nothing happened. As to feeling it again when he hit Xander, who knows? Maybe the chip is malfuctioning due to Spike's new soul? I don't know, I just hope Joss gives us some sort of explanation. And yes, I'm looking foreward to seeing what the "real vampire" can do. Doesn't look like Buffy's got to worry about getting horny for him, either.
  17. Conspiracy_Victim

    The One and Only Raw Thread

    My favorite part was the backstage Y2J/Xstain/Vicky bit: "No one puts that bitch through a table, but me!" (stares into the distance) *Jericho and Christain stare in the same direction, looking confused* I pray that got that off Cannibal: The Musical but I doubt it.
  18. Conspiracy_Victim

    Raw MVP

    I'll throw in a nother vote for Jericho. I'm a Jericho mark (I know, who'da thunk it?) but I still think he goes out there every night to bust his ass while he and Christain cut some of the funniest damn promos around. In a related note, does it seem like no one in the front office is giving a crap what Jericho says on air, so he just tries to be as entertaining as possible? The spitting apples, the Vitamin C, the Huge...Rock Star? Gold, Jerry, gold!
  19. Conspiracy_Victim

    Oh boy...

    HHH in a desperate attempt to prove that HE'S HARDCORE! HE'S HARDCORE! as Shawn Micheals waits for his Metamucil to kick in. Yes indeed the Clique is what's new and hip in wrestling Vince, and don't you forget it!
  20. Conspiracy_Victim

    Academy Award Misses

    The only time I ever turned off the TV before the end of the best picture speech was when Shakespeare in Love and it's publicity juggernaut screwed Saving Private Ryan. Yes I know Ryan was slow in parts and didn't really establish all the characters beyond most war movie stereotypes, but just about everyone I know thought it was light years beyond Shakespeare.
  21. Conspiracy_Victim

    The unfunniest comedians

    I agree that it seems like most female comedians that I've seen are pretty bad. Cho is too dependant on pop culture, Sandra is too abstract (in a where-the-hell-is-she-going sorta way), Ellen and Rosie were just flat out bad. Other comdians (I've seen on TV, never seen one live) who should be beaten with a 9 iron and thrown out a helicopter include the oft mentioned Carrot Top and Dave Coulier. On the other hand, I love Wright, most Carlin, Dennis Miller, old school Murphy, Izzard and The Amazing Jonathan (I too love the Windex joke and the "magic powder" gag).
  22. Conspiracy_Victim

    Ross Report?

    I know it's already been talked about but I have to say a couple things. "The goal is to obviously get more talent to elevate to main-event status and create more "box office" and make new stars." AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! You've had that chance how many times in the past year and messed it up? "More talents need to continue to be provided opportunities to move up, and it looks like that is the case. I like the long-term planning I am hearing about, and I think that we are very close to RAW becoming an even more viable broadcast, much sooner than later." Again, AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Move up? Move up what? The 3H jobbing ladder? And 'long term planning'? Does Gerwitz even know the meaning of that phrase? It's crap like this that makes me wonder if there's something in the water in CT that kills brain cells (no offense to CT residents).
  23. Conspiracy_Victim

    Angle wants better workers

    Well if they want big guys who could work, was Waterman that much of a stiff? I thought Big Poppa Pump Jr. was like 260. I know he was a bit older than what they like, but shoot they had DDP and Undertaker feuding, not exactly youth vs. youth. Plus isn't Shelton Benjamin about 240-250? From the couple matches I've seen of his on Heat he seems to be somewhat green still but can work and bump pretty well. And yes, I hate Cena jobbing to The Ass That Walks Like A Man just to give Bull friggin' Buchanan yet ANOTHER shot at getting over.
  24. Conspiracy_Victim

    Huge possible spoiler

    She's a female actress/wrestler (who can apparently actually WRESTLE, mind you), that Paul found. She looks like she's going to be Paul's WWE version of Kimona Wanaleia (aka VERY hot Asian female). I had a link somewhere around here...
  25. Conspiracy_Victim

    Warren Sapp

    Well, I'm commenting on 15 years of football playing experience but only seeing the play once or twice on replay a week ago. From what I remember, the hit itself was legal. Sapp came from the side and plastered Clifton. It looked no different from any crack back block you see wide recievers throw on safeties and linebackers numerous times a game. However, legal is not the same as clean. The interception return was 20 yeards away and Clifton wasn't in any position to catch the returner. Barring a complete reversal of field and a retreat for some reason, Sapp and Clifton were effectively out of the play. However, Sapp saw the chance to put a lick on someone who didn't see it coming and took it. I've been a defensive lineman for a long time, and I'll admit that on picks I'm always on the look out for someone to lay out (especially the quarterback ) but only when it was in the flow of the play. You go out to lay a malicious DIRTY hit on someone and it will come back to bite you on the ass. I'm hoping and praying the Bucs play the Pack in the playoffs just to see what happens to Sapp's knees after a long afternoon of cut blocks and probably an illegal chop block or two.