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Everything posted by Conspiracy_Victim

  1. Conspiracy_Victim

    (Observer) The problem with RAW

    I'm not going to talk on the whole 3H issue because I've made it clear that he could fall off the face of the planet and I wouldn't give a crap. Gail Kim however is another story. Looking at the pics we may have Paul's new Kimona Wanaleia. And she can even wrestle apparently. That doesn't explain what she'd be doing on Smackdown though. Is Al going to be the new Godfather and have his own stable? I can just imagine the crowd's reaction to a menage involving Al, Dawn Marie, and Gail. At least it would give Charles Wright the opportunity to move on. I'd mark for the return of Papa Shango or Kama the ultimate fighting machine. /sarcasm
  2. Conspiracy_Victim

    Who Would You Rather See?

    As much as I hate to say it, I'd rather see Show. If it had been Hogan, Lesnar would've stayed heel, and I prefer Lesnar as the 100% Heyman free babyface. Besides, it'll look even more impressive when Brock throws the Big Fat around some more before busting out the F5 and then hitting half a dozen Shooting Star Brocks for the pin and sending Show back down where he belongs (Down where? Down...oh never mind that's too disturbing to contemplate).
  3. Conspiracy_Victim


    First off, I want the Niko picture back! I need something to stare wistfully at while humming "China Girl". Second, I doubt the bookers know what the hell they're doing for Armageddon. However, I'd agree with most of what people are saying. WWE Title Brock vs. Fat Show Big Fake Belt 3H vs. HBK vs. RVD (HBK returns job to the heat killer) WWE Tag Titles Los Guerreros vs. Edge/Rey (what other teams are there?) RAW Tag Titles Y2J/Christian vs. 3MW vs. The Duds (look for Christian to drop the belts when Jericho's interference backfires, tease breakup) Cruiserweight Belt Kidman vs. Noble (w/ Little Guido I mean Nunzio) Benoit vs. Angle Aforementioned mixed gender matchups Chris Harvard vs. Maven w/ Snow Cena or Buchanan vs. I'm the real Ass Man (Rikishi) Steiner decision Booker T gets to sit backstage and ask himself why, if he's more over than 3/4's of the roster, he doesn't have anything to do. 9 Matches, Steiner's decision. Like most of you believe, they'll probably break up Y2J and Christian before Armageddon and let Jericho and Booker go, which I'd prefer over most of the rest of the card. But, WWE doesn't seem to really like giving away title changes on free TV. We'll see.
  4. Conspiracy_Victim

    HHH wants to turn face

    Bah 3H already no sold death. And no, I don't think 3H cares about Steiner's pop. However, you'd think VKM would open his eyes, see which direction the breeze is blowing, and put the big fake title on RVD or Booker while sending his little girl's bang buddy to jobber hell until he drops the juice and learns to wrestle again.
  5. Conspiracy_Victim

    Look at this (Stupid WWE)

    speak for yourself. This from a guy with Joe Don Baker in Final Justice in his sig . Anyway, Big Show coulda been over with, you know, some direction before his sudden rocket push to the title. As it stands now, a lot of people who see him luggin around the title can only think, "Wasn't he jobbing to the fruity Hardy just a couple months ago?" Of course, I personally think he's just a big fat slob whose glandular condition is the only reason he's making any money at all in wrestling, but that's just my opinion.
  6. Conspiracy_Victim


    The only problem with RNN is that it cuts into things we'd rather see, like actual matches or babyface promos. Of course, if the broke into something like, say, a 3H promo Orton would be face turned by the crowd so quick they'd probably overload the crowd mics. As for Batista, I like the guy. He's greener than grass, but he sure does look intimidating. Of course if he does join the HHHorsemen, he's just going to become Arn Anderson to 3H's Ric Flair, so he's not going to be anything more than second fiddle until Mr. Terra Rizin explodes from roid abuse. How does one become a member of the HHHaters club? I can be as vitriolic as the next guy.
  7. Conspiracy_Victim

    HHH wants to turn face

    Shoot I'd rather have Bischoff become a tweener, mess with 3H as often as possible because of his superior attitude (life DOES imitate art!), bang Stephy at every available opportunity, and basically become NWO Eazy E with a slightly more sympathetic lean. How they do this I don't know and I don't care, just do NOT turn 3H face. Turning him face and Steiner heel will kill off whatever momentum Scotty's entrance would give RAW.
  8. Conspiracy_Victim

    The Tough Enough III thread

    First of all, a long-winded answer for Mr. Mole. I believe Mr. Wendell gets laughed at for his humorous, nay side-splitting, tryout at thie season's casting call. After a few exercises he went into a Ricky Morton-esque oversell, complete with rolling eyes and "fainting" spells. Of course Al and Bill didn't believe it, so they just kinda sneered and sent him to the trainer. When the trainer found nothing wrong, Al called him on faking. Wendell proceeded to start yelling, "Don't doubt me!" and "I push myself this hard all the time!". So, he gets another chance after Snow told him to get his shit together and he pulls the exact same thing. So Snow kicks him out and Wendell tries to bow up to him and get in his face. Snow doesn't take to kindly to it and basically threatens Wendell to get out before he MAKES him get out. All in all, just about the picture perfect example of how NOT to get on the show. Hey Kotzen I'd love to contact ya on AIM and tell you how I REALLY feel (j/k) but unfortunately all I've got is Yahoo IM. If ya got that one I'm there. And yes, BABYGURL!!!!!! is funnier. As for Jonah, I'm not one to judge. We all gotta have a favorite, just some of us support them more...enthusiatically....than others.
  9. Conspiracy_Victim

    The Tough Enough III thread

    *stares at the Kylie banner and loses his train of thought* Uh oh yeah Tough Enough... Randumb thoughts by me: 1) I thought Nick was a dick, talking about his "supermodels on demand" attitude. Glad he got cut. Always remember: TAKE IT WHEN YOU CAN GET IT! Especially when it's Lita Jr. I'm trying to help here. 2) I'd cut Justin just because of his stupid no-neck pose in the opening credits and his constant ragging on Scott (hey, at least Scott made the effort jackass!). 3)I'm more entertained this season then last season just watching Scott during the cuts. Dude always looks like he's going to break down and cry. 4) Neither of the women contestants impress me (of course I said that last season and look what happened). 5) How does Big get the cool cars? I love the 'Stang. 6) My favorites right now would be John and Jonah (depending on the injury) with Matt being the dark horse just because no one's actually talked about him but he's still there. 7) All in all, apart from the latent homoerotic attraction to Jonah, I agree with much of Mr. KotzenSpoon's assertions. BTW Yes the 411 guy sucks mucho hard. If this gets any reaction not entirely negative I shall endeavor to do this every week from here on out. Although I doubt the masses are clamoring for a summary of a summary. Ugh another edit but I just wanted to satisfy my fellow Kylie disciple's curiosity from last week's episode and let him know that he can refer to Ja Rule as Jeffrey Atkins if he so prefers. Man I gotta try his diet one of these days just to see if it works.
  10. Conspiracy_Victim

    (TORCH) Backstage news

    But I thought 3H WAS God? He said so and everything!
  11. Conspiracy_Victim

    The Smark Marks Favorite Movie Tournament

    I love both the movies, but I gotta go for Pulp Fiction.
  12. Conspiracy_Victim

    Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Season 7

    I refuse to recognize the possibility that they have offed Rupert the magic man. To me, Giles and Spike are untouchables. DON'T ASK ME WHY THEY JUST ARE!!! *ahem* Sorry about that. Anyway, good enough episode since it was Spike-centric. I don't quite get how the little Irish song or whatever it was not only overrode Spike's chip while also brainwashing him into thinking Buffy wanted him to bite people. Highlight was Anya putting her "move" on Spike only to get angry and depressed when he says no. "Souless Spike would've had me upside-down and halfway to Happyland by now!" Looks promising next week as well with more fun with Spike, and if my eyes didn't deceive me Andrew in Buffy's house?
  13. Conspiracy_Victim


    "When supernatural kids collide, on the next Maury Povich!" Dear lord I woulda cheered that demon on and taken a video of it if he had driven Connor into the ground like a railroad spike and then thrown Dawn off a high rise instead of Angel. Like Ripper said, Angel and Angelus might as well have been 2 different people. Lets see if Cordy gets this little mathematical equation: Angel = Fighter for good, stopper of the Apocalypse (I want Skip to come back and confirm this one). Angelus = heartless evil bloodsucking fiend I know it's just TV and all but DAMN Joss you're killing me with dysfunctional relationships a plenty. Between this and the whole Wes/Gunn/Fred triangle revisited, I'm starting to think Joss saw too many soap operas growing up. Quit screwing around and give me more Gun-Totin', lawyer screwing, brooding badass Wesley and I'll be somewhat content.
  14. Conspiracy_Victim


    "...And if I say my prayers and eat all my veggies, someday I might grow hips!" (or thereabouts) - I love Lillah Wesley busting out the John Woo-esque double guns then the shotgun was a definite markout moment for me personally. Ever since he became the Brooding Badass, he's grown on me (as opposed to ther Giles lite he was on Buffy). HOWEVER, WTF IS JOSS THINKING? Pity sex for Connor after declaring how much she loved Angel? C'mon, she changed his friggin' diaper not 6 months ago (in her time, anyway). I'm praying to all the TV gods in existance that when the new epsiodes start (in 2 months!) that all will be made clear, 'cause right now Joss got some 'splainin to do.
  15. Godfather Pulp Fiction No commentary, since I've was chastized for doing so last round. Jahwol, mein web overseer!
  16. Conspiracy_Victim

    The One and Only RAW November 11, 2002 Thread

    Sorry Chris I saw your reference to Jeffrey Hardy calling him (and I quote), (singing)Druggy Man, Druggy man. Does whatever drugs he can... It just fit Particle Man by They Might Be Giants. Sorry if that was the unintended response I just instantly thought of it.
  17. Conspiracy_Victim

    The One and Only RAW November 11, 2002 Thread

    Man I hate not having internet access at work. Anyway a few thoughts on tonights episode of "As Triple H's World Turns": -I like Jericho's new theme. Something new needed to happen with his entrance it hadn't changed in what, a year and a half? -Spike has learned his role in life: to risk life and limb taking bumps from men 200 lbs. bigger than him and garner as many "Holy Shit!" chants he can. -Mr. Extreme and the Innovator of Violence? Good lord LEAVE TOMMY ALONE COKEHEAD! -Psycho Victoria is very hot in a scary, "This is for the best *break your legs*" sorta way. Plus, I was praying JR would say that Vicky was throwing Skeletor around "like she was skin and bones" -Don't you just KNOW 3H has been wanting to claim he's God for the past 3 years? I love non-shoot comments that they think are shoot comments. -Nowinski vs. Maven = Tough Enough 1 1/2: When Good Plotlines Go Bad! -Big Stevie shoulda gotten spanked from Stacy. The poor guy deserves it after all the crap he's had to go through (see RTC). And why does everyone's favorite ace reporter and superhero have to be buried by everyone's LEAST favorite hoss face? -Well, I guess Jericho ain't winning (like THAT was a shock). Look for 3H to Pedigree all 5 guys through the top of the Chamber, then force Jericho to tap out to the Main Event Sleeper of Eternal Peril. And finally: Chris Waters rules with his They Might be Giants reference to Particle Man. You are a demigod among men. -
  18. Conspiracy_Victim

    Smart Marks Favorite Movie Tourney, Round 5

    A Clockwork Orange The Godfather Pulp Fiction The Shawshank Redemption Sorry folks but I STILL don't see what the big deal is with Kane. I watched it for my American History Through Film class (surprisingly good class BTW) and I thought a couple films in the CLASS were better, such as Casablance and Platoon. Shoot, I liked Double Indemnity more. Oh well I'll learn to accept it.
  19. Conspiracy_Victim

    The Shooting Star Press

    Could be worse 'sault. They could drag this "feud" out another month and have a blown-up Show trying to cut promos after a 3 minute squash. Just because we THINK he can't cut a promo (and apparently the WWE didn't either hence Heyman's presence) doesn't mean he can't improve you know. Not EVERYONE is a natural at mic work. Shoot even Angle was pretty formulaic at the start: "I'm a gold medal winner!" "I'm the best athlete in the WWF!" "You people here in (insert city) should see me as a hero, not (insert face)!" "(More random cheap heel heat via cutting down the city and it's residents)" Sure I'm simplifying it but c'mon, that was how Angle was for much of his first few months. This isn't meant as a slight on Angle, because I love his work on the mic and in the ring. It's just to show that people's work can improve given practice. Brock hasn't gotten that chance much because either Paul's talked for him or he's just responding to someone (a la Undertaker). Just let him work on it some and try to reevaluate him rather than letting first impressions determine how you see him from now until the end of his career.
  20. Conspiracy_Victim

    Superman 5

    Geez WB just go ahead and use Kevin Smith's script. At least he PAYS ATTENTION TO THE HISTORY! Sure it's somewhat self-referential (if, indeed, it's the script I've seen floating around) but you can tell Kev appreciates the Superman mystique. The two that have been reviewed sound like total crap.
  21. Conspiracy_Victim

    The Shooting Star Press

    If they wanted to build kind of a breakup between Brock and Heyman, Brock would do the SSP on Show. Heyman already claimed that Brock couldn't beat Show because he couldn't F5 him. So, have Brock try the F5 and fail due to Show's fatassedness then have Brock win with the SSP. Then Brock can start running smack about how wrong Heyman was during his little speech about "People like me making decisions for people like you". Heyman gets angry and tries to exert more control over Brock, Brock gets angry and tries to become more independant (talking for himself, etc.), and it all builds up to Brock squashing Paul at some point in the indefinite future. Then Paul comes back with Rhyno and we have more hoss-on-hoss violence and Benoit can keep wrestling Angle in their best of infinity series and Los Guerreros can feud with Mysterio/Edge. BTW: Andrew not EVERYONE is a member of the board. I imagine there are lots o' marks and smarks alike who haven't seen Brock do the SSP and would go nuts over it. I've even got the video of it and I'd still mark out. Plus although safety is a factor face it: with Show there it'd be just like Brock landing on a big ol pillow anyway .
  22. Conspiracy_Victim

    Kingdom Hearts

    My .02: I bought it not quite knowing what to expect. After FF X I was willing to give it the benefit of the doubt. Man am I glad I did. Yes the worlds are all Disney but that doesn't make it any less difficult. Battle system is easy to pick up (although a bit on the button-mashing side when you're not bothering with magic) and the camera problem isn't as big a deal as the critics make it out to be. The addition of FF characters (esp. the Platinum Battle: HAVE FUN!) are a good touch and are actually explained, not just thrown in for Square's sake. Finally, the boss battles can be difficult (Ursula I'm looking at you) without being throw-down-your-controller annoying. Plus the extras (Ultimate Weapon, hidden bosses) are fun to go after. Yes the Gummi ship is..lacking...but later in the game when you can just warp everywhere it doesn't really matter. Anyway, have fun and shoot for the "hidden" ending.
  23. Conspiracy_Victim

    Smarks Favorite Movie tournament, round 4

    GROUP A A Clockwork Orange Clerks GROUP B Godfather, The Goodfellas GROUP C Pulp Fiction Reservoir Dogs (When Tarantinos collide!) GROUP D Shawshank Redemption, The Trainspotting (Damn you dirty apes for making me choose between Train and Usual Suspects! Oh well Suspects is going to win this round anyway) Not going to make for fun choices in the Elite 8
  24. Conspiracy_Victim

    Best Monologue

    My choice goes to a couple of fairly good examples of angst at it's finest. "Man, I see in fight club the strongest and smartest men who've ever lived. I see all this potential, and I see squandering. God damn it, an entire generation pumping gas, waiting tables; slaves with white collars. Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don't need. We're the middle children of history, man. No purpose or place. We have no Great War. No Great Depression. Our Great War's a spiritual war... our Great Depression is our lives. We've all been raised on television to believe that one day we'd all be millionaires, and movie gods, and rock stars. But we won't. And we're slowly learning that fact. And we're very, very pissed off." "You're not your job. You're not how much money you have in the bank. You're not the car you drive. You're not the contents of your wallet. You're not your fucking khakis. You're the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world." Both courtesy, of course, of Mr. Tyler Durden. There ya go Ravenbomb. (didn't see it was your choice at first look) BTW: Yes Renton's finishing speech that just about sums up materialism in the modern world is pretty damn good: "Now I've justified this to myself in all sorts of ways. It wasn't a big deal, just a minor betrayal. Or we'd outgrown each other, you know, that sort of thing. But let's face it, I ripped them off - my so called mates. But Begbie, I couldn't give a shit about him. And Sick Boy, well he'd done the same to me, if he'd only thought of it first. And Spud, well okay, I felt sorry for Spud - he never hurt anybody. So why did I do it? I could offer a million answers - all false. The truth is that I'm a bad person. But, that's gonna change - I'm going to change. This is the last of that sort of thing. Now I'm cleaing up and I'm moving on, going straight and choosing life. I'm looking forward to it already. I'm gonna be just like you.The job, the family, the fucking big television. The washing machine, the car, the compact disc and electric tin opener, good health, low cholesterol, dental insurance, mortgage, starter home, leisure wear, luggage, three piece suite, DIY, game shows, junk food, children, walks in the park, nine to five, good at golf, washing the car, choice of sweaters, family Christmas, indexed pension, tax exemption clearing gutters, getting by, looking ahead, the day you die. " I sincerely hope they manage to make the sequel.
  25. Go Kelly the cold hearted biatch! Scott's da man.