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Everything posted by Conspiracy_Victim

  1. Kelly feels that there may be something wrong with Lisa. Well, we have a winner in this week's Captain Obvous award.
  2. "Doesn't sound like my problem." Woo what a team player. Leave her sorry ass and watch her go crazy-go-nuts alone at home.
  3. So are they going to actually show Lisa going bonkers or are they going to phase her out then just announce that she's gone one week?
  4. Bill says he's gonna sit on Jonah's face? What he learn from the HHH school of teaching?
  5. Man on that replay Brock looked scared shitless when Show lost him on the way up.
  6. DAMN YOU BIG SHOW!! I actually wanted to see those guys go for 10 minutes.
  7. Now Rey gets to relive a previous life and play human lawn dart for a heavyweight. Although the thought of Brock's admittedly good selling for a guy 100 pounds lighter than him oughta be fun.
  8. Geezus I don't smoke but I'm about to start just to show up these holier-than-thou Truth kids. GET OFF MY TV TRUTH! I prefer blissful ignorance.
  9. I love just before the Angle Slam you hear Knoble yelling, "Git him Chris git him!" Woo crazy Lisa in da house!
  10. Good to see they're making good use of Shannon Moore. "I LOOOOOOOOVE YOU!" *mark out*
  11. I thought Mick would set Bret on fire while he's asleep in bed so they could immediately sign the TV-movie agreement and a new book deal.
  12. Good to see Brian's learning from his old man on how to take the over the top ref bump.
  13. Followed up with the amazing call, "Lookatthatwhattamanuver!"
  14. The tights Eddy's got on keep making me think Angle's wrestling Jericho (the "Latino" on the BUTT notwithstanding). Uh oh if Angle's getting chants while turning Lesnar face I can see HHH on the phone now: "Scrap-uh the main-uh event-uh for Wrestlemainia! I need to squash-uh Brock-uh so we don't-uh have a face-face match-uh!"
  15. "Time for Bret Hart and Mick Foley.... ...who Vince will immediately book to fall into deep passionate kissing with each other." Don't forget the bad dialogue between Mick and Bret. "I Hart you Bret teeheehee!" "And I love you best out of all Mankind heehee!" I blame Vince's growing unnanounced paranoia that the rest of the world is out to get him and his only recourse is to try to lobotomize everyone in America by putting on bad TV and killing brain cells.
  16. I want to see Matt and Tajiri wrestle a best of infinity series. Thank you that is all.
  17. Show's going to do something to Lesnar that's never been done before? What, beat him in a porkchop eating contest?
  18. Why couldn't Tajiri come out in the leisure suit? He'd almost look like a Flying Elvis.
  19. "Matt always gets more Halloween candy than his brother" BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!
  20. I liked Eddie staring at Stephs assets. Cena pouting at Steph shooting him down LOL
  21. I come back and I see Matt's triumphant entrance. Life is good sometimes. Ugh poor Tajiri. I'm sure sitting in Yokohama as a child he one day dreamed that he'd be mugged by an 80 year old woman.
  22. OH my God I need to poke my eyes out..Oh wait it's Dawn Marie I'll wait for a while. Who's the bear carrying the bottle of hooch? Ah well time for Scrubs. Be back in half an hour.
  23. Cena + Vanilla Ice = Gold, Jerry, GOLD!!
  24. I can't believe Benoit had to job to the spear of eternal suckiness and medicority.
  25. TAP EDGE!!! SQUEAL!!!!