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Everything posted by Conspiracy_Victim
I have no idea where I'm going to find this on launch date, but I'm going to give it a shot. Maybe I'll get lucky and one of the chains that don't take preorders will have one.
Gotten through the first couple of assassinations, and the "repetitive" complaints are pretty accurate. There's any number of ways you can go about doing the actual assassination, but getting to that point involves doing the same sort of missions (hitman, pickpocket, interrogation). Plus, if you want to maximize your life, you'll want to do every last one of the missions. It's still not bacd, and the climbing around is fun as hell as are the counters (the short swords has some of my favorites) but so far it's not quite all that I had hoped. I'm still trying to figure out how the frame story is going to work itself out. I know how I want it to go, but I guess I'll have to wait and see.
Good, no more looking like an idiot trying to turn the bigger guys over for the Walls. I can't even imagine him trying to turn someone like Batista or (God forbid) Khali over. Either he'd fall over or they'd wreck their back/hamstrings.
Yeah, I get the whole ship date/available thing. but they specifically said that I would have my copy in my hands on the 13th. I'm going to go over there tomorrow while I'm out and bug them about it, but I don't expect anything to come out of it. It will give me an excuse to get sarcastic and mildly irritated, which makes for a good day in my book, so I guess that's something at least.
Man, I'll I've been hearing from Gamestop is "Oh yeah, it'll be out on the 13th" which is great because it's a day off for me so I can spend all day playing it. So what happens? A day before it's alleged release date, commercials and online ads start saying "Available November 14th." Shit. I do like the commercial with what sounds like the theme to "House" though.
Air HHH! Well, as "Air" as he ever gets anyway.
Regal should commentate for every match and segment.
The Great Coach! "Bloody non-entity"
OK, Lawler winning then immediately going back to the announce table and talking about the Divas was mildly humorous.
If he does, he'll just squash Santino too. Snitsky's crazy, he doesn't care about "face" or "heel". He lives for pain dontchya know.
A couple of people have noted that Kennedy isn't that great in the ring and has a propensity for botching spots.
I don't know why. I just enjoy the moment.
Mickie with The Kiss of Death?
God I love Melina's entrance.
If I were HBK, no way would I trust Orton enough to do a Canadian Destroyer. Probably end up dropping Shawn on his head or breaking his neck.
"If The Shockmaster returns, we riot!"
Hmmmm.. I think BREAK_THE_WALLS might be a bit obvious.
Kennedy really didn't sell that Side Effect well. Or at all.
It should have been the Hardyz and MVP vs. three guys. That way Matt could have been stuck between his brother and his partner bickering. Matt or Jeff? Would've worked either way. /gets confused by usage of indefinite articles
more importantly when do they show Mean Gene and the goblbledygooker I think they're trying to get people to forget that one, not remind them of it. But, I'm sure we'll get it at some point. Hell, they even showed Vince singing "Stand Back". If I were Vince I would have destroyed that footage.
Kennedy and MVP with the jobber entrance? Boo.
Survivor Series classics. When do they show UT's debut?
The Hardys and Rey. That's a fun little team.
Ah yes, wrestling 101: When you want a heel to get some cheap heat, have him beat up or humiliate J.R.
For being short, that was surprisingly inoffensive. Are they just going to feed the entire division to Beth until Candice comes back, or are they going to try building someone else up?