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Everything posted by chaosrage

  1. chaosrage

    The inevitable "Queer Eye..." Thread

    Crab people are too small and weak to take over man by force, so we came up with the perfect plan! If you can't beat man, change man! AHAHAHAHHAHA!
  2. chaosrage

    Benoit: Push to the Gold 2003

    They have to elevate someone at WMXX, don't they? Vince can't be completely insane yet. Bret and Shawn stole the show 10 years ago. The ending was kind of like the company giving the torch to Bret. WWE rarely ever disappoints at WM. I think I'm starting to have hope again for Benoit.
  3. chaosrage

    The OAO Velocidential thread

    damn that was a lot longer than Shawn/Marty
  4. chaosrage

    What movie(s) did you watch today?

    H3's coming on again right now.
  5. chaosrage

    Benoit: Push to the Gold 2003

    Yep, remember when he got picked in the draft over Hulk f'n Hogan? It looked like he was about to go straight to the top. I mean what could stop him? Why... the only thing I can think of would be if they made him come back as a heel.......... IN HIS HOMETOWN.
  6. chaosrage

    What movie(s) did you watch today?

    You people own, heh.
  7. chaosrage

    What movie(s) did you watch today?

    WORST MOVIE EVER If by worst you mean most underrated horror movie ever... Lemme guess, the reason you didnt like it was because it didnt have Michael, right?
  8. chaosrage

    What movie(s) did you watch today?

    Friday the 13th 5-8 on Spike. Halloween 1-5 on AMC. Yeah.
  9. chaosrage

    Montreal - 6 Years Later

    Well thats gotta be the most backwards thing ever written at this board. Probably because Bret would give anything to be in Shawn's shoes right now. Please be a gimmick.
  10. chaosrage

    Undertaker vs Mick Foley

    The only part that fucked up with the chokeslam was the chair falling down. That's what knocked his tooth through his nose. What, you didn't think they would just climb down after he went back up to the top, did you? The match was awesome. It was crazy how much Mick went through in that match. The fact that he had got thrown off once and dislocated his shoulder, and he had enough balls to go up for a second time, which got him knocked out cold, and he STILL kept going for about 30 minutes even though you obviously could tell he was injured and in pain was mind boggling. The thumbtacks and extra stuff was just icing on the cake. I think anybody who says the match sucked might be a little bit too much of a smartmark if you get what I'm saying. While it was basically just a couple spots with some stumbling around in between, those spots were as amazing as anything anyone will ever see. And those spots were only the beginning and it told the story for the rest of the match. Both from a storyline and real life perspective. I just can't see how someone could watch something like that and be disappointed.
  11. chaosrage

    The shining scarier than the exorcist?

    I like how Snow White and Star Wars are on there. WTF is that about?
  12. chaosrage

    Horror Movie Tourney

    NOES should win.... Nothing beats Freddy and nightmares for scares. Really it's about the only movie I can remember being scared a lot by. Shining wasn't scary at all though. Evil Dead vs. Dawn of the Dead (!!!!) The Exorcist vs. The Omen Friday the 13th (choice) vs. From Dusk Til Dawn Halloween (choice) vs. Evil Dead 2 Night of the Living Dead (1968) vs. Suspiria Nightmare on Elm Street (choice) vs. The Shining Psycho (1960) vs. An American Werewolf in London Texas Chainsaw Massacre vs. Alien
  13. chaosrage

    Anyone play poker?

    So how's about video poker? Anybody play that any? According to http://fastodds.com/gameodds/videopoker.htm "Once you have mastered the basic strategy for a type of video poker, and find a high-paying machine, then you can expect to make money in the long run. What does this mean? It means that after about 50,000 hands, the odds dictate that you will have hit every possible hand combination, including the coveted Royal Flush. Sure, that sounds like a lot of hands, but this game can go very quickly, especially for experienced players. It is not uncommon for a skilled video poker player to turn in 750 hands an hour - and even more if that person is playing two machines at once. If the player keeps this blazing pace up for eight hours a day, it will take just over eight days for the player to reach an expected win of around $1,750."
  14. chaosrage

    20 Most Essential Matches (1982-2001)

    Heh, you're pretty unbiased on this subject too.
  15. chaosrage

    20 Most Essential Matches (1982-2001)

    Good, it doesn't crack my top 50 either. And I REALLY don't give a shit. There's a blistering argument. So he puts Eddy's 3 minutes of back work behind him with one double K O spot and then he gets up and RUNS AROUND IN THE RING.......... Heh, okay? God I wish I knew how to make a gif file. Actually, Hardy's no Eddy but it makes Rey's work look more impressive. He sold the injury for the entire match and he still managed to somehow make winning the thing believable. Of course he still did moves but he worked them into the injury and the story the match was trying to tell. He didn't run around the ring or do anything stupid like that. Now Rey WAS slower in WCW's dying days but since coming into the WWE I'd say he's been back to as fast as he ever was, which sorta makes me wonder if you've seen ANY of his matches in WWE at all. The only difference seems to be he's got more experience since then, he's not a 22 year old kid anymore, and it looks like he's got a better grasp on how to make a match work. Well, here's the problem with that. You don't "move on" after a beat down and forget it happened. It's called selling. Watch Hardy/Rey again if you don't understand what that means. Or watch Rey/Angle or Rey/Chavo or hell, anything he's done since WCW. Meh, there's a big difference between doing a move and hopping on the top rope, which requires a lot of balance, the moment after you took a huge ass beating and the announcers are acting like your back is broken. Sorry if you can't see it. It's not realistic, it's kayfabe shattering. RVD is better at this surprisingly because sometimes for instance he'll try to hop to the top rope, find that he can't do it, and slowly go up. Or he'll have his ribs hurt and do a leg drop instead of a frog splash. Or he'll grab his leg right after a kick. And yet no one will ever try to argue that RVD has good selling or that his matches are the best on US soil. Don't get me wrong though. This wasn't just Rey, a lot of cruiserweights in WCW had the same problem. Not Eddy, Benoit, or Malenko, but a lot of them, when they had matches it became simply one guy doing a bunch of moves and another guy doing a bunch of moves. Hey, that's terrific if you don't want matches to go anywhere and just wanna see every move in the world done in one match. But in case you ever wanted to know, that's the reason why most people rarely put them as the best of.. anything. Yeah, okay. Bye.
  16. chaosrage

    The TRUE and OFFICIAL Buffy thread

    Is the episode where Spoiler (Highlight to Read): buffy and Willow's girlfriend get shot a good place to start watching for like the first time? I mean before that I saw some of the show a few times and I didn't see anything that made me feel like I had to keep watching. But that episode and especially the one after it hooked me. I like how it's like one long movie. I've seen every episode since then up until today's by the way. About a week or two I guess. Should I watch any of them tomorrow? Or would it be better to wait and see them as part of a season or something so they'll make more sense?
  17. chaosrage

    WWE Bloodbath DVD

    They clipped Bret/Owen? They said it would be complete!
  18. chaosrage

    One and Only Smackdown Thread for October 30, 2K3

    Well that answers my question. (Sets tape)
  19. chaosrage

    20 Most Essential Matches (1982-2001)

    I said it was great, I just don't call it one of the best matches ever or anything close to that. There's only so much story you can tell in a 10 minute match. Other cruiser weight matches were about 20-30 minutes and they did the same sort of stuff. RVD probably has better selling now than Rey did in WCW, heh. Well it should be a double KO spot since that was you know, the only move he did in about 3 minutes. What about the part where he gets up and runs around the ring? True, but Rey is so much better at selling now it's unbelievable. He actually works it into his moveset, look at the match with Hardy where he won the belt. You can really tell the difference if you sit down and watch the wcw and wwe matches back to back on the DVD. Then he's all better 10 seconds later as if nothing happened to him doing perfect springboards and moonsaults. Eh..... I don't think so. If his back is hurting as much as it's supposed to, he wouldn't be able to jump on the top rope. Things like that bring the match down.
  20. chaosrage

    HHH is holding down Ric Flair

    10$ on robvandam420 being both Bret Hit Man Hart and FearinaHandfulofDust.
  21. chaosrage

    Smackdown Spoilers

    So, I don't feel like reading 6 pages. Is SD worth watching?
  22. chaosrage

    20 Most Essential Matches (1982-2001)

    I might give you match of the night. It's great, but for one thing, it's fucking short, and for another, Mysterio does the same kind of selling in it everyone always bitches at RVD about. That match is sooo overrated on this board.
  23. chaosrage

    10 Essential Pay-Per-View Events

    It was only the 2nd one! And it was the best. I might put it on there. I don't know, Summerslam 01 and 02 were great too. It's hard to pick.
  24. chaosrage

    10 Essential Pay-Per-View Events

    Even so though, how many shows can you name where every match was at least decent along with having a match as good as the 6 man? WMX only had two watchable matches. I wouldn't ever say Barely Legal was as good as WMX and CS, but I'd still put it somewhere in the top ten. I liked Taz/Sabu, I really liked the triple threat, and Raven/Funk wasn't the greatest thing ever but it was emotional. A cool ending for a PPV. That's why I would put it over something like Heat Wave, which was a great show but had the Dudleys main eventing. Another thing was it showcased everything ECW was about at the time. So aside from being a good show, it's got some historical signficance.