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Everything posted by chaosrage

  1. Fuck yes. RVD and Sabu back as a tag team. This is easily new ECW's best match so far.
  2. chaosrage

    ECW renewed on Sci-Fi

    The first week had a 2.7 or a 2.8. Last Tuesday pulled a 1.9. Yeah, it's pretty damn stupid.
  3. chaosrage

    ECW renewed on Sci-Fi

    It's not really a problem but more of an annoyance. They've said a million times that this ECW is not supposed to be the same as the original ECW. So you're not going to see Justin Credible winning any World Titles in this incarnation. I'm not defending their decision, but it's seriously ridiculous that people haven't realized this after 12 weeks of programming. It's a gigantic problem since ECW fans (you know, the people that watch the show, the people that bought that Rise and Fall DVD, the people that Vince should be targetting) don't want and won't accept anything that isn't the original ECW. They're either going to have to attempt to be like the original ECW or the fans at every ECW only event are going to keep booing the majority of the show. To say "Hey look, there appears to be an audience for this product, I have an idea, let's bring back the product but get this, let's not give them what they want, let's change it completely." is the height of stupidity. It really does not get any dumber than that.
  4. Don't forget about Beans Hart.
  5. chaosrage

    OAO Raw Thread - August/28th/2006.

    How do they know that the 0.6 on USA didn't come from people watching it twice because they couldn't get enough, as JR had suggested?
  6. So it's possible that the card could be all heels except for 4 or 5 guys? I think I'd buy that just for the crowd response.
  7. Last I heard he was in OVW. But that was a few years ago. I thought he was still there. Edit: Maybe I was wrong. Maybe he wasn't. I'm searching for it and I can't find anything.
  8. No, not Doring. He's not that bad on the mic or in the ring. He's a decent guy. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=16...52775&q=ecw All 4 of these guys are currently under contract in WWE. (5 if you include Lita) Can someone tell me why they can't do something this entertaining and fun in the new ECW?
  9. chaosrage

    The Youtube Thread

    How the fuck did you get banned? For uploading WWE stuff.
  10. chaosrage

    The Youtube Thread

    Fuck, I guess that's it for me in this thread. Youtube banned me and took down everything I uploaded.
  11. Show can be redeemed if we have CM Punk vs RVD.
  12. We only get one extreme rules match per night?
  13. Torrie? Channel switch. Just kidding. It's better than Mike Knox and Test.
  14. The spring of 1997 to the summer of 1998 was the absolute apex of writing/booking in a major promotion of the past twenty years. For about 18 months, the company shot amazing angles, developed great characters and feuds and put on a compelling product that changed the landscape of the industry. It became cool to hate on Russo by late 1999, but the stuff he was doing at first was innovative and immensely entertaining. The development of the Austin character has as much to do with the writing from that period as it does with the man himself. Yeah, it's really dumb to say the boom happened just because of Austin and Austin alone. The whole product was good. The writing on the shows was easily the best that it's ever been. More Vince Russo. http://fileanchor.com/55074-d http://fileanchor.com/55077-d I'm starting to think Russo may deserve more credit than he's given for the the boom period. Since neither Taker or Kane turned face or heel in that period, how is that an example of characters randomly turning face and heel?
  15. chaosrage

    The Youtube Thread

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QNa9w_uzBWM Mankind interview with Jim Ross. I really like WWF 1997.
  16. chaosrage

    The Youtube Thread

    cool, that was the debut of the dx theme and video bet Rude wasnt happy to be out there, if you recall I thing one of the reasons he jumped to wcw was cuz he was mad about the screwjob (which is why Bret had so much respect for him on his dvd ) "The WWF wasn't big enough for the Heartbreak Kid and Shawn Michaels" oops, maybe he wa stalking about his ego and him looking at this now, its not like they were "desecrating bret" or anything like that, although he probably was in his mind, on tv is came across as a typical heel promo and was totally in character for shawn Well, the week after that was the week he brought out the Bret Hart midget.
  17. Vince Russo would like to give his thoughts on the matter. http://fileanchor.com/55072-d http://fileanchor.com/55073-d
  18. chaosrage

    Loose Change

    Yeah, we've discussed it before. It's all bullshit. http://www.ccdominoes.com/lc/LooseChangeGuide.html http://www.911myths.com/index.html http://www.debunking911.com/
  19. chaosrage

    The Youtube Thread

    If you liked that, you'll love listening to DX the night after Survivor Series 97. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2gcAzSMl1Hc
  20. chaosrage

    The Youtube Thread

    Canadian Stampede parts 1-4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-cle_8eLyXc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_v-YVUpS5QM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B0DQ6DX-1qY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0_kNUtbslI Such an incredible moment at the end. All the more so knowing what would happen to the Harts over the next few years.
  21. chaosrage

    The Youtube Thread

    But then we wouldn't have had DX. I've uploaded Canadian Stampede but youtube is being a bitch about accepting this one.
  22. chaosrage

    The Youtube Thread

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37GeJgc7sg4 Austin promos before Survivor Series 96 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qBgG0bRmcLA Austin/Bret video package "Pink tights? What the hell is that all about Bret? This isn't a ballet class!" Damn, what happened to the realness, the intensity, and the emotion? This is the kind of stuff that made me start watching wrestling. Austin seems legit scary and it feels like Bret should be fearful for his life. And Bret was as convincing as you can get as a frustrated person going insane. I much preferred serial killer Austin to drunken redneck face Austin.
  23. chaosrage

    The Youtube Thread

    I doubt I have it. I don't think I have any RAWs in 97 from after Pillman died, aside from a DX comp I bought.
  24. chaosrage

    The Youtube Thread

    Bret's heel speech parts 1, 2, and 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zdnrk2EuYrI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zsleuR-UOdI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-Z4k1x3NjA My favorite part is the very end where he's flipping off a kid in the front row.
  25. chaosrage

    The Youtube Thread

    Canadian Stampede was the blowoff. The Hart Foundation proved that Canada was the dominant country. Austin was pinned by Owen, and he was like "Holy shit, I can't even beat Bret's little brother, I better not bother Bret anymore." So Bret went back into the world title picture, and Austin went on to feud with Owen over the IC title. At least, that's the way it came off to me. Uploading Bret's heel speech to youtube now. It's hard to tell there since the sound is so horrible.