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Everything posted by chaosrage

  1. chaosrage

    New Book Upsets Christians

    You're joking, right? Either that or you haven't read the OT. Well whoop-de-fucking-do, if it wasn't for the OT, there wouldn't even be a NT. The OT IS still part of the bible, isn't it? Eternal truth? I don't care what you believe in, but when you try to act like there's no way you could possibly be wrong, you can't be taken seriously. You sound like you're ready to dismiss arguments before you even hear them. How can people just skip over posts like this and jump all over Eagan?
  2. chaosrage

    If Nintendo re-released the NES

    I grew up in the NES era and still don't have sentimental attachment to it. The games just sucked. As compared to what? At the time they were awesome. Some NES games are still harder to beat than today's games. They actually were challenging instead of all flash. Nothing beats Mike Tyson's Punchout! Still one of the most fun games ever! Law of averages. There were some brillinat gmaes for the NES, but out of what I think ended up being like 800 titles, there were a lot of really bad ones. A lot of the games that were really were so because of cheap/mandatory hits, brutal block-jump sequences or just plain bad control. Dying because the camera went off in some bizarre, random direction is the modern equivalent of your character not responding when you press jump and falling off a platform as a result. I'd definitely buy the NES if it was something reasonable like fifty bucks, because mine pooched out a long time ago - because the fifty or so games that are really good make the system worthwhile, and those that aren't actively bad but at least playable provide some variety. But thinking back to the wall of NES games at the video store when I was a kid, I played most of them (and I've recently re-played emulated versions of them), and I stand by my own conclusion from then - some of these games are awesome, but a lot of them suck. You can say that for any system. That only hurts the people that buy games based on the back of the box and don't pay attention to reviews or anything. NES was the best time for gaming. Great games were coming out month after month, sometimes right on top of each other, with no end in sight for years. All the great companies working together on one system, with gameplay being focused on over everything else. Nes fucking owned.
  3. chaosrage

    If Nintendo re-released the NES

    If they can make it where you don't have to blow in the games to make them work, then hell yes. Emulation is just as good though. As long as you buy some controllers.
  4. chaosrage

    25 most overrated games of all time

    See, that's just you. Xenogears belongs on the most underrated list. Now that's a game that came out with no hype at all. Even the mags that gave it good reviews didn't treat it as anything special. The only reason it's so popular now is through word of mouth. Anyway, Battletoads????? What a bunch of idiots. How could a game everybody loves be overrated? Might as well put Mario Kart on it. FF7 is okay since it was everywhere, on all the magazine covers, and every time you turned on the TV you saw it. A lot of people were disappointed in it. Not me, I liked it, but I could understand it being high. FF8 wasnt hyped anywhere close to that.
  5. chaosrage

    Another RVD Radio Interview

    Rob can't touch HBK in the ring, but as far as his mic skills...I dunno. He's not the Rock, but I always liked Rob's ECW stuff with Sabu and Fonzie. When he's given good dialogue (by this, I mean not sending him out there to do a Flair impersonation, which was completely out of character for him), Rob's passable on the mic. That's what RVD said on the interview he had back in June. They don't understand his character and they don't let him be himself on the mic. Instead they give him scripts to read. That's why everything he did sounded so natural in ECW and why it sounds so forced now. "When i first came in, you'd be surprised at what came back to me from their meetings. They had these talks that went "oh i get it, he's a surfer, right? Isn't he a surfer?" "No I think he's a hippie!" "No you know what, he's a druggie". They don't get it and they don't understand my attitude but you know i remain consistant and persistant to be me. As far as the microphone skills go, well if anybody saw the ECW show, which I SWEAR it's hard to believe that these guys did see it, sometimes it's hard to believe these guys even heard of me before i came there, i used to be able to have the freedom to get on the microphone, me and fonzie, we would ad lib most of the time, not even have anything scripted out, and we had the best time doing that. We would just go out and we would have fun, and you know now i get to WWE, and they actually hand me these scripts, where i read the part for RVD and here's my line "Cool". You want me say cool? That's all?"
  6. chaosrage

    John Ritter is dead at 55

    WTF? Problem child wasn't crappy. It was funny.
  7. chaosrage

    Shane McMahon on TV is a Bad Thing.

    Are you kidding? This is only about the most interesting storyline they've done in years..... and it seems to be a big ratings draw on top of that. They better not fuck it up.
  8. chaosrage

    Shane McMahon on TV is a Bad Thing.

    He doesn't wear out his welcome. . He doesn't? Well, to you he does. I don't mind seeing him every once and a while.
  9. chaosrage

    Shane McMahon on TV is a Bad Thing.

    Eh, I didn't see it as him running away. All I saw it as was Kane thinking Shane wasn't worth his time. I mean, if he was scared of him, then why would he sit there and laugh at the thought of Shane trying to put up a fight with him? Injured ones? That's a lot different from not being good enough to be on the show or not having anything to do. People will remember Kane threw him through a lightbulb. And that's the reason why he's not there. Because it's stupid to throw away the match for just a few weeks of build up. They've been friends for months, and all this new shit is only happening now. They could stretch it to Survivor Suries, or all the way to WM. Why do you wanna rush it to have a match already? RVD shouldn't be sacrificed so Kane can get over as a monster. That's what Shane is there for. Undertaker didn't have a match at survivor series 97 either. Because it just wasn't the right time for it! They had to make Kane look like a monster first. Think if UT had fought him right then and there and had put up a good fight. Well Kane wouldn't have seemed anywhere as unstoppable going into Wrestlemania. What would happen to Rob to make it believeable for him to beat Kane if he already lost to him decisively? And why couldn't people say that for Jericho at WM? (That wasn't even decisive) Come on. Nobody is seriously going to think RVD is any kind of a threat to Kane if he gets his ass handed to him at SS.
  10. chaosrage

    Shane McMahon on TV is a Bad Thing.

    He doesn't wear out his welcome. I wouldn't have a problem with Vince if he wasn't on TV so damn much.
  11. chaosrage

    Raw Ripped Apart...

    Exactly. I don't how people can want RVD to be squashed at SS. That makes no sense. Rvd should be all the way at the end of the line, not at the beginning.
  12. chaosrage

    This Kane stuff could be good....

    Actually, that's kinda what you guys are saying. Everybody seems to want RVD to fight him and have them make each other both look good. But that wouldn't do a damn thing to help either one of them. It also makes RVD look like total shit. Unless you're counting on him getting revenge which is just what you said they shouldn't do.... Kane wasn't expecting him to throw himself at him like that. Do you honestly think that would have been better? Now you have two potential matches that can draw instead of just one. Yeah, it sucks that RVD might not have anything planned for SS, but this should be a long term feud, not something over and done with in a few weeks anyway. He'll have to sell the same type of offense that he did on RAW. Remember that Shane is still pissed off and Kane doesn't really have a reason to want to beat him. How long was Kane vs Foley from Survivor Series? Wasn't that around 15 minutes? All they have to do is make a longer version of that. And while we're at it, wouldn't it have sucked if they gave us UT vs Kane the month after Bad Blood instead of letting it develop and establishing Kane as a monster first? Or maybe he'll just bump to put Kane over. Who knows.
  13. chaosrage

    Shane's not the bad McMahon at all

    I don't know about you, but if I did everything I could to someone.... and they laughed at me for it, I sure as hell wouldn't think I stood a chance against him. I would be scared to death.
  14. chaosrage

    This Kane stuff could be good....

    The only BS is someone thinking that Kane taking all of Shane's abuse and then fucking LAUGHING about it makes him any less of a monster. He shouldn't have taken any of the abuse in the first place! Shane should've ran at him in the ring and gotten mowed the fuck down. And if he did get him over the rope he certainly shouldn't have needed big strong Mr. McMahon to run over there and rescue him. Then he shouldn't have run away or even been taking the chairshots. HOW CAN THIS BE ANY CLEARER. SHANE SHOULDN'T EVEN HAVE HAD THE CHANCE TO GET THE UPPERHAND. HE SHOULD HAVE BEEN KILLED IMMEDIATELY. NO MATTER HOW MUCH HE NO SOLD IT SHANE FUCKING MCMAHON GOT THE UPPER HAND ON HIM. GET IT THROUGH YOUR THICK SKULL. Shut the hell up. The point is it didn't hurt Kane AT ALL. Shane is going to be demolished in their match, who gives a shit if he got the upper hand on RAW? Wow, great for him. And why do you people keep missing the fact that HE SURPRISED KANE AND ATTACKED HIM FROM BEHIND? That's the ONLY reason he got the upper hand. He's not a wrestler? Uuuhh.. that's exactly why we've been saying it's better to throw him at Kane than anyone else. If the match happens at SS, Kane can look like a monster without hurting anyone of any real importance. Understand?
  15. chaosrage

    Shane's not the bad McMahon at all

    And I don't think anyone can argue that Shane had more desire to beat down Kane. He tried to kill one of his family members for christ sakes. How can anyone compare it to RVD or Austin? You guys make it sound like he just came back one day and decided to beat up Kane for the hell of it.
  16. chaosrage

    Shane's not the bad McMahon at all

    Just going over him won't, but a vicious beatdown will. It doesn't matter if they know he's going to win. How else do you explain Goldberg? The problem is RVD isn't strong enough for either one to gain anything from that. Build Kane up as a monster first, and when it comes time for them to fight, it'll make RVD look better.
  17. chaosrage

    Shane's not the bad McMahon at all

    Why the fuck not? A. He caught him off guard. B. Kane didn't try kill RVD's mom. C. What does being a wrestler have to do with swinging a chair? D. Kane didn't sell any of it anyway. You're missing the point. Allright, all this is doing is sacrificing Shane to get Kane over. So why should they waste RVD like that? Instead of waiting awhile, letting Kane get a big reputation as a monster, and THEN give RVD a match with him? That way, Kane is already a monster and RVD doesn't have to get squashed. Everybody wins.
  18. chaosrage

    Shane's not the bad McMahon at all

    That about sums it up.
  19. chaosrage

    This Kane stuff could be good....

    The only BS is someone thinking that Kane taking all of Shane's abuse and then fucking LAUGHING about it makes him any less of a monster.
  20. chaosrage

    Shane's not the bad McMahon at all

    But what would it do for his career? Getting treated like a Spike Dudley or a Stevie Richards. That might make him miss more shows.
  21. chaosrage

    The One and Only RAW Thread

    I'm sure they could have it fixed for him to be killed by Goldberg in a 30 second match before his big main event, but I don't think you'd like that too much. See, that's the kind of treatment Kane needs. He needs to just be able to take someone apart at SS. Shane's the perfect guy for that, because he's hardly around. Because he's not a wrestler. Because he bumps like crazy.
  22. chaosrage

    Shane's not the bad McMahon at all

    So what? He's not a wrestler but he puts on good matches. I'd rather see him fight Kane than Austin, or anybody else they would put in. Even RVD because Kane's a monster now so he would just get squashed.
  23. chaosrage

    Shane's not the bad McMahon at all

    But he didn't sell. You saw how unaffected he was by all of it at the end. And why does it make a difference if he's the boss's son? He's a pissed off guy (who looks a lot bigger than the last time we saw him) that dove at Kane, who by the way wasn't expecting it. Then he kept hitting him with hard chair shots. You know this won't lead to Shane winning like it probably would if it was Vince, and you know it'll probably be a good match. So what's the problem?
  24. chaosrage

    working stream *inside*

    I got in. But, "The specified stream type is not recognized." I guess that'd just due to my computer sucking though. Time to try audio again...
  25. chaosrage

    working stream *inside*

    Access denied. The requested service is full. Dammit.