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Everything posted by chaosrage

  1. chaosrage

    best match tournament

    1)flair-steamboat 2/3 falls 9)benoit-sasuke jcup 94 17)bret-austin wm13 39)bret-owen wm10
  2. chaosrage

    Superstar Book Reccomendations

    Jesus Christ....... How can this be the same guy that did all the stuff with DX?
  3. chaosrage

    Flair shoots

    That's #2 IMO.
  4. chaosrage

    Flair shoots

    See, I'd say the ironman with HBK was the best match Bret ever had, and the ironman with Flair is the one that was pure shit. They just never worked together well at all. I'm surprised they can admit to it.
  5. chaosrage

    Trish Int. Pulled from Main Page

    It's weird that she didn't stop posting, but then again that's not more weird than the alternative. Seriously, if it was someone wanting attention, they could've had it year round. Even the posts were hardly attention-grabbers. The only facts she gave out were she didn't want to do playboy because after that the only place to go is down, and she was trained by Finley for the last 2 years. Can anyone confirm that?
  6. chaosrage

    Trish Int. Pulled from Main Page

    Bleh, I told you, someone made a post right after the interview and she started replying before she knew she was in trouble. It was a day or two later when her website said to take it down. Now do you honestly think someone hid in waiting for a year for the moment when the real Trish was going to say she went to and posted on the board, something she wouldn't have even known about? All that just to say thanks a few times.
  7. chaosrage

    Trish Int. Pulled from Main Page

    Why not? She said in the interview she had been going there for awhile but rarely posted, remember. And what do you know, TS is someone at WC who was there for a year and rarely posted. Then because they knew she visited, she feel like saying something. It's not that hard to believe.
  8. chaosrage

    Trish Int. Pulled from Main Page

    I know someone made a post saying she read the board. So she was kinda called out. I'll check it later, it's interesting. I mean, it'd be something if this site had a real impact on WWE and got her in trouble over it. That could get some wrestlers to start checking this place out.
  9. chaosrage

    Trish Int. Pulled from Main Page

    I think she made the posts before it was all over the place. They locked the thread over there right when her site said it was false.
  10. chaosrage

    Trish Int. Pulled from Main Page

    She knew it would get posted, but maybe she didn't think the site was that big of a deal. I could see why she wouldn't expect it to pop up on the Torch. Why can't we just believe it's Trish instead of an impersonator? Is that more rediculous than thinking she's a lunatic who faked an idenity for 2 years and posted at WC for a year without even saying who she was pretending to be?
  11. chaosrage

    If this was say 1997...

    True, but he SHOULD have left after WM 13, seeing as Shawn Michaels was too much of a prick to job back to him. The whole Canada Vs. USA angle was and still is fawking retarded. Wha? That was the most exciting time for WWF. It had the hottest crowds. Just look at Canadian Stampede. One week Austin and HBK would be the heroes, and Bret would be evil, the next week it was the opposite. Everybody cheated. It was awesome and kept the angle fresh for months. They really should bring back shades of grey. And I'm not saying he was telling the truth, but on Bret's tape, he said even he was starting to believe HBK had a legit injury. Although since he came back so fast, it made him cast aside all doubt. However, Angle came back from a career threating injury in less than time than that. Maybe he really was hurt, heh.
  12. chaosrage

    If this was say 1997...

    LMAO. Bret WAS 1997. Everything revolved around him. As far as Mankind losing steam, well the reason he didn't do much from jan to march was because according to his book, Mick wouldn't sign a contract and his back was in so much pain it hurt him to stand. After that, he main evented April with UT, then turned face in May and went on to get the biggest push you could get without winning the world title.
  13. chaosrage

    Rob Van Fucking Dam...

    Lots of high-flyers have bad selling, but they get away with it. If RVD does it though, why of course that means he's the worse wrestler... ever. Let's look at everyone's favorite, Halloween Havoc 97, Rey vs Eddy. Eddy beat the living shit out of Rey and then all of a sudden Rey is up doing cartwheels, dropkicks, backflips, and running, flying, and hopping all over the ring like nothing happened to him. He didn't sell at all whenever he was on offense, but most people can look past that and still think it's one of the best matches of that year. I mean, Rey's better about it now, but where were all those people that were saying RVD/Benoit sucked because RVD did one cartwheel with a hurt shoulder at back then?
  14. chaosrage

    If this was say 1997...

    Yeah, it's much better the way things turned out. The RR finish let Bret prove that he was the best, made Austin an even bigger thorn in his side, and let him whine about being screwed. Starting one of the best angles ever. If it wasn't for that match at WM, we wouldn't have had the double turn. Would we even have had the Hart Foundation and Canada vs USA then?
  15. chaosrage

    If this was say 1997...

    There wasn't too much to complain about in 1997. 1-Who would you be complaining isnt getting a big enough push Nobody really. Owen was getting pushed. He had the IC title for a good part of the year, and the tag belts for almost an entire year. He pinned Austin clean at Canadian Stampede, was on route to becoming the top face aside from SCSA at the end of the year. It was 1998 that messed things up. Mankind and HHH were taking off. There was those awesome interview segments with Foley. They brought back Dude Love and Cactus Jack, he won tag team gold with Austin. And HHH won king of the ring of course, and DX started. -Who would be smark favourites( a la Kurt Angle ), and who would be least favourites HBK, Hart, and Foley -Who would you be complaining shouldnt be on top and is getting to hard of a push, is taking up to much TV time etc. ( like HHH today) Nobody. Austin had 5 segments a night sometimes, but they all worked. -What young wrestlers would you see the potential to be main eventers Owen, HHH, and Foley. -What young wrestlers would you be complaining are getting too much of a push too soon Just Rocky. But remember back in the day when the fans responded and told them someone wasn't ready, and they actually listened? -What indy wrestlers or wrestlers from other companies would you be wanting the WWF to sign. Honestly, no one. I figured RVD and Sabu would just get lost in the shuffle, besides they'd be better used in ECW anyway, and I didn't realize how awesome Jericho was until 98.
  16. chaosrage

    Detailed Review of HBK DVD

    Yeah, that was strange. We all know how versatile Shawn was, yet every match on it except for ironman is a brawl. Even the rockers one. If I had my way, I would've put a rockers/orient express or hart foundation instead of the AWA, Shawn vs Marty instead of Diesel, and Shawn/Jericho instead of HHH. Just to give it some more variety.
  17. chaosrage

    Trish Int. Pulled from Main Page

    I doubt that she thought it would be linked all around the net. Why would she keep quiet and hardly post for a year at WC if it was a prank? Now, THAT's what you call dedicated. She/he/it would have to have an incredible amount of patience. The writing style is the same too. To everyone else, this would have had to been a running prank for two whole years. And for what pay off? Just to have Trish say on her website that it wasn't her? I mean come on, if it was a prank, don't you think they would try to be a little more controversial? Not just to Rob, but to everyone who talked to her. She didn't say anything that bad. If you want to see bad, download RVD's voice of wrestling interview. He made the writers look like total idiots.
  18. chaosrage

    best match tournament

    1)flair-steamboat clash of champions 6 5)malenko-guerrerro 2/3 falls 9)benoit-sasuke jcup 94 16)flair-steamboat chi town rumble 17)bret-austin wm13 21)hbk-razor wm10 39)bret-owen wm10 30)benoit-angle rumble 03
  19. chaosrage

    Bret Harts best match ever?

    #1 vs HBK - WMXII #2 vs Owen - Sumslam94 (i agree with choken, it's way underrated) #3 vs Austin - WMXIII #4 vs Owen - WMX #5 vs Austin - SurSeries96 #6 vs Perfect - KOTR93 #7 vs HBK - SurSeries92 #8 vs Nash - Royal Rumble 95 #9 Canadian Stampede #10 vs Piper - WM8
  20. chaosrage

    John Petrie's Raw Recaps

    I have all of them for 96 and 97 if you want them. I miss reading his recaps too.
  21. chaosrage

    Organized Religion

    No, see, if you're a Christian, then you believe God created everything. Everything therefore is his work and the result of him. Why can't you understand this? NOTHING can happen that he doesn't want to happen. He knows from the beginning exactly how every single thing he ever creates will play out before it's created. Plus, I already gave two quotes in this thread from the bible where it specifically says that he DID in fact create evil. Of course God could have just given him all of that to begin with and not made him suffer because of a bet with Satan, but I guess that would be too much to ask. So? As long as you can't come up with a reason as to why he shouldn't rain manna down from the sky, people have every right to point the finger at him.
  22. chaosrage

    Organized Religion

    Meh, torturing and killing innocent people is either an evil act or it isn't. If it's good for him, it must be good for us too. Maybe torturing people gives him some kind of sick amusement and he calls that love. Well good for him. Under our definition of evil though, he would be the worst monster that ever existed. And if we can't judge him, then we can't make the decision that he's good either. He would just be neutral.
  23. chaosrage

    Organized Religion

    But it's still irrelevant. Whether or not humans can solve this problem doesn't really matter. We AREN'T solving the problem. God's solution is NO solution. It isn't working and it never has. Can't he think of something that will work? As for Manna, you didn't answer me if there was any reason why he can't or shouldn't do it now to prevent people from dying or not. I know I can't think of any. What's the downside? I'm not saying that's not true. I'm saying he created this way of the world. He created greed. He made his creations have to eat each other for energy, so they must cause suffering and pain in order to live. He made people have to fight each other over a limited amount of resources since the beginning of time. "That's the way of the world" is an evolutionist point of view, because nature is cruel. Natural selection kills off the weak and evolution favors self-preservation. Let's not even get into why God would need to create natural disasters and diseases. Well if it is our job to feed the world and we're not doing it, a caring god would find an alternate way to feed these people. If he gave a shit about them at all I mean. Again, why doesn't he? If you watch a murderer kill someone and don't do anything, is it okay if I watch you stand by and not do anything because you're capable of stopping it? His way of handling justice sucks. It lets innocent people get killed while he has the power to instantly stop it and decides not to.
  24. chaosrage

    Organized Religion

    Oh? There wasn't a single infant child on the entire planet at this time, nor a single pregnant woman? Interesting. (Yes, I realize I'm being anal and picky, so you needn't point that out.) You're not being picky. If you believe the flood, he killed all children, infants, and animals. Damn them for not pleasing God!
  25. chaosrage

    Organized Religion

    We send food to the hungry. Some of them claim they're doing it for God. God himself does nothing, he just sits on his ass and watches. I know you think that. The point is it's not solving the problem. Tens of thousands of people still die from starvation each year. Saying that God tries to help but can't just makes him look incompetent. Never mind that god being omniscient KNEW beforehand that billions of people would starve, but he still set things up this way anyway. Is there any particular reason why he can't do this now? I don't believe in God of course, so I'm not holding anyone responsible. But if there is a god that created everybody and designed them from scratch and those people do bad things, well you figure it out. Mishandle their resources? Some countries don't have many resources to mishandle. Whose fault is that? Wow. Not only isn't that the question, it's about as far as you can get from the question. It's doesn't matter what I do or don't do, it's irrelevant, how would you know anyway? People are attempting to solve the problem (and have been since the beginning of time) but it's simply beyond our scope. And the people who do nothing aren't behaving any differently than god. Some hoard billions, but that's because God created greed. You can't lay the blame on humans and not God as well. That wouldn't make the slightest bit of sense. If I was omnipotent, I would be able to feed everyone, but I'm not. God is. I don't have control over anyone but myself.