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Everything posted by chaosrage

  1. chaosrage

    Loose Change 2nd Edition

    Wait, some people here are actually stupid enough to believe any of this?
  2. chaosrage

    NBA Conference Finals

    Well, in that one play, the Suns went from being in trouble to being fucked.
  3. chaosrage

    NBA Conference Finals

    I kinda called it. Diaw was on fire, looking to maybe have a Dirk night, then fouls forced him to sit out the rest of the quarter. When he came back out, he was cold. It changed the whole game.
  4. chaosrage

    NBA Conference Finals

    Someone punch Bell in the face for making those 2 three's at the end.
  5. chaosrage

    NBA Conference Finals

    Bring Van Horn into the game!
  6. chaosrage

    NBA Conference Finals

    oh fuck, boris has to sit out.. not good news for the suns
  7. chaosrage

    NBA Conference Finals

    And what kind of wacky world are we living in where Nash has more rebounds than assists?
  8. chaosrage

    NBA Conference Finals

    Anyone else get the feeling now that the 3 days rest in the Clippers series had nothing at all to do with the performance of the Suns in game 7?
  9. chaosrage

    NBA Conference Finals

    I love you Tim Thomas. I also love the Mavs keep leaving him wide the fuck open.
  10. Maybe Vince realizes the mistakes he made with the last invasion and wants people to take ECW serious this time around. No better way to do that then have ECW capture both of WWE's world titles in their first PPV. There's a chance of it, isn't there? I mean, if he wants ECW to run four days a week and have its own PPVs, fans are going to have to take it seriously.
  11. chaosrage

    WON News and Notes 5/29

    Hey, guess what? No one really gives a fuck what you feel strongly against.
  12. What if RVD and Sabu both win a world title at ONS?
  13. chaosrage

    State Your Unpopular Opinions

    I don't like this thread.
  14. chaosrage


  15. chaosrage

    NBA Conference Finals

    It looks like Raja might play. And from the preshow, both Nash and Dirk seem like such nice guys. I don't think I want to see either one lose the series.
  16. chaosrage

    OAO Raw Thread - May/29th/06.

    The crazier WWE gets the better.
  17. chaosrage

    NBA Conference Finals

    I think it was a big fuck up to sit Nash on the bench for so long. He only played for 36 minutes and 50 seconds. He almost missed an entire quarter worth of time.
  18. chaosrage


  19. chaosrage

    NBA Conference Finals

    Good news for the Suns. Van Horn is starting tonight.
  20. chaosrage

    ECW gets a normal time slot

    No, that's November. It's November to Remember. December to Dismember.
  21. chaosrage

    NBA Conference Finals

    This is why 100 year old men should not be allowed to referee.
  22. chaosrage

    NBA Conference Finals

    That would be devastating for the Suns if Raja had to sit out the entire series. Could they really stand a chance of beating a deep team like the Mavs with a bench that only consists of Jones and House?
  23. chaosrage

    NBA Conference Finals

    Wow, what a pass!
  24. chaosrage

    NBA Conference Finals

    Nash is doing some Tracy McGrady shit now. edit: although it did look like a BS foul on harris
  25. chaosrage

    NBA Conference Finals

    Nash is having fun. Mavs are not doing as good of a job guarding him as the Clippers did.