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Everything posted by chaosrage

  1. chaosrage

    NBA Conference Finals

    This is shaping up to be a 160 point game.
  2. chaosrage

    NBA Conference Finals

    Game 1 of the Suns/Clippers. Both game 7s. The thing is he wasn't playing like shit. He was shooting like shit, but if you look at the stats, you see that he had something like 13 assists.
  3. chaosrage

    NBA Conference Finals

    In what universe is a landslide win controversial? Last year's win was controversial because he barely edged out O'Neal. Having 57 1st place votes while Lebron has 16 and Dirk has 14 is not controversial in the slightest. Look at the stats for the regular season. Nash has better field goal percentage (.512 to .48), better three point percentage (.439 to .406), better free throw percentage (.921 to .9). While Dirk has him beat on points scored (26.6 per game to 18) and rebounds (9 per game to 4.2), Nash more than makes up for it in assists (10.5 to 2.8). Even when he isn't getting assists or scoring points, he still draws in defenders, frees players up, and creates plays on practically every possession. All of the assists and constantly giving his teammates open looks at the basket has the added effect of increasing their confidence and making them a part of the game. You're kidding yourself if you think Diaw or Barbosa would be playing anywhere as good without him. Dallas is also a much deeper team. They don't have to rely as much on Dirk and always go to him as the Suns do with Nash. Nash pretty much is the Suns. Yes, Dirk has played better in this second round. But I don't think it's that much better as you're making it out to be. Okay, in game 6, Nash made 6 out of 16 while in Dirk's game 6, he made 9 out of 16. That's just 3 more baskets. Nash still made 11 assists. It's not a MVP performance, but it's not exactly bad either.
  4. chaosrage


    The essense of Taylor is pitchy? Was she trying to compliment him or insult him?
  5. chaosrage


    Gotta agree with Simon. Safe or not, that was Kat's best performance of the season.
  6. chaosrage

    NBA Conference Finals

    "Nash only played two good games in [the Clippers] series -- Games 1 and 7 -- and the Suns still won the series. If Nowitzki goes 2-for-7 against the Spurs, Dallas is going home right now. So who's more valuable? You tell me." I know this is just saying the obvious, but wow, Bill Simmons is a fucking retard. 1. The MVP award is for the regular season, in which there's no question that Nash was more valuable. 2. Nash has really been playing injured for awhile. Players do get injured. Few hurt players could play 13 games without any breaks and not get tired. 3. In every game in this series, Nash has played good. He has only played a fantastic MVP performance for 2 of them, but they were all good. Let's take his game 6 loss. He had 17 points and 11 assists. So he was responsible for a minimum of 39 points. How is that not a good game? I would say that's easily comparable to most of Dirk's performances in his series.
  7. chaosrage

    NBA Playoffs 2006: Conference Semifinals

    We're all witnesses to the Cavs tying the record for fewest points in a half in playoff history.
  8. chaosrage

    NBA Playoffs 2006: Conference Semifinals

    "AUGH this is like watching the world's slowest bullet enter someone's skull." good summary of the game from someone on another board
  9. chaosrage

    Loose Change 2nd Edition

    Ever heard of the Bermuda Triangle?
  10. chaosrage

    NBA Playoffs 2006: Conference Semifinals

    Using KT for 20 minutes couldn't be any worse than using James Jones for 20 minutes.
  11. chaosrage

    NBA Playoffs 2006: Conference Semifinals

    Shit.. The past two days has sucked for me with basketball. All the teams I wanted to win lost. If the Pistons, Spurs, and Clippers make it to the conference finals, I have no reason to watch because I hate all of those teams. My Mavs/Suns series is not looking too likely now.
  12. chaosrage

    NBA Playoffs 2006: Conference Semifinals

    They didn't count it. Oh, and these refs like to blow whistles... a lot.
  13. chaosrage

    NBA Playoffs 2006: Conference Semifinals

    No, MJ would have shot the 3 and tried to tie it. Or at the very least called time and given himself a chance to get a clean look at a 3. LeBron's inexperience showed up there, as did Flip Murray's when he tried a Superman 1 handed rebound with authority and bounced it right to a Pistons player. The game was there for the Cavs and if they don't lose by at least 15 on Sunday I'd be shocked. They had TOs left?
  14. chaosrage

    NBA Playoffs 2006: Conference Semifinals

    Michael Jordan would have ran, caught his own free throw rebound, and dunked it.
  15. chaosrage

    NBA Playoffs 2006: Conference Semifinals

    I really don't get how the foul on Varejao was a foul. Varejao was just standing there with his hands up and Rasheed jumped into him. How is that a foul on Varejao?
  16. chaosrage

    Stacy Keibler suffers seizure: rushed to NYC Hospital

    There was no need for that. Thankfully, we know she is better now, but given the uncertainty of her condition at the time, that statement was really unwarranted. I like sarcasm as much as the next guy, but it's pathetic that you chose to exhibit such unnecessary snark and sarcasm at a time when a little empathy would have been much more appropriate. I agree. I froze when I read what geniusMoment wrote. Oh god, the room, it's spinning.
  17. chaosrage

    NBA Playoffs 2006: Conference Semifinals

    It's surprising how bad Raja Bell was from the 3 point line tonight, considering how good he's been in the last few games. Tim Thomas also had an awful game with only 3 points. Hopefully, they're just tired out and in need of a few days rest because I want game 7 to be closer than that. I really want a Mavs/Suns series too.
  18. chaosrage

    NBA Playoffs 2006: Conference Semifinals

    Scottie Pippen just said on ESPN that if he had to choose to have someone on his team between Lebron right now and Jordan when they beat the Cavaliers in 89, he would pick Lebron. I'm interested in hearing what your opinion is on this, Dama.
  19. chaosrage

    NBA Playoffs 2006: Conference Semifinals

    If you blinked right there, you would wonder what the hell happened to LA's 8 point lead.
  20. chaosrage

    NBA Playoffs 2006: Conference Semifinals

    How the shit is that not a foul on Wallace?
  21. chaosrage

    NBA Playoffs 2006: Conference Semifinals

    What's up with the 'Lowering of the Hell in the Cell' music being played throughout the game?
  22. chaosrage

    NBA Playoffs 2006: Conference Semifinals

    Did Lebron murder your parents or something, Dama?
  23. chaosrage

    NBA Playoffs 2006: Conference Semifinals

    He wasn't hurt. He wasn't injured. He fell down, overreacted like a bitch, and his boo boo was remedied with a quick tape job. Getting shot, and landing awkwardly are really the same thing. I mean next time someone gets shot, just throw some tape on it and send them on their merry way. It was just as much of a pussy response to an ankle tweak as Tyson Chandler's was. Admitting pain is one thing, writhing around on the floor is something else. Despite Marion's floundering around on the ground, the Suns deserved to win this one because yet again the LA team abandoned the game plan. Mobley took too many shots down the stretch, and they didn't foul Bell out. Having said that, all that mileage on Nash's legs is going to cost him mightily if the Mavs finish San Antonio tomorrow night. He gets a rest in between Thursday and Monday. Or longer if the Suns win game 6. (I think that's how it works) He needs one too. He shot 0-5 from the 3 pt line tonight and hasn't made a 3 pointer since game 1. Also made a bunch of mistakes there at the end.
  24. chaosrage

    NBA Playoffs 2006: Conference Semifinals

    Another timeout. This game will never end.
  25. chaosrage

    NBA Playoffs 2006: Conference Semifinals

    His 2 of 12 from the 3 pt line in the last game and forgetting to call a time out in this game says otherwise.