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Everything posted by chaosrage

  1. chaosrage

    Kurt Angle interview with reporters

    Kurt Angle is all about the bling bling.
  2. Yeah, and he says HHH is the best wrestler today too, don't forget that. I wonder when will the praise for Stephanie start.
  3. Yes, but instead of making me think that his winning is more likely, it makes me think that it's less likely. How often does WWE go down the road that makes sense? It didn't make any sense to bury RVD in 2002 when he was getting the loudest response on the roster. It didn't make sense for Edge to lose the title to Cena. It didn't make sense for Shawn to turn back face. It didn't make sense for Flair to beat Carlito to qualify in the MITB. It doesn't make sense for a 57 year old to still be a wrestler and have people sell for him, but look where we're at now.
  4. I love RVD. It doesn't sound like he's winning the MITB match though.
  5. Bret had already rejected Shawn's apology offering before that. How was he supposed to react as a heel to thousands of canadian fans screaming "YOU SCREWED BRET!!" at him?
  6. I wouldn't care or still hate him because it was 10 years ago. (I ESPECIALLY wouldn't care if he had tried to apologize since then) I might even buy him a beer and laugh about it with him. What I certainly wouldn't do is make a fool of myself in front of everyone by announcing that I wouldn't show up if he attended, it doesn't matter how badly I don't want him there. But that's just me, you know, not being an emo-fag.
  7. chaosrage


    Country? Mental note: don't watch next week.
  8. chaosrage


    Bucky having more votes than Katherine officially makes AI a joke.
  9. chaosrage


    If Katherine goes, that's it for me on this show.
  10. Whether or not he thinks the whole christian thing is bullshit, he should have kept his mouth shut about it because he came off sounding like a dick. The man extended his hand out and Bret spit in his face. Same situation now with Shawn saying that Bret deserves to be in the HOF and he would be fine with not going if that's what it took for it to happen. Bret's response is to DEMAND, like a little bitch, for him not to show up and say if he so much as catches a glimpse of him, he'll leave. Because he for some reason can't get over an event that happened 9 years ago, and oh my god, he just hates him that much.
  11. Bret has said worse, not in a promo, but in a real life interview.... in response to, get this, Shawn saying he wanted to apologize. Is there any reason other than Bret bias why you're letting Bret off the hook for that? I really doubt Shawn mocked Bret's stroke for the simple fact that if he did this board would have never heard the end of it. Every time Shawn's name was mentioned, it would have been brought up.
  12. Nothing about a stroke.
  13. When? 2002, on a Raw in Canada. According to this, Shawn wasn't at any live 2002 Raws in Canada.
  14. chaosrage


    Someone must have pissed in Randy's corn flakes tonight.
  15. chaosrage


    Oh my god, Ace is terrible. A real hammer needs to drop on him.
  16. chaosrage

    Ross to Call Raw Matches at Mania

    This makes me so sad. "Remember when JR used to be a good announcer? Well it took him time to become shitty enough to fit in with the rest of the WWE product. I hope I can forget how to call a match too and be a shell of my former self like he is. One day."
  17. chaosrage

    My All Time Wrestlemania Card

    You should have done ECW instead.
  18. Yeah, right. That's a good one.
  19. No, we don't, you're an idiot if you believe that after I just posted quotes on the last page where Shawn said Bret deserved to be in the HOF and he woundn't attend if that's what it took for him to show up. At least respond to the posts before saying something this stupid.
  20. Yes, but that hardly means he hasn't changed. Old Shawn would have thrown a fit and refused to do the show. Austin would maybe do the same thing now. New Shawn acted slightly unprofessional to someone that had it coming.
  21. Ok, sorry, but point stands. Demanding to win twice, one time completely clean against an active wrestler 12 years younger than you isn't being reasonable. I think it should be understandable why anyone would have a problem with that.
  22. He jobbed to Hogan, he jobbed to Austin, he refused to job to Bret who was barely a draw at all and responsible for some of the lowest buyrates in history. What are you talking about? He is obviously talking about the fact that if Shawn had his way, he wouldn't have jobbed to any of them. Proof? His problem with Hogan was that Hogan wanted him to lose completely clean to a legdrop, not once but twice in a row. What do you think Austin would done? Say "Okay, Mr Hogan, I'll lose clean to the legdrop because hey, I'm happy just to be in the ring with you"? Most likely, he would have walked out and not did the show at all.
  23. He showed how much he'd fixed it by throwing a fit over not getting his way in the program with Hogan, and getting Vince to let him do a shoot promo on Hogan on the live Raw the next day, where he mocked Hogan and all but came right out and said he made Hogan look good the night before, thus making a complete mockery of the match. The match was already a mockery. A 52 year old man beating him clean with a legdrop because he wouldn't accept any other finish. And he wouldn't accept any other finish for the following month either. That's bullshit. If HBK wanted to shoot on Hogan for that, he should have, because the way Hogan acted was just as uncalled for. He jobbed to Hogan, he jobbed to Austin, he refused to job to Bret who was barely a draw at all and responsible for some of the lowest buyrates in history. What are you talking about?
  24. Would you want to talk in private to someone that sounds like this? Honestly, I'd be scared to. Why couldn't Bret just say "I'd rather talk in private." and leave it at that like any decent non-homocidal human being would do? He deserves whatever Shawn said to him on his DVD for that last line.