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Everything posted by chaosrage

  1. It matters a lot since it would make absolutely no sense if Shawn interrupted his induction speech to get him involved at WM. There's almost no chance that that would happen. If anybody did something during it, it would be Vince.
  2. Then ignore me or put more thought into your posts so I can stop correcting them.
  3. If he feels that going there would open himself up to a skit, then he shouldn't go at all. What right does he have to tell someone else they shouldn't be there? None. I'd be more worried about Vince than Shawn anyway, since Shawn's character right now is telling Vince to get over it.
  4. Because HBK is not acting like a kid and hasn't for about 8 years. If you're not respecting him for something that he did almost a decade ago, then you're not much better than Bret. No, he said he wouldn't attend if that's what was preventing Bret from going. It's selfish of him to expect Shawn not to show up. Maybe Shawn would have liked to be there for Sherri, you know. The fact that he still hates someone for doing something to him in 1997 is a problem of its own.
  5. It's childish. Bret is acting like a little kid upset that one of his toys was taken away. Wait, that doesn't capture the ridiculousness of it. It's a kid upset that one of his toys was taken away 8 years ago. Shawn has tried to make amends. He's said that he's willing to talk to Bret and he would ask Bret to forgive him. He's said that Bret deserves to be in the HOF and he'd be willing to not go if that's what needed to happen. It's time for Bret to stop being an asshole. I don't know how anyone could still have any respect for him when he acts like this.
  6. Well, I hope Meltzer feels like a giant jackass now for writing this after Shawn said he wouldn't go to the HOF ceremony if that's what it took for Bret to be inducted. Yeah, who can believe Bret would be that bitter?
  7. Goddamn, Bret fucking sucks. When will he stop crying?
  8. chaosrage

    The Simpsons Movie In Production

    While being my favorite show ever, it'll end up having more than double the amount of bad seasons as it does good. Unbelievable That really is sad. What's the consensus on when it started declining and having bad seasons?
  9. No, I found Rey/Finlay to be kind of boring actually. I liked Regal/Benoit a lot more.
  10. chaosrage

    The Simpsons Movie In Production

    About 10 years too late. Just let the fucking show die already.
  11. You want him to keep that shit? God, why? Not only does it sound terrible and doesn't fit him at all, but it sounds like a total midcarder theme. Can you picture hearing that music in the main event of a big time show like WM? The theme he had when he first came to WWE is better than what he has now.
  12. chaosrage

    "Snakes on a Plane" Teaser up

    Dogs on a plane.
  13. chaosrage

    South Park Season 10 starts tomorrow

    I pretty much agree, but the funeral speach just seemed like a cop out. I'd respect them a little more if they just went for a full out burial. If they wanted to take the high road,then they shouldn't have spent 90% of the episode shitting on the guy. How did they spend 90% of the episode shitting on the guy? The entire episode was them shitting on Super Adventure Club and saying that Chef was brainwashed. The only thing Chef did wrong in the ep was make the decision to go back to them at the end. Then Kyle tells you not to blame Chef for it, blame the fruity little club. It wasn't an attack on Heyes at all. Well you need to watch the Scientology episode again. Find it on youtube and watch them back to back.
  14. chaosrage

    South Park Season 10 starts tomorrow

    I did, it had charisma (= was good). It didn't teach much about scientology, mostly "made fun" of it. It told you everything about it. It went through the process of becoming a member, what they have to offer, it told you about the man that created it, it explaned e-meters and theten levels, it even spent a few minutes going over their sacred doctrine.
  15. chaosrage

    Bret vs HBK vs Flair vs Austin

    You said above. Austin was above. The only carry jobs that Hart had on the level of Shawn that I can think of are Diesel and Bulldog. (And Bulldog had a far better match with Owen)
  16. chaosrage

    Bret vs HBK vs Flair vs Austin

    Now that's total bullshit right there. Shawn's made a career out of carrying guys. I'd like to see Austin have as good of a match with UT that Shawn did. Or Sid, or nash, or Hogan. Hall, best match in his career. Jarrett, best match in his career. Shelton, best match in his career. Foley, best match in his career. Anyone rating Austin higher than Shawn is just insane.
  17. chaosrage

    Bret vs HBK vs Flair vs Austin

    Best Match: Bret - vs HBK, Wrestlemania 12 HBK - vs Bret, Wrestlemania 12 Flair - vs Ricky Steamboat, Clash of the Champions 6 Austin - vs Bret, Wrestlemania 13 rated as workers: 1. Shawn 2. Bret 3. Flair 4. Austin rated as talkers: 1. Flair 2. Austin 3. Shawn 4. Bret rated overall: 1. Shawn 2. Bret 3. Austin 4. Flair (mostly for his last 12 years. If he had quit in 94, he would be higher)
  18. chaosrage

    South Park Season 10 starts tomorrow

    You can't be serious.
  19. chaosrage

    Mickie James vs. Trish Stratus

    Whether you want it or not, it's there. You can't exactly deny the lesbian overtones in the feud. Regardless, I really don't need to see women slice each other's faces open anywhere. You're very pretty, Trish, don't be stupid and cut your face up.
  20. chaosrage

    South Park Season 10 starts tomorrow

    You just don't like it because you're a member of the club.
  21. chaosrage

    Mickie James vs. Trish Stratus

    Um, no thanks. I don't like blades in my lesbian porn.
  22. chaosrage

    South Park Season 10 starts tomorrow

    Fantastic episode. I laughed almost all the way through it. I hope that Darth Chef is a recurring character.
  23. chaosrage

    South Park Season 10 starts tomorrow

    Chef has been brainwashed by some fruity little club.
  24. chaosrage

    South Park Season 10 starts tomorrow

    hahaha, wtf My Uncle Bud did that to me once!