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Everything posted by chaosrage

  1. chaosrage


    No, there isn't. He gets to sing again.
  2. chaosrage


  3. chaosrage

    Top 50 WWF/E FEUDS

    As much as I was disliking the list so far, I have to say Bret/Shawn deserves to be top 5 just for that segment where Bret called Shawn down to the ring for seemingly no reason at all, completely ripped him apart for 20 minutes, and then it just went off the air without any retribution from Shawn. That was insane. (And who can blame Shawn for being pissed off at something like that?) Every time they got together, you could tell they despised each other. And they got together a whole bunch of times. They feuded on and off for pretty much the entire year of 1997. There was that segment I mentioned, all of the January-February promos and build up between the two, the promo where Bret turned heel against US fans, Shawn came out to tell Bret to get the fuck over himself, and Bret attacked Shawn's hurt leg from behind the promo in Canada where Shawn announced he would be the special referee and if he didn't call the match right down the middle, he wouldn't be able to wrestle in the US again. So he would have to move to Canada and live next door to Bret. This also brought us one of the most classic lines of all time, "Bret, buddy, pal of mine, if you can't trust Shawn Michaels, who can ya trust?!!" all of the buildup in October and November for Survivor Series. I'm sure there's some more I'm forgetting about. I would put Bret/Shawn as #2 behind Bret/Austin. no retribution for shawn? isnt that when he superkicked bret out of the wheelchair?? He did, but it didn't happen on the air. The show ended with Bret bitching him out. This led to Shawn being mad and giving the "Sunny Days" promo, which led to the real life fight between the two.
  4. chaosrage

    The OAO RAW Thread for March 20, 2006

    So what if Mama is a stereotype? Their biggest star of the last decade was also a stereotype. This is the first time they're managed to make me care about anything Shelton did outside of a wrestling match. It's the first time that his entrance gets a reaction from me other than boredom, and that is it makes me laugh. She's funny and manages to be one of the few parts on Raw that's consistantly entertaining.
  5. chaosrage

    South Park Season 10 starts tomorrow

    I was a junior in HS. Damn, that couldn't have been 10 years ago, could it?
  6. chaosrage


    And the judges like it! What the hell?
  7. chaosrage


    Ouch, my ears. That was horrible.
  8. chaosrage

    The OAO RAW Thread for March 20, 2006

    Yes, it is. Even DVDVR was mostly positive about SNME. That's when we know something is wrong here.
  9. chaosrage

    The OAO RAW Thread for March 20, 2006

    Well, blame the return of a few posters that do nothing but say over and over how they hate every segment, drowning out all positive comments. This is the most negative I've seen this board in about 2 years. SNME was definitely not a bad show. On almost every other board, the response is overwhelmly positive. Raw was decent. Edit: A good example is the IC match. Everyone is not up in arms over it. Go to page 5 and look at the names. It's just the same 3 or 4 idiots.
  10. chaosrage

    The OAO RAW Thread for March 20, 2006

    Best Cena match ever.
  11. chaosrage

    The OAO RAW Thread for March 20, 2006

    Tell me how to make a gif.
  12. chaosrage

    The OAO RAW Thread for March 20, 2006

    I love Shane's music and entrance. He should become a full time wrestler.
  13. chaosrage

    The OAO RAW Thread for March 20, 2006

    Ok, CM Funk, you're being a Negative Nancy. Stop it, unless you want everyone to call you Negative Nancy from now on.
  14. chaosrage

    The OAO RAW Thread for March 20, 2006

    okay, this segment made Raw
  15. chaosrage

    The OAO RAW Thread for March 20, 2006

    Candace was hotter tonight than she is in the magazine nude.
  16. chaosrage

    The OAO RAW Thread for March 20, 2006

    Until the past few months, I didn't really understand why they were banned. I used to defend them.
  17. chaosrage

    The OAO RAW Thread for March 20, 2006

    Fortunately, just because Choken One isn't liking the match doesn't mean they can't work.
  18. chaosrage

    The OAO RAW Thread for March 20, 2006

    RVD should not be selling 57 year old man chops.
  19. chaosrage

    The OAO RAW Thread for March 20, 2006

    Apparently, you were asleep when Vince was dancing to the ring.
  20. chaosrage

    Was SNME a flop??? Ratings are in...

    Nah, the Edge/Foley segment was good too. That's all I got to see because Raw came on.
  21. chaosrage

    The OAO RAW Thread for March 20, 2006

    Here comes midget Shawn.
  22. chaosrage

    Was SNME a flop??? Ratings are in...

    I just downloaded SNME. From watch I watched (The first 30 minutes and the main event), it was a great show. Why did some people here not like it?
  23. chaosrage

    Who Gets The Final Money In The Bank Spot?

    Bret Hart!
  24. chaosrage

    My 97 RAW comp

    Well if Bret went into WM with the title, he wouldn't have had a reason to be frustrated and miserable because of Austin. Or whine and complain on TV. If he had the title, why would he even have a problem with Austin? It would have just been a normal match, with no intensity and emotion. The double turn probably wouldn't have happened. Also, they probably wanted to have Sid/Taker be for the title to try to get people to care about the match. Bret/Austin didn't need the title for people to care.
  25. chaosrage

    Pictures I Like
