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Everything posted by chaosrage

  1. chaosrage

    Been a long time, had some drinks...

    You spelled your name wrong.
  2. chaosrage

    Was SNME a flop??? Ratings are in...

    I knew it was coming on this saturday when I watched Raw. It just slipped my mind over the week. I'm not used to Saturday being a wrestling night.
  3. chaosrage

    Was SNME a flop??? Ratings are in...

    It should have at least gotten smackdown numbers, seeing as friday nights and saturday nights aren't that much different. They can blame the tournament, which is getting higher then usual ratings but ultimately, it's just another sign that will be ignored by the company. They were aware the NCAA tournament was on last night, that was their fall-back excuse. If there was a miracle they could say "see,we're that popular" and when it got the rating it did "Well, we had to compete against the tournament". I completely forgot about it due to it being on a Saturday. I'm sure I'm not alone. I really wanted to see it too.
  4. chaosrage

    The Super pre-SNME Thread

    Oh, this show was tonight? How was it?
  5. chaosrage

    Issac Hayes Quits South Park

    Thanks for stopping by and letting us all know that you lost a sense of humor as you got older.
  6. chaosrage

    Issac Hayes Quits South Park

    Daily Variety got a statement from Trey and Matt today. http://www2.variety.com/ref.asp?u=drud&p=l...id=VR1117939918
  7. chaosrage

    What was the biggest crowd pop EVER?

    Bret Hart's entrance at Canadian Stampede is the biggest pop I can think of.
  8. Sanford and Son? You're the idiot here if you think people wouldn't be bitching just as much if Sanford and Son was turned to an all white cast. The sad thing is if Sanford and Son did have a white remake, you would probably be on the other side complaining about how racist it is and calling everyone that defended it a racist.
  9. chaosrage

    South Park Season 10

    I could see why a scientologist would be a little pissed off at that.
  10. chaosrage

    The Youtube Thread

    Why are some youtube videos fast and others so slow that you have to pause it to wait for it to finish?
  11. chaosrage


    She was just thinking about something funny that happened to her the other day.
  12. chaosrage

    South Park Season 10

    Guess what ep comes on in 15 minutes. Edit: Well, fuck. Never mind. They must have changed it at the last second. It was supposed to be scientology. They're airing Chef's chocolate salty balls instead.
  13. chaosrage


    Jesus, Kevin's not even in the bottom 3?
  14. chaosrage

    South Park Season 10

    Parker and Stone are going to be on Letterman tonight. Don't forget to watch.
  15. chaosrage


  16. chaosrage


    Simon is insane. She was better last week.
  17. chaosrage

    Issac Hayes Quits South Park

    But Simpsons already did that.
  18. chaosrage

    Early Raw Preview

    That would be unfair.
  19. chaosrage

    Issac Hayes Quits South Park

  20. chaosrage

    Top 50 WWF/E FEUDS

    As much as I was disliking the list so far, I have to say Bret/Shawn deserves to be top 5 just for that segment where Bret called Shawn down to the ring for seemingly no reason at all, completely ripped him apart for 20 minutes, and then it just went off the air without any retribution from Shawn. That was insane. (And who can blame Shawn for being pissed off at something like that?) Every time they got together, you could tell they despised each other. And they got together a whole bunch of times. They feuded on and off for pretty much the entire year of 1997. There was that segment I mentioned, all of the January-February promos and build up between the two, the promo where Bret turned heel against US fans, Shawn came out to tell Bret to get the fuck over himself, and Bret attacked Shawn's hurt leg from behind the promo in Canada where Shawn announced he would be the special referee and if he didn't call the match right down the middle, he wouldn't be able to wrestle in the US again. So he would have to move to Canada and live next door to Bret. This also brought us one of the most classic lines of all time, "Bret, buddy, pal of mine, if you can't trust Shawn Michaels, who can ya trust?!!" all of the buildup in October and November for Survivor Series. I'm sure there's some more I'm forgetting about. I would put Bret/Shawn as #2 behind Bret/Austin.
  21. chaosrage

    Top 50 WWF/E FEUDS

    Yeah, I don't get how Austin/Owen could possibly beat out Austin/Rock.
  22. chaosrage

    TSM Poster Tournament IV: Round II

    Slayer Zack Malibu (this is an easy one because of the kelly pic) EvenflowDDT Matt Young Niskie KOAB NYU Rudo Meatwad geniusmoment Carnival Banky alfdogg Hoff Black Lushus The Czech Republic
  23. chaosrage

    TNA arena crowd

    This is what it sounds like to me too. Every TNA duel chant seems to have the same tone of voice for both sides and it just kills the product for me. I hope that I'm just hearing things and no one is actually retarded enough to chant for both guys at the same time.
  24. chaosrage


    He's got the granny and preteen votes. -shrug- All there is to it, I guess. He's got the http://www.votefortheworst.com/ votes too.
  25. chaosrage

    I have a hard on
