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Everything posted by chaosrage

  1. chaosrage

    IGN's Top 100 Games

    Heh, FF6 had parts like that too though. Right after you leave the Floating Island, the airship splits apart in the sky and everyone falls out and somehow manages to survive.
  2. chaosrage

    IGN's Top 100 Games

    While I think the storyline and characters are still the best out of all the FFs except for FFX, I'd say you nailed it. IGN said themselves that two of their major factors for the list are how good it was compared to other games at the time and how influencial it was. Knowing that, I can't see how anyone could be surprised that it's ranked high. Just think of what RPGs were like before 1991. I can't even remember one RPG before it where the characters said more than a few sentences through the entire game or one where you didn't have to spend hours and hours and hours leveling. FF4 seemed to change all of that. Then the characters didn't just talk. They picked with each other, laughed with each other, turned on each other, fell in love, had inner conflicts, showed sadness, and sacrificed themselves. Yeah, it's true that they did all come back to life except for Tellah (oh and Anna), but Palom and Porom, two little kids basically choosing to end their own life so the party can go on was shocking, I don't care what anyone says. When I was like 9 or 10, I felt sad every time I walked in the castle and saw them as statues. I'd love to have a remake just so all the characters that died could maybe stay dead. "Why it Made the Top 100 List: Despite the fact that the U.S. version of SquareSoft's first 16-bit Final Fantasy was heavily censored compared to its Japanese counterpart (known as Final Fantasy IV across the Pacific), it's still one of the greatest role-playing games we've ever played -- and that's not just nostalgia talking. The game introduced many of the series' most popular staples including the introduction of the active battle system, an expanded repertoire of magic spells, the use of Chocobos, and one of the most popular additions: monster summoning. Throw in one of the strongest RPG stories ever told, truly excellent graphics, and some of Nobuo Uematsu's best audio work, and the formula for near-perfection is complete." Also everyone that wants to know what's so good about FF4 should really play the Hard Type version. At least, that's the one I'm talking about when I say it's a top ten game and has a better story than all the FFs, not the butchered game that came out in the US. It's a giant difference in dialogue and characterization. At times in the US game, some of the scenes were incomprehensible. I would be playing it and thinking Why did he say that? or Why did he react that way?, until I played HT and found out why. "Ohh, so that's what they were trying to say." FFC was a huge step up but still not as good as the translated rom.
  3. chaosrage

    WWE Signs Tatanka

    Um, why? He's fat and didn't get any reaction. Something's wrong when Tatanka has a contract and Marty Janetty doesn't. (I know he was in jail, but he should have been picked up the minute he was out if the only reason he was arrested was something small like having a shouting argument with his girlfriend)
  4. chaosrage

    IGN's Top 100 Games

    Obviously like with any good list, both. Just like the one we did.
  5. chaosrage

    IGN's Top 100 Games

    Their last list was better. It had A Link to the Past and FF4 in the top ten. Now they're too low. Conker which was #46 last time got dropped completely. They dropped Resident Evil 2. There's no way Super Mario Bros should be ahead of Super Mario Bros 3 and Super Mario World. And not having the original Zelda on any top 100 list is just unforgiveable.
  6. chaosrage

    Marty Jannetty on Byte This.

    It's on already? Shit. What did he say?
  7. I read this as: who's going to be willing to do the J.O.B.? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> WWE.com is putting up what they want wrestling fans to believe to be real life drama.. WWE is trying to mark to the internet base by gving real(fake) interviews.. But the jist of the article is still going with some obvouis underlining themes here, it's apparent by HBK's approach to his promos that he his unwilling to be the heel in this match.. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> How do you figure? He was cocky enough. What do you expect him to do? Insult the fans for no reason that are cheering him? For the most part, it seemed like an old school HBK 97 heel promo. I think they're just trying to let the fans decide who the face and the heel are, which is perfect. Either that or they want them both to get mixed reactions.
  8. chaosrage

    Who is going to stop watching raw when mnf starts

    It's sad because you probably really think that. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well, he's right.
  9. chaosrage

    Marty Jannetty on Byte This.

    I can't wait. What was he arrested for?
  10. chaosrage

    Vengeance estimated buyrate

    About 230,000. Raw may have beaten ECW but ONS managed to get a lot more buys than Smackdown. JBL in a main event: 0 John Cena in a main event: 0 Tommy Dreamer in a main event: 1 The solution is obvious. Replace the Smackdown brand with ECW. Does anyone know exactly how the estimates work? Someone in the last thread said that the webcast isn't counted in. I don't know if that's true but if that's the case, then we can all expect the final buyrate to be much much higher since the internet is such a huge part of their fanbase. (Hell the most hype the show got was on Byte This) The final number when it comes out is always higher, and sometimes it's as much as 100,000 more like the last Royal Rumble.
  11. chaosrage

    WWE 24/7 Recieves Clearance on Cox Cable

    Good, the programming guide made it seem like they didn't show the whole thing. Pillman vs Malenko is on the 01/22/96 nitro. I wouldn't mind seeing that. I just wish that they showed more of them a month though. I mean, at the rate they're going, it'll take 4 years to get to 1998. (Meaning 4 years to see heel WCW Jericho ) Any idea on how how long it'll take for history of ECW to reach '95? I'm guessing they have to edit out all of the ECW themes or not show any of the entrances from that time, right?
  12. chaosrage

    WWE 24/7 Recieves Clearance on Cox Cable

    Well I'm in New Orleans but some PPVs I've already seen and three Sgt Slaughter matches isn't really making me run to the remote. What is history of ECW? Is it worth seeing? Are the entire RAWs and Nitros shown or just a couple of matches?
  13. chaosrage

    Games with too much movie!

    No, I was being serious. It was just a coincidence that you said the same thing.
  14. chaosrage

    Games with too much movie!

    If you didn't like Xenogears, I think you should give up video games.
  15. chaosrage

    WWE Cut Death Pool

    Val Venis Hardcore Holly Scotty 2 Hotty Grenier Tyson Tomko Best Bet: Scotty 2 Hotty Phone Avoider: Triple H
  16. chaosrage

    Brock Lesnar Returning to WWE

    Fuck. Do we really need Lesnar now that we have Batista? Hell, I'd take Orton over Lesnar. At least he can kinda talk. I thought he was overrated when he was around and I really don't give a shit about him after the way he left. And then if that wasn't enough he had to go and trash wrestling in interviews. I can't see how anyone would want him back, honestly, even if you liked watching him wrestle.
  17. chaosrage

    The Hardest Game You Ever Played

    Add Adventure Island, Milon's Secret Castle, Startropics, and Ghosts N Goblins to the list and then I'll be impressed.
  18. chaosrage

    Favorite Wrestlers

    Shawn Michaels Rob Van Dam Eddy Guerrero Chris Jericho Bret Hart Mick Foley Marty Jannetty Alex Wright Kurt Angle Stone Cold and The Rock only as heels Chris Benoit
  19. chaosrage

    ECW One Night Stand

    I can't see why not. That's still a pretty good number. I mean, it did better than Judgment Day and a lot of other WWE PPVs this year and last year. If it has more buys than Vengeance too and it probably will, then a dead company which used to get .7 ratings weekly while it was alive brought back with no card, no storylines, and very little hype made Vince more money than either Raw and Smackdown PPV. Meltzer said 300,000 would be a major success. Another thing, if you look at the chart right below that, you can see it's just an initial estimate. It always turns out to be more. For example, last year's Bad Blood initial estimate was lower than ONS. In fact just compare the circles on the second PPV chart. 275,000 doesn't seem so bad now, does it?
  20. chaosrage

    The ECW ONS Thread

    Why does my new digital cable box that I got today just say "No data" for all the channels when I press guide?
  21. chaosrage

    The ECW ONS Thread

    He didn't start shooting until he stopped being pushed and realized he wasn't ever going to get a push. Maybe WWE will look at this and see that he can talk and think about doing less scripted interviews.
  22. chaosrage

    The ECW ONS Thread

    I hope this is one of the 4 big suprises.
  23. chaosrage

    The ECW ONS Thread

    Thank god. This needed to be said. I was going to get it anyway of course but now I don't have to worry about every match being WWE style. Just from the card we know, Storm vs Jericho, Benoit vs Guerrero, Tanaka vs [see Spoiler Thread], Psicosis vs Mysterio, Super Crazy vs Little Guido vs Tajiri, and a 10 min RVD shoot, when was the last time a card was this good? Styles commentating, 4 big surprises.. I can't remember being this hyped up for a PPV in a long long time. And the funny part is there's no storyline for ANY match. It's like the complete opposite of WWE.
  24. chaosrage

    The ECW ONS Thread

    Do they ever edit the replays? I'm working Sunday night. But I'm off Tuesday.
  25. Easy. People see that Raw is starting to become entertaining again or they about hear it from friends. So they start watching. Or someone flipping the channels sees a Viscera segment and likes it and tunes in next week to see him again. Then while they're watching, another part of the show could catch their attention too, such as ECW. More people watching = more potential PPV buys and more people going to the shows.