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Everything posted by chaosrage

  1. chaosrage

    The Youtube Thread

    The Rock/Mankind stuff I posted more than makes up for everything else he's done. None is it even that horrible. I would take all of that in a second over John Cena holding the title for a year and The Boogeyman eating worms. I was never a big fan of 1999, but I always considered myself in the minority. The ratings showed that most people had no problem at all with what he was doing. We all know he's had a lot of dumb ideas as well, but that doesn't take away from the fact that a lot of people's favorite memories would not have happened without him. So did anyone actually watch the videos?
  2. chaosrage

    The Youtube Thread

    The sequel. The night where Mankind wins the world title. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4Qxf1F38dE part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHf2Er5ODg8 part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bg6KR0w6I68 part 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLyxZ0tsRxM part 4 WWE was so unpredictable back then. Before I watched this to record it, I had forgotten that the night started off with Mankind asking for a title shot at the ROYAL RUMBLE. The people there that night were really in for a treat. Not a single one of them could have guessed the way the night would end up. The next time anyone thinks to say something negative about Vince Russo, think about this. Without Russo, this night and the moment at the end would not have happened. In fact, here's Russo talking about it. How many times can you picture the writers since he left saying "Well, the fans think they want this, but they don't really know what they want."? Probably a lot. I wonder sometimes what he could have done for Jericho, Benoit, Guerrero, and Rob Van Dam had he stayed.
  3. This is all true, but at least I had those guys to look forward to seeing. There was a chance I might see something good. Off the top of my head I remember Jericho vs Shawn, the Highlight Reel every week, RVD vs Christian's ladder match on Raw, Rock's heel turn, and the Jericho/Trish/Christian storyline at the end of the year. There's not a single person on the roster that I have the slightest interest in anymore. HBK, RVD, and Benoit were the last.
  4. And except for Taker and HBK, who aren't currently wrestling and probably won't be back for a while, doesn't that just make you want to cry?
  5. You have to be kidding. 2003 was not good by any means, but at least we had Jericho, Shawn Michaels, Guerrero, Benoit, Rob Van Dam, Kurt Angle, Brock Lesnar, Christian, and The Rock's excellent heel turn. Today, we have nothing. December to Dismember was what the final straw was for me to stop watching.
  6. chaosrage

    The Youtube Thread

    I made a little compilation video of the storyline where the Rock turned heel at Survivor Series 1998. As far as wrestling storylines go, it really doesn't get much better. The brilliance of it was not just in what it did for the Rock and that it surprised the hell out of everyone, but also in how it catapulted Foley's popularity from a mildly popular guy to.. well, getting the reaction that he got when he won the title two months later. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=IdCAiV5Qwts part 1 http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=RIGJQy1-r0Y part 2 http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=nhb27x3XZRs part 3 http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=hbPPt6pV0mw part 4
  7. chaosrage

    The Youtube Thread

    The Teamsters (Diesel, HBK, Jeff Jarrett, Owen Hart, Jim Neidhart) vs The Bad Guys (Razor, 1-2-3 Kid, British Bulldog, Rikishi, and Sione) from Survivor Series 1994 http://www.dailymotion.com/Ninjafish/video...s-survivor-seri Part 1 http://www.dailymotion.com/ninjafish/video...survivor-seri/1 Part 2 Also, Sunny! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ejEoB4Z9b78 http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseacti...ideoid=11275091
  8. chaosrage

    The Youtube Thread

    Undertaker sacrifices Dennis Knight. AKA the beginning of the Ministry of Darkness. http://www.vidilife.com/video_play_758868_...ifices_denn.htm Seriously, why can't Russo make TNA this entertaining? You can get banned posting anything WWE. I did awhile back. Now I stick to Daily Motion or vidilife.
  9. chaosrage

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    That link takes me to a Mineral Management Service page. edit: nm though, i got it by going to wrestlingobserver.com
  10. chaosrage

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Jericho did say he wouldn't be surprised if Benoit's own parents didn't even know.
  11. chaosrage

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    You'll have a hard time getting it he was essentially on and off the show throughout the whole hour, it wasn't like he did a 5 minute spot and was gone. I have it edited down to just his segments. Does anyone know why YouTube isn't allowing me to upload anything right now? Use Dailymotion.com or vidilife.com. Their uploading is faster than youtube anyway. Anytime I ever tried uploading on Dailymotion I always get an error message. Youtube still isn't working tonight even though there's no longer a message saying they're working on maintenence. I'll probably have to wait until tomorrow I guess... What about vidilife?
  12. chaosrage

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    You'll have a hard time getting it he was essentially on and off the show throughout the whole hour, it wasn't like he did a 5 minute spot and was gone. I have it edited down to just his segments. Does anyone know why YouTube isn't allowing me to upload anything right now? Use Dailymotion.com or vidilife.com. Their uploading is faster than youtube anyway.
  13. chaosrage

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Now I can't get the "I'm an ass man" song out of my head.
  14. chaosrage

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Her site says it was posted Monday night, so she would have been clueless like everyone else was at the time.
  15. chaosrage

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Lawler is on live on some radio station right now. http://tuner1.dc1.sonixtream.com/playlists...reefmWYSPFM.asx
  16. chaosrage

    Religious Tolerance & Religious Moderation Are a Joke

    Why do people still believe this lie, when in the foreward of LOTR, Tolkien not only flat out says LOTR isn't allegory, he then proceeds to talk about how much he despises allegory?
  17. chaosrage

    NBA Playoffs 2007: Conference Finals

    Same here. Man, the playoffs ended quickly. I can't believe the Suns are gone already. They should have won games 1 and 5 and be on their way to the conference finals now.
  18. chaosrage

    NBA Playoffs 2007: Round 1

    It was less Kobe was getting too many free throws and more that the Suns just weren't getting any. Case in point: Barbosa's last drive of the game when the Suns were down 2. Barbosa is in the paint laying up the ball, and Kobe jumps on his arm. No call. Then Kobe goes down the court, and Raja gets called on a touch foul for having his hand brush against Kobe's stomach. Nash was mauled every time he came down the court and never once got a call. You're blind if you think the game was called evenly.
  19. chaosrage

    NBA Playoffs 2007: Round 1

    I can't understand why you want to have two games on at the same time. That makes no sense. So what if it takes two weeks? Last year's first round was probably the most exciting round in the playoffs. Why rush through it? 2 weeks is fine. Bulls/Heat and Nets/Raptors are on at the same time tomorrow, anyway.
  20. chaosrage

    NBA - April 8-18

    Tonight couldn't have went any better. The first round is going to be great, especially Mavs/Warriors. I can't wait to see that. The only first round matchups that don't sound all that interesting are Pistons/Magic and Cavaliers/Wizards.
  21. chaosrage

    OAO Monday Night Raw Thread-4/02/2007

    Shoot on him please Shawn
  22. chaosrage

    OAO WrestleMania 23 Thread-April 1st, 2007

    Fuck, this is the first time I clicked on a wrestling thread or spent any time on wrestling since I read the results to December to Dismember and I regret it. Fuck you Cena. Fuck you WWE.
  23. chaosrage

    This week in the NBA

    I said it's impressive. I just think that some other players could probably do the same thing if they wanted to take 37 shots. Take Nash for example. The most shots he's ever taken in a single game is 28. He made 20 of them and scored 48. (Against Dallas in the playoffs) He made the same number of shots as Kobe made last night, but he didn't have the free throws to go along with it. When Dirk scored 50 against Phoenix last year in the playoffs, he only took 26 shots. I wonder how many points he would've had if he had managed to take 11 more.
  24. chaosrage

    This week in the NBA

    While getting to 60 points is impressive, does anyone here not think that a lot of players could get 60 if they took 37 shots? Especially if they're playing against a horrible team? I'd love to see just once in their careers, Dirk or Nash take 37 shots in a game. To see what they could get.
  25. chaosrage

    NBA Roundtable Discussion

    Speaking of, isn't it a little more understandable now why someone would want to knock Kobe on his ass? I called Bell an idiot here when he did it, but now I can kinda see why Kobe's elbows would have pissed him off.