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Everything posted by chaosrage

  1. chaosrage

    The OAO Raw Thread - 7/26/04 - 60 Minute Iron Man

    Uuh.. WMX7? When did Austin ever tap twice in 1 match?
  2. chaosrage

    The OAO Raw Thread - 7/26/04 - 60 Minute Iron Man

    Cue benoit fans saying HHH was protected. Edit: oops, too late..
  3. chaosrage

    The OAO Raw Thread - 7/26/04 - 60 Minute Iron Man

    Wow, HHH taps twice in the same match.
  4. chaosrage

    Raw Drinking Game

    3 shots for every fucking commercial break
  5. chaosrage

    The OAO Raw Thread - 7/26/04 - 60 Minute Iron Man

    Why would they? It's Edge.
  6. chaosrage

    Oh Emm Gee Ban Please.

    except i wasn't bitching.... and that makes sense. i didn't know he was banned before johnson.
  7. chaosrage

    Oh Emm Gee Ban Please.

    I never said they weren't right. Just asking why would Johnson make another name before he got banned.
  8. chaosrage

    Oh Emm Gee Ban Please.

    How could he be Johnson? He's been here since 2002. Before Johnson was even banned.
  9. chaosrage

    What movie will break...

    So we just have to wait for another movie like a Jaws or ET to come along. I like how if you adjust for inflation, Back to the Future did better money than two of the LOTRs. And Ghostbusters did better than all 3 LOTRs and Passion of the Christ. Those numbers don't sound so great now, do they? http://www.boxofficemojo.com/alltime/adjusted/ 26 Thunderball $451,044,000 $63,595,658 1965 39 Goldfinger $399,789,000 $51,081,062 1964
  10. chaosrage

    Some funny ass shit!

    Is this guy still here? If not, how can we get him back?
  11. chaosrage


    You know, I remember seeing pictures of Earthbound 3 in Nintendo Power... Back in 1995! I'll believe it when it comes out and I'm playing it.
  12. chaosrage

    Things You Need on Your PC

    I downloaded all of these except for spywareblaster (not available), and I still get ads popping up. Now what?
  13. chaosrage

    Windows Clock

    Did you get it fixed? My windows clock keeps going ahead 10 minute no matter how many times I change it. It always makes me late for class.
  14. chaosrage

    Birds in the Hotel's Blog

    this is very interesting. happy birthday.
  15. chaosrage

    TV Shows on DVD...

    Yeah, Mole, you might want to check those out. Quantum Leap
  16. chaosrage

    Nightmare on Elm Street: Real Nightmares on CBS

    I'm afraid of having sex with 10 supermodels at the same time. Help me out Freddy.
  17. chaosrage

    Nightmare on Elm Street: Real Nightmares on CBS

    What if they lie about their worst fears?
  18. chaosrage

    Benoit vs HHH Ironman match thread

    Yep, doesn't really make any sense. There was just a PPV with HHH/Benoit as the ME. Why didn't they make that an ironman?
  19. chaosrage

    The "what WWE are doing well" thread

    Benoit is still the world champion. They're having an ironman match on free TV next week.
  20. chaosrage

    Benoit vs HHH Ironman match thread

    Maybe the ME of summerslam won't be Trips vs Benoit. Seems more like they're building to Eugene vs HHH. I don't know what Benoit would do though. Maybe defend against Orton? I think HBK/Bret is infinitely better than HHH/Rock, so I hope they go down that road.
  21. chaosrage

    Benoit vs HHH Ironman match thread

    I can't believe I'm saying this to you, but Benoit needs to win this. This is the kind of match that can make or break careers. It can either made Benoit look like he was a fluke champion the whole time or make him look just as good or better than HHH. Benoit made Shawn tap in their second match, not HHH, and Eugene hit HHH in the head with a chair in the third one for Benoit to win. So he has two pretty big excuses for those two. Besides, HHH already won one ironman. He doesn't deserve two. HHH can we the title at Summerslam if he needs it so bad.
  22. If Leon dies in RE:A, who is the main character? Claire? I never liked Leon too much anyway.
  23. He didn't. Meltzer just listed a bunch of names (HOF candidates) to see what Bret thought about them. Oh and "Bret still never thought HHH was much of a player and never seemed to have much integrity" So much for that DVD...
  24. chaosrage

    The OAO Diva Search Thread for 07.19.04

    Why because it did not have enough HHH? No eugene.
  25. chaosrage

    The OAO Diva Search Thread for 07.19.04

    They could always have a 30 min ironman.