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Everything posted by chaosrage

  1. chaosrage

    The OAO Diva Search Thread for 07.19.04

    What a cheating bitch.
  2. chaosrage

    The OAO Diva Search Thread for 07.19.04

    It doesn't make any sense. Why have an ironman match when it's only their second match? Why have it on RAW when they could have it at Summerslam?
  3. chaosrage

    The OAO Diva Search Thread for 07.19.04

    Week 3 of the diva search, duh.
  4. chaosrage

    The OAO Diva Search Thread for 07.19.04

    This is gonna take up half of RAW every week for 10 weeks, isn't it? Just cut the bullshit and give it to Carmella.
  5. chaosrage

    The OAO Diva Search Thread for 07.19.04

    That flushing I hear must be the sound of the Bret Hart DVD going down the toilet. Whenever they get close to closing the gap, they rip right apart again. He was meeting Shane McMahon today too. Does this mean it didn't go too well?
  6. Shawn's already said he wanted to meet with Bret face to face so he could ask him to forgive him. That was like a year ago. Bret never responded.
  7. chaosrage

    The OAO Diva Search Thread for 07.19.04

    That commercial was great.
  8. chaosrage

    The OAO Diva Search Thread for 07.19.04

    Damn, look at Regal go.
  9. chaosrage

    The OAO Diva Search Thread for 07.19.04

    holy shit, ironman
  10. This thread is going another 10 pages now.
  11. chaosrage

    Choken One..........banned?

    Who said he didn't have the right to ban him? We just want to know why he decided to pick Choken One. He also said he was worthless, okay. What posts of his made him worthless? He added discussion to most threads in the WWE folder. (for example, the post quoted in this thread) What was worthless about them? Just calling him worthless doesn't tell us anything.
  12. chaosrage

    Choken One..........banned?

    Sass's explanation was "He's stupid." Tom's explanation was "We don't have to give an explanation." What did I miss?
  13. chaosrage

    Choken One..........banned?

    No explanation has been posted so far besides "He's stupid.". If you call that an explanation, then.. I guess they provided one.
  14. chaosrage

    Choken One..........banned?

    You and AS did. Repeatedly. "Thank fuck he's gone. We always try to remain impartial, but Jesus Christ was he intolerable." - Nik "Please give some examples of posts where he was "intolerable". Someone else on this thread tried but then admitted he was wrong. Wtf." - Me I even said please.
  15. chaosrage

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    The best lines from the entire series was in that episode. XANDER She can read our minds? Our every impulse and fantasy. BUFFY Every one. XANDER (thinking) Oh god. CORDELIA (thinking) I don't see what this has to do with me. CORDELIA I don't see what this has to do with me. Edit: Fuck, I'm always at the top of every page.
  16. chaosrage

    Choken One..........banned?

    By the way, no one demanded an explanation.
  17. Another thing is why did Bret leave? I make jokes from time to time about Bret losing his smile, but I've never ever heard a reason for him being gone. It's a little bit too coincidental that Bret left the day Shawn won the belt and his first match back was when he lost it in November. Also, these have been some really great threads Promoter. Nice work. The WWE board's been more interesting the past few weeks then it's been in about a year.
  18. And what would Austin be doing in all of this?
  19. I know he wasn't, but I think he was definitely in the right this time. Why should he have been willing to lose to a guy leaving the company? Like he said, that would have been stupid. It's about more than just Shawn hating Bret. What's the url for the WOL interview?
  20. chaosrage

    Choken One..........banned?

    Uh that's pretty stubborn if a mod won't change his mind no matter what argument he gets. Loss changed his mind and admitted he was wrong a bunch of times. Dames and Dr Tom recalled a couple bans, including Frigid's.
  21. The only who has ever said that is you. Probably because I don't like your friend, Spiderpoet, or something stupid like that. You also call everyone you don't like Eagan. Sounds like something Eagan would do.l
  22. chaosrage

    Choken One..........banned?

    he.didn't.explain.why.he.felt.he.was.being.stupid. half the board seems to disagree with him.
  23. chaosrage

    WWE Folder stupidity.

    How is it idiotic? Oh wait, people are saying Choken was banned for responses like this. Maybe you should be banned too!