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Everything posted by chaosrage

  1. chaosrage

    Choken One..........banned?

    He pretty much said the same thing you did. Just took him more words to say it.
  2. chaosrage

    Choken One..........banned?

    "Just read a post of his" is such a great answer too.
  3. chaosrage

    WWE Folder stupidity.

    Well, first off, let's start with a little exercise. Out of Choken One's 20,000+ posts, detail for me one post that stands out in a positive fashion. Whether it be an eye-opening intelligent post, or a side-splitting humorous post, or just something incredibly entertaining.....give me one single post that Choken had that improved anything on this forum. Now, out of Choken One's 20,000+ posts, can you detail for me one post that stands out in a negative fashion? I'm sure that, for many people, many different posts popped up in their head. As unfortunate as this is, Choken One really didn't add ANYTHING to the forum. He was not the person to look for when you wanted to have a smart discussion about wrestling, baseball, or any other medium. His knowledge about these subjects only seemed to exist on the surface, and once you tried to go into detail, it became quickly obvious that he wasn't nearly as experienced in the subject he was trying to argue about. He didn't add any humor to the forum - I can't remember one single time when I looked at a Choken One post and felt any single urge to laugh whatsoever. And were his posts entertaining at all? Did they add discussion to their forum? Did they serve any other purpose besides raising his own post count? No. Now, this wasn't even the worst part. The fact that Choken One was bland beyond belief isn't the problem here. It's the fact that he - MANY TIMES - resorted to flaming when there was no need for it. This was detailed earlier on in this thread. Just from the FIRST PAGE of the WWE Folder, I found five different flaming comments that were uncalled for. I didn't even bother to bring up that Baseball thread, which was just ridiculous as well. The guy loved to comment on the "idiotic" ways of others, yet failed to see the amazing irony in the fact that he was consistently proving himself to be even more idiotic. I just don't see the quality posting coming from Choken One when I see him responding to a post calling for Angle to return to a WWE ring with "You're a fucking imbecile." Although I personally don't intensely agree with Choken's banning - His relatively worthless posts didn't cause any HARM to the board, and I am of the school of thought that people need to get thicker skins outside the Hardcore Discussion folder - I'm not going to lose any sleep over it. It was an understandable decision, all in all. Seriously, I think Choken was the best poster here. He added discussion to just about every single thread in the WWE folder. He posted about 100 times a day, but I can't recall any of his posts ever being short. Most of them have several paragraphs explaining himself. He didn't flame more than anybody else, also according to new rules and Dr Tom, flaming is okay outside of the Hardcore folder anyway. Even if he didn't add anything, that's not a reason to ban him. It's pretty clear to me that there aren't any.
  4. chaosrage

    WWE Folder stupidity.

    I like that he at least tried to give an explanation, but still all it amounted to essentially was that "he sucked". He gave as much reasons as CWM.
  5. chaosrage

    WWE Folder stupidity.

    It's not the mod's board to do whatever the fuck they feel like. If a mod can't explain why he banned someone on won't, then he should be removed from the spot. If not, then you're basically saying it's okay for mods to ban whoever they don't like just because they're mods. That's BS.
  6. The point is he knew he was leaving. That's why he told him on the same day Hart found out his contract was getting breached. He didn't want to job to someone leaving to go to WCW.
  7. chaosrage

    WWE Folder stupidity.

    Can you quote the worst posts in it so I don't have to read 9 pages about baseball?
  8. chaosrage

    WWE Folder stupidity.

    Actually, yes you do. This kind of attitude is EXACTLY why people don't want you as a mod.
  9. chaosrage

    WWE Folder stupidity.

    If everyone knows why he was banned, then it should be pretty easy to point out lots of his intolerable posts.
  10. chaosrage

    WWE Folder stupidity.

    Please give some examples of posts where he was "intolerable". Someone else on this thread tried but then admitted he was wrong. Wtf.
  11. chaosrage

    WWE Folder stupidity.

    Choken One is the best poster here BY FAR. He better not have been banned.
  12. Yeah, but he could've picked another day to tell him other than the SAME EXACT day Vince picked to break the news to Bret that he was breaching his contract.
  13. Vince probably also told Shawn on 9/22. Why else would he tell Bret that he wasn't jobbing to him on the same day?
  14. I think Bret had to lose Montreal no matter what, just because Bret (and Canada) always won everything that year. Canada can't win every single match. Bret had to lose once in Canada. It didn't even have to be Survivor Suries. Vince said it could be the next month, but Bret still said no. If Benoit had looked better than every single wrestler one year (let's say it was this year), and at the end, he lost to HHH a few times by screwjob, however he won the title back at the last match, then went on main event WM, I don't think too many people would be bitching. 9/22 was the same day Vince told him he would breach his title. Edit: the top response
  15. When was that? I've never heard that one. He jobbed to Sid before. Like I said, the only one Bret would be putting over on that whole scenario that he hated so much would have been Austin. Bret wouldn't be putting over Shawn anymore than Undertaker put him over at Bad Blood and Royal Rumble.
  16. Undertaker lost twice to Michaels and didn't become fodder. He didn't even get a win. Bret was supposed to win the last match, essentially winning the feud. Again, Shawn only refused to lose to Bret because he was leaving. Why should he be any higher than that? It's kind of silly to expect Vince to hold Austin back just to make Bret happy.
  17. I think Vince wanted him to be a face and feud with Michaels. He gave him a scenario where he would win the blow off match with Shawn and be in the main event of Wrestlemania. How could he have a problem with that? You know the matches Shawn won wouldn't be clean. None of Shawn's matches were clean when he was in DX. They wouldn't even let him beat Shamrock. So the only one he'd really be putting over was.. Austin. Which is fair because Bret beat Austin every time they fought, including the Wrestlemania the year before.
  18. chaosrage

    WWE Folder stupidity.

    Which got a reply of... What the fuck is that about? The original poster made a legitimate comment about Flair's book being compromised by being ghostwritten and a WWE Book, and threw it out there as another aspect of to consider when discussing this topic. In reply the poster got a childish retort of no substance. Unsurprisingly, the second poster has a Hart Foundation picture in his/her signature. Example 2 - From the thread about Bruno Sammartino working with the WWE again... Why did this poster bother replying to a thread about which they admit to knowing nothing about? I'll post more examples soon... Then either leave or report it so you don't look like a fucking baby in front of the whole board. TheSmartMarks.com: More Drama Queens than a Broadway Musical
  19. chaosrage

    Alex Wright....

    The fact that it was WCW.
  20. Same thing for Owen. What does the way Bret acted about his brother dying have to do with Flair's life?
  21. chaosrage

    Megaman collection

    The best thing for Wily in 1 was electricity and fire. The best for 4 was drill and pharoah man. I don't remember 5, 6, and 7. The most useless weapon had to be Guts man. I mean, there's like 5 blocks in the whole game.
  22. Because it's a business, and WCW getting to say they have WWF's world champion would be a huge blow to the company, which was already struggling. Bret's a hero to Canada and doesn't want to lose? Tough shit. It's professional wrestling, heros lose sometimes, it happens. If Bret wanted to win all the time, maybe he should have picked a real competitive sport. Seriously, this would be like Hogan refusing to lose the Warrior because he'd let all his hulkamaniacs down, or refuse to lose the Rock because he'd let down all the NWO-ites. "Well you know something Vince, I don't think my hulkamaniacs would like if I lost to Warrior at wrestlemania. Let me win against the Warrior, brother. I can lose the belt the next month against Brutus Beefcake, and he can drop it to Warrior. See, it all works out dude."
  23. Right, urged him to take it, not telling him he had to do it. Bret didn't like the new direction of the WWF, he didn't like the guy Vince wanted to be champion, and he would be making way more money in WCW. Even Bret said that the deal they offered "would be insane not to be taken. So why should Vince try to make him stay? All you have to do is look at his documentary to see how miserable he was in the WWF that year. Boohoo, they're turning me heel. Boohoo, Shawn is going to take my spot. Boohoo, the WWF is turning into smut TV. Boohoo, they want to make my CHARACTER look like a racist.
  24. chaosrage

    Megaman collection

    (even though it's helpful in the final boss) I thought it was at first too. "Wow, the water balloons actually do something!" But then I realized the normal blaster with the laser did more damage.
  25. If Shawn didn't want to lose to Austin, why didn't they ever have any problems with each other? It seems like Austin would've had a big problem with Shawn after that. In Shawn's shoot tape, he explained that one of the reasons he thought Russo was an idiot, was because he wanted Shawn to win that match at WM. Taker was probably just still pissed about Bret and wanted to make sure something like that didn't happen again. How do you know he wasn't hurt? How would Bret know? Then Vince told Bret that he changed his mind and now he could afford his ENTIRE contract. But Bret still took the WCW deal anyway. He didn't get kicked out, he left on his own.