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Everything posted by chaosrage

  1. Bradshaw is the champion?? Fuck.. I didn't even know there was a PPV tonight.
  2. chaosrage

    Megaman collection

    What's the yellow devil? MM1's still one of the best mega man games. And MM2 and MM3 are the best, so that should be fun if you never played them before. Air Man's kinda tough if you don't have the right weapon.
  3. chaosrage

    Best Graphic or text adventure game?

    Shadowgate. Maniac Mansion was awesome too.
  4. Fight Club The Godfather Taxi Driver Shawshank Redemption
  5. chaosrage

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    WILLOW. Like he should have done since season 3.
  6. chaosrage

    Megaman collection

  7. 1)Austin vs Rock-WM 17 (24-7) 4)Bret vs Austin-WM 13 (24-7) 42)Bret vs Bulldog-Summerslam '92 (17-14) 7)HHH vs HBK vs Benoit-WM 20 (23-8)
  8. chaosrage

    Megaman collection

    MM2 is the same way.
  9. chaosrage

    Megaman collection

    I have no idea. Just saw it posted on somethingawful. Who needs a 3 hour interview?
  10. chaosrage

    Megaman collection

    Okay. "R&D was asked why the GameCube version of Mega Man Anniversary Collection does not have the same remixed music in the Navi Mode as found in the PlayStation 2 version. It seems there was a disc space problem. The GameCube disc just does not have the same amount of space that a PlayStation 2 DVD has. Even using the best video and audio compression technologies, simply having 10 games on one disc the 20+ minutes of video in Mega Man 8 and the 20 minutes of video for the extra interview, there was just no room to have the remixed audio in the Navi mode of Mega Man 1 - 6 on a GameCube disc. There is, however, separate remixed tracks that can be found in the secrets area as the game is played through and secrets are unlocked."
  11. chaosrage

    Review of Flair's book

    That's because of WCW's (and Flair's) stupidity, not because there wasn't a demand for him. He was the 2nd biggest face in the company. He would definitely have been taken seriously as a main eventer if they hadn't fucked up that feud with Vader.
  12. chaosrage

    Megaman collection

    The hardcores would probably own every Mega Man, know all the histories, and have all the remixes already though. I have MM 1-6. Playing it with the remixed music is kinda tempting, but I don't know about for $30. Maybe if they threw the MMX games in there too.
  13. chaosrage

    Review of Flair's book

    He was a main eventer in WCW. What the hell is flair talking about? No demand for him at all when he wasn't working for Vince? Senile old bastard.
  14. chaosrage

    Megaman collection

    And remixed music for PS2. Is there any reason why they didn't put all the extras in both games? Do they expect someone to buy one for GC and then buy one for PS2?
  15. chaosrage

    WWF January-June 2001

    Vince was important to show how desperate Austin was. From what I got of it, he spent a year out with injuries and he was older than he was in 98 and 99, so he wasn't sure he could beat the Rock again. The self doubt thing makes perfect sense, especially when you think about him retiring a couple of matches after his title reign because of the same injury. Plus since he was getting old and the neck injury was wearing him down, he MIGHT never get another shot like this. That's why he needed it more than "anything else in the world". The turn made the match. For 40 minutes, you see his frustration build up, how nothing he could do could put Rock away, and he just couldn't beat him. Realizing that or not wanting to take the chance, he uses his backup plan, Vince. The chairshots by itself wouldn't be enough. Austin used chairs in a lot of matches. But siding with the evil boss, going against everything his old character stood for proved how obsessed he was with winning it. Now they were in texas, so nothing they could do would turn the crowd against him. But to everyone else it was a heel. Aligning with Vince was about the only way he could have turned heel.
  16. chaosrage

    And in a shocking development

    Yeah, not like Eugene is over as hell or anything.
  17. chaosrage

    And in a shocking development

    Eugene = High ratings Eugene = High ratings Eugene = High ratings Eugene = High ratings
  18. chaosrage

    And in a shocking development

    Maybe Eugene = High ratings. No one knew Rock would be there. But everyone knew about the Eugene/HHH match.
  19. chaosrage

    Megaman collection

    I think you get the option of playing it with the old music or playing it with the remixed music.
  20. chaosrage

    New Resident Evil 4 Screenshots

    0 was alright.. way too short, though, IMO... Short? I thought it was one of the longer REs.
  21. chaosrage

    WWF January-June 2001

    Wait, where are the ratings? I demand snowflakes.
  22. Ingrid stated she felt like she was on the Truman Show or something and everyone freaked out. That was about it. Any reason why? Just because of the actors being too over the top? I heard her say it but when I looked up, it was over.
  23. What happened at the end? I missed it.
  24. chaosrage

    What's more addictive?

    Tetris Only because it's impossible to beat. Dr Mario is better. It's also 2 players.
  25. chaosrage

    TSM Jeopardy

    Oh shit, doesn't look like you have much time left iB. How will you spend your last 4 days here on tsm?