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Everything posted by chaosrage

  1. The winner should be let back in and given ban immunity for a year.
  2. chaosrage

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Yep, don't use Kazaa. Use bittorrent or newsgroups.
  3. Prime guy RobVanDam420 Smarkzone
  4. chaosrage

    The OAO Raw Thread - May 17th, 2004

    Nice segment, but I'm never watching wrestling again after that chant.
  5. chaosrage

    The OAO Raw Thread - May 17th, 2004

    DRURY YOU'RE WELCOME now shut the fuck up thanks.
  6. chaosrage

    The OAO Raw Thread - May 17th, 2004

    Cable Guy is awesome and underrated. Holy shit it was Gumby for no reason and now they are talking about the WWE WrestleMania XX DVD set that was crazy haha!!! Thanks.
  7. chaosrage

    The OAO Raw Thread - May 17th, 2004

    Kane's getting some tonight. Thanks.
  8. chaosrage

    The OAO Raw Thread - May 17th, 2004

    Holy shit it was Gumby for no reason and now they are talking about the WWE WrestleMania XX DVD set that was crazy haha!!! Thanks. Thanks.
  9. chaosrage

    The OAO Raw Thread - May 17th, 2004

    Holy shit it was Gumby for no reason and now they are talking about the WWE WrestleMania XX DVD set that was crazy haha!!! Thanks.
  10. chaosrage

    The OAO Raw Thread - May 17th, 2004

  11. chaosrage

    Thread Pruning

    Are sigs stored on the server? I've had sigs turned off since my first day here so I don't know. Pruning is supposed to happen tomorrow but no one said yet how far back and if we're still doing it. (seems kinda pointless now)
  12. chaosrage

    TSM Poster Tournament III

    Rob E Dangerously Your Paragon of Virtue Agent of Oblivion Marney Dynamite Kido Tyler McClelland RavishingRickRudo nikjohns NY Untouchable RetroRob MillenniumMan831 FrozenBlockOfPiss MikeSC Nice Guy Adam Kotz LaParkaYourCar Czech Republic Thumbtack Jobber of the Week spiny norman Nevermortal slacklet IB Anglesault Star Ocean Edwin MacPhisto BPS AndrewTS Rando EvenflowDDT Downhome Choken One
  13. chaosrage

    TSM Poster Tournament III~!

    BPS nikjohns
  14. chaosrage

    Thread Pruning

    So... why are we still doing it if we know it won't fix anything?
  15. I agree also but I don't think you should leave Tom out. In the last thread, he whined about respect, he closed the thread, and he threatned to ban AS and Slayer for not getting along with Nik. "Abuse of the folder mods, in posts or via PMs, will NOT be tolerated."
  16. chaosrage

    USA POW Beheaded

    I'd like a tiny fucking morsal of proof that Unger was even a troll and deserved to be banned before that.
  17. chaosrage

    Thread Pruning

    File - Save As
  18. chaosrage

    TSM Movie Tournament

    Dumb and Dumber Shawshank Redemption Rocky Fight Club Back to the Future T-2 Eternal Sunshine South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut Psycho Raiders of the Lost Ark Pulp Fiction Memento Planet of the Apes Braveheart Nightmare on Elm Street Terminator
  19. chaosrage

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    When Anya died, Xander was sad. ..Well, he should've been. And Buffy should have been sad because Spike died. They won, but I don't get how he thinks it was a "happy" ending. If anything, it was bittersweet.
  20. chaosrage

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    It's not a happy ending if Dawn dies, but it's a happy ending if Anya dies? Why couldn't he just kill off Kennedy if he wanted to kill someone...
  21. chaosrage

    USA POW Beheaded

    That's not trolling. THIS is trolling. http://itscwrestling.com/si/forums/index.c...mes;read=173285 http://itscwrestling.com/si/forums/index.c...mes;read=173308 http://itscwrestling.com/si/forums/index.c...mes;read=173313
  22. chaosrage


  23. chaosrage

    RPG 2k4 Tourney Round 7: The Forgotten Edition

    Earthbound is awesome. The coffee cup should have made it to the finals. But my favorite hero and my favorite villain are still here and probably will win, so I think it turned out pretty good.
  24. chaosrage

    RPG 2k4 Tourney Round 7: The Forgotten Edition

    Kain Magus
  25. chaosrage

    Thread Pruning

    I like my suggestion better. And Raw/PPV threads should all be archived.