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Everything posted by chaosrage

  1. chaosrage

    I don't like anime.

    La Blue Girl
  2. First, prove it. Just quoting someone that says what you want them to say is not proof. The King James version doesn't say prematurely. The RSV doesn't say prematurely. It says miscarriage. How are they wrong? Second, IF it was born prematurely, just how long do you think it would live in those days? It says he knew him before he was born. I'm not sure how you got that to mean every fetus is important. We know abortion existed at the time the OT was written, but for some reason there's no law on it in the bible. Even if you take Exodus somehow as a premature birth, it only says it's a punishment if someone hits her. The OT has hundreds of laws dealing with everything from wearing two types of cloth to picking up sticks on Sunday, yet a woman having an abortion was so unimportant that it didn't get mentioned. Anyway, I find it kinda weird that you think God would care about unborn children when he murdered hundreds of thousands of innocent children in a flood, killed all the Egyptian children to punish the Pharaoh, tortured David's infant son to punish David, and told his followers to go to cities and kill everything that breathed. But whatever. Oh? Maybe you missed it. Ex 21:22 If men strive, and hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart from her, and yet no mischief follow: he shall be surely punished, according as the woman's husband will lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine. Ex 21:23 And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life, Ex 21:24 Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, Ex 21:25 Burning for burning, wound for wound, stripe for stripe.
  3. chaosrage

    Best. Game. Evar~! Nominations Thread

    Action - Resident Evil: CV (DC) Adventure - Battletoads (NES) Driving - Ridge Racer: Type 4(PS) Fighter - Tobal 2 (PS) Puzzle - Shadowgate (PC) RPG - Dragon Warrior 4 (NES) Sports - Base Wars (NES) Strategy - Populous (SNES)
  4. chaosrage

    Best. Game. Evar~! Nominations Thread

    Action - Eternal Darkness (GC) Adventure - Blaster Master (NES) Driving - WipeOut XL (PS) Fighter - Probably been said already but Soul Calibur (DC) Puzzle - Super Monkey Ball (GC) Role-Playing - Earthbound (SNES) Sports - I don't know Strategy - Uncharted Waters: New Horizons (SNES)
  5. chaosrage

    One and Only Raw Thread for 4/26/04

    HHH wins his first match since before wrestlemania
  6. chaosrage

    Is WWE racist?

    And they still pushed him anyway?! WHY, those RACIST bastards. That leaves us with The Rock, Eddy, Shelton.... Um.. Bret? Shawn? Razor? Undertaker? What about Ahmed?
  7. chaosrage

    Is WWE racist?

    But.. but.. if Rodney Mack wasn't saddled with a stereotypical gimmick, he would've been a world champion on RAW! He could've been another Rock! Belie' that! If ya don't feel me, you need to stop drinking that haterade and go to sensitivity school, playa.
  8. chaosrage

    Is WWE racist?

    So what you're saying is WWE doesn't push any minorities unless they're talented and they're popular. And then they will push them.... But on the other hand, if they have no talent and nobody cares about them, then they won't get pushed. So WWE = RACIST. Did I get that right?
  9. It clearly says that if a man hurts a woman, to take life for life, but if he only causes her to have a miscarriage, he just needs to pay an amount decided by the husband and the judges. (Because he didn't take a life) That's not an interpretation. It's just what the book says.
  10. chaosrage

    Round Four RPG Villians Tourney 2k4

    True, he was destroying the planet but maybe if she hadn't woken him up, instead of wiping everything out in 1999 he would've slept for another couple million years. Who knows? CT was really complex for a SNES game. The characters aren't as deep as FF4 and FF6, but it's not by as much as you would think. Magus has more depth than any of their villains. Even Azala and Queen Zeal have more depth than Kefka, the mad psycho clown. The plot is much deeper though. FF4 and FF6 have pretty basic stories, nothing as complicated as time travel. Then there's hundreds of questions with no clear cut answers. Unless CC answered them. (Why did Lavos come here? How did the queen find out about him? Just what the hell happened to Schala? What's the Entity? What's the deal with the Black Omen? If Lavos wasn't woken up, how long would he have slept? How is he killing the planet? What does it mean when they say Lavos caused evolution? What's Marle doing with Schala's pendant?) In FF6, it's all pretty simple. Kefka wants to kill everything because he's nuts.
  11. chaosrage

    -iB- is coming to kill me...

    Onos! Get a gun! Quick!
  12. chaosrage

    Round Four RPG Villians Tourney 2k4

    Actually, Lavos came from space originally, crashed into and burrowed deep into the earth. The rest you pretty much have the gist of. Oh, I knew that. I just left it out. Did they ever explain why he came? I feel like playing Chrono Cross. ....Someone shoot me.
  13. chaosrage


    your daddy's remotes don't count bud. ... how old is your sister? Nekkid pics of sister plz?
  14. chaosrage

    Round Four RPG Villians Tourney 2k4

    Wasn't Lavos just some mindless thing sleeping under the earth for millions of years until the queen came along and decided to wake him up so she could become immortal or whatever?
  15. chaosrage

    South Park/CS for 4/21/04

    He had a gay looking coat. Next saturday btw is a SP season 8 marathon followed by the movie.
  16. chaosrage

    Round Four RPG Villians Tourney 2k4

    The best thing about Magus though was he had reasons for being a villain. Did the Queen have any? I don't remember them if she did. Sure, she was THE villain of CT, but she was kinda flat as a character. I'm surprised Krelian didn't make it this far. And Master Belch did.
  17. Read my post right below that one. The King James version doesn't say prematurely.
  18. And here it begins. 15 pages by Sunday.
  19. chaosrage

    WWE Wrestlemania XX DVD in my hands now...

    Yep it was. That sums it up pretty well. Why the rolleyes smiley?
  20. chaosrage

    Round Four RPG Villians Tourney 2k4

    But the reason they were able to be mind controlled was because they were more evil than the rest to begin with. That's why Golbez couldn't use the crystal even after the spell was broken. Kain really was jealous of Cecil for being the captain of the red wings, he really did love Rosa and resented Cecil a little bit for having her, he really didn't want to break away from the King, and had no problems at all with killing the little girl in the beginning. All Zemus did was take what was already there. He just gave him a push. I'd say Kain doesn't become a true good guy until the ending when he becomes a palidin. And even when he was in the party, most of the time he was only pretending to be good anyway. Which was why Golbez always stayed one step ahead of you when he was with you.
  21. Yes, punished, but not killed because it's not taking a life.
  22. Sorry, I'd say it's the opposite. What bible are you reading? From the King James version: 21:22 If men strive, and hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart from her, and yet no mischief follow: he shall be surely punished, according as the woman's husband will lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine. 21:23 And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life, 21:24 Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, 21:25 Burning for burning, wound for wound, stripe for stripe. http://www.genesis.net.au/~bible/kjv/exodus/ http://www.blueletterbible.org/kjv/Exd/Exd021.html#22
  23. I think it's funny because the bible doesn't even have a problem with abortion. Unless I missed something somewhere. According to Ex. 21:22-25, an unborn baby isn't a human life.
  24. You act as if it was deleted. It was merely moved to the proper place. The only real problem I've seen and stated about the WWE folder is that people treat it like an old garage throwing everything in there. This is a column within a post, so it got moved to the Columns portion of the board. No big deal. Dean is not Ib. You just don't move his posts.