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Everything posted by chaosrage

  1. chaosrage

    10 worst WWF/E buyrates of all time

    It's laughable to credit any one guy for a buyrate, that's the whole point.
  2. chaosrage

    10 worst WWF/E buyrates of all time

    Yep. Also WWF was getting a lot of exposure at that point with Montreal, Tyson, and the whole Attitude Era taking off. Plenty of people just tuned in to see what everybody was talking about. Then they saw something they thought was cool and got hooked on it. That's what happened with me.
  3. chaosrage


    It's supposed to move. Something must be wrong with your internet.
  4. chaosrage

    Teddy Long t-shirt

    Why is it spelled so stupid? It looks like it's saying bleed it. Also needs a picture of Teddy Long on the back.
  5. chaosrage

    10 worst WWF/E buyrates of all time

    Here's the next 10 for wwf shows, the .5's. 2/97 - Final Four - Bret vs Taker vs Vader vs Austin .5 4/97 - Revenge of the Taker - Undertaker vs Mankind, Austin vs Bret .5 6/97 - King of the Ring97 - Undertaker vs Farooq, Austin vs Shawn .5 10/03 - No Mercy03 - Brock Lesnar vs Undertaker .5 12/02 - Armageddon02 - Triple H vs Shawn .5 2/98 - No Way Out98 .- Austin, Foley, Funk, & Owen vs HHH, NAO, and Savio Vega .52 11/95 - Survivor Series95 - Diesel vs Bret .57 5/97 - Cold Day in Hell - Austin vs Undertaker .57 8/96 - Summerslam96 - Shawn vs Vader .58 5/98 - Over the Edge98 - Austin vs Foley .58 OMG Austin is in 6 of the 10! Hilarious!
  6. chaosrage

    10 worst WWF/E buyrates of all time

    Yeah, Bret was such a good draw he got the two worst buyrates EVER. But it IS bret hart, nm.
  7. chaosrage

    10 worst WWF/E buyrates of all time

    Which is my point...... All 3 sold WM XIV. When I read this, I almost fell out of my chair laughing. Do you really think buyrates in 2000 being better than 96 had something to do with HBK not being there? I mean, were you watching in 2000? Or was that some kind of joke?
  8. chaosrage

    10 worst WWF/E buyrates of all time

    Foley wasn't much of a draw in the middle of 98. No Way Out sucked too. But look, we all know he had a better run than Shawn. I'm not saying Shawn was a better draw than Austin. I'm saying the idea that even Austin could fight anybody and get a huge buyrate from it is plain bullshit.
  9. chaosrage


    Heh. But the best one is by far the Help Stop Rape: CONSENT one.
  10. chaosrage

    Say goodbye to Super-Size

    hello burger king
  11. chaosrage


  12. chaosrage

    10 worst WWF/E buyrates of all time

    .....The same thing goes for every single wrestler. Tell me, why do you think Austin got a .5 buyrate or whatever against Foley in the middle of his mega-over title run? And Shawn was all by himself fighting midcarders every month. Either being in the main event is the only thing that matters, or it isn't and you have to look at who they're facing, the rest of the card, interest in the company, etc. You can't give Shawn no credit for WM14 and then turn around and put all the blame on Shawn in 96. That doesn't make any sense.
  13. chaosrage

    10 worst WWF/E buyrates of all time

    Hmmm at least next time some idiots say "HBK drew like a Mo fo for WWE", I have proof he's even WORSE of a draw than Diesel, who only Main Evented 1 of the 10. Plz look up WM14's buyrate and then tell me how much HBK can't draw. Who was on the other side of that ME? Yeah, exactly Who was on the other side with Shawn in 96? Yeah, exactly. I love the bias around here. Also HBK vs Diesel got a better buyrate in April 96 than Stone Cold vs Dude Love at Over the Edge. Oh shit. That must mean they're bigger draws.
  14. chaosrage

    10 worst WWF/E buyrates of all time

    Hmmm at least next time some idiots say "HBK drew like a Mo fo for WWE", I have proof he's even WORSE of a draw than Diesel, who only Main Evented 1 of the 10. Plz look up WM14's buyrate and then tell me how much HBK can't draw.
  15. chaosrage

    The Passion of the Christ

    Let me put it this way. Roger Ebert was right when he said that this movie WOULD have got an NC-17 rating for violence if anyone but Jesus had been the victim. Yeah, I found it a little disturbing that people are bringing their children to see this film. well see if the violence and gore's source is from the magical book, then it is quite ok. this is true. just look how fundies like SP equate suffering and torture with love simply because it's in the bible. (therefore it automatically MUST be good) it's kind of sick.
  16. chaosrage

    OAO 76th Academy Awards Thread

    Did you see the thread where Eddy won the title? Honestly what doesn't this board throw a bitch fit about?
  17. chaosrage

    Game Informer sucks...

    Graphics are a big part of the experience. A game like Mario64 couldn't be on the SNES and a game like Metroid Prime couldn't be on the N64. Plenty of people also love cinematic games. If everybody is paying $200 for systems just because they look pretty, then N64 would've won last time and XBox would easily be winning this time. I don't know. When was the last time something really new and revolutionary hit the market? I said they SHOULD play similarly but still have enough new elements to make it a different experience. The only one of those I'd call a rehash is MM. The new one's gameplay is similiar, but it's not like the game's an exact copy. Every Crash and TR is so incredibly alike another that if you showed someone all the games side by side, they wouldn't be able to tell which is which. If I put Wind Waker up against Ocarina, could you tell the difference? Is it like you're playing the same damn game? Well the 2D Marios (except for 2) all played similar too. And Mario64/Sunshine. LTTP and LA probably added more than Mario 3 and World. Hookshot, Pegasus boots, autojump, feather, towns, an actual storyline, 2D dungeons, ability to pick up things, flippers, dungeons with different floors, magic spells, etc..
  18. chaosrage

    OAO 76th Academy Awards Thread

    Heh, you just noticed that? Holy fuck, Choken has 150 posts in this thread.
  19. chaosrage

    OAO 76th Academy Awards Thread

    Yea, finally an oscar night that doesn't suck. Fuck you bitches.
  20. chaosrage

    OAO 76th Academy Awards Thread

    Fuck yes
  21. chaosrage

    Game Informer sucks...

    I want games to be good and different. I don't want developers to just take a good game and add new characters and levels to it. Sequels shouldn't stay the same. They should keep most of the gameplay but at the same time they should take risks and have enough things in it to make it a whole completely new experience. That was the difference between a Crash or a Tomb Raider and Zelda. Most sequels might as well just be an expanision pack. I mean, this is the same reason people buy new systems. Because they want new experiences that they haven't seen before. Next Gen was the only mag that really seemed to take that into account.