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Everything posted by chaosrage

  1. chaosrage

    The Passion of the Christ

    Technically, its on topic since the film being discussed deals with these issues on a timeline level. Were I intent on responding any further, I'd continue to do so. However, no answer is going to be good enough for chaos at this juncture in his life and I've said all I'm able with that in mind. Damn, you had to give SP an out. How would you know if an answer would be good enough if you never give one?
  2. chaosrage

    OAO 76th Academy Awards Thread

    I want LOTR to win but this one shouldn't if the others didn't. FOTR was the best (Boromir was the most interesting character in the series), followed by Two Towers, and then ROTK. The changes made sense before, they were just stupid this time around. Frodo trusting Gollum over Sam. Or the fucking ghost army winning the war? What the hell was that? And the last hour went way overboard with all the slow motion shit.
  3. chaosrage

    The Passion of the Christ

    I want to know WHY you think it's necessary. Any answer would be great. Yeah. The same goes for Mithra, or any of the other dozens of savior-gods that have died for your sins. All verified by witnesses. Yet I doubt this means anything to you, so why try to use it on others? People can write anything in a book. You don't believe any of the other books, well I don't believe those or yours. The way I look at it is an omnipotent god would know EXACTLY where to find me and what it would take for me to believe. Since he has not done this he obviously intends for me to go to hell. Bastard.
  4. chaosrage

    Game Informer sucks...

    I loved Next Gen's ratings. The focus on innovation kept all the Tomb Raiders and Crashes from getting high marks. The ratings should reflect on it if it's something you REALLY have to play or if it's just more of the same shit that you already play. Next Gen was the only magazine I could trust for reviews. The little games only used to have a couple of paragraphs, but their big name games almost always had a whole page review, sometimes more. Mario64 had about 6 pages.
  5. chaosrage

    The Passion of the Christ

    Yes. Now, why? You always write paragraphs of bible history but never answer the question. Why couldn't he just forgive us? He could if he wanted to. So what's the problem? Maybe God is just a masochist. Well if he gives me the offer and proves to me that he's God then I might take him up on it.
  6. chaosrage

    Game Informer sucks...

    I used to think that too until I read some of them again. If it wasn't for those dull gloss or whatever the covers were originally made with, the magazine wouldn't have lasted nearly as long. It wasn't as good right before it died as it was in 95 and 96. The books got thinner and thinner every year. When it first started, they were huge. No other mag gave you that much information per month.
  7. chaosrage

    2003 Razzie Award Winners

    That site is worse than the oscars. Stanley Kubrick nominated for worst director for The Shining? Rocky worst picture?
  8. chaosrage

    The Passion of the Christ

    There HAD to be a sacrifice? Why couldn't god just tell them to stop sacrificing animals?
  9. chaosrage

    Game Informer sucks...

    I like Nightmare, Kilik, and Taki. I'm only okay but I'll beat the crap out of anyone that tries to button mash. They can never win one round. It's easy to put moves together (that's a good thing) but it's definitely not a button masher game. And the only gaming magazine ever worth anything was Next Gen.
  10. The speech he gave after buying WCW was great too. "Now then, some would say, 'geez, Vince, how did you do it? How did you do it, Vince? I mean, you were up against this media conglomerate, Time-Warner. You were up against a billionaire. I mean, how could you possibly do this?' Well, some might say I had a little help along the way with certain WWF superstars and things of that nature, but quite frankly, I did it all on my OWN. It was MY effort, it was MY money, and it's like, okay Vince, how can you possibly beat a billionaire? Well, there's only one answer to that, and that's become one yourself." "I've opted to come before you here, as opposed to walking in the ring and lining each and every one of those stars up - every single one of them - so I could look right in their face and say Goldberg, Booker T, and all the rest of them, to look them right in the face and say... YOU'RE FIRED. And that's exactly what's gonna happen because WCW *is* going on the shelf - it's going nowhere - WCW is BURIED. WCW will remain BURIED. Just like anybody here in this arena, or anyone in the world that gets in MY way. Every single one of you, when you attempt to compete with me, every single one of you will be BURIED. Don't start with that. I deserve more respect than that! Dammit, I'm Vince McMahon! Dammit! I own WCW - I own the WWF - and you WILL TREAT ME WITH RESPECT! "
  11. lmao! When was that? Anyone else remember "YOU VIOLATED ME AUSTIN, YOU VIOLATED ME!!"
  12. "You know what? I used to think of you as Daddy's little girl, but now I look at you - you know what I see? I see your mother - I see two spoiled, ungrateful, little BITCHES, that's what I see. So I'm gonna tell you that same thing that I told her, and that's GET THE HELL OUTTA MY LIFE, AND STAY OUT! And wait a minute, I want you to give your mother another message for me. I want you to give your mother a message and that is that soon, after this divorce is final, there's gonna be a new Mrs. McMahon. Oh yeah...there is. A voluptuous Mrs. McMahon, I'll guarantee it - a voluptuous Mrs. McMahon that can keep up with my sexual prowess. And by the way, tell your mother that chances are...the new Mrs. McMahon is gonna be about YOUR AGE."
  13. A 30 is passing in my discrete math class.
  14. chaosrage

    Favourite NES Game

    top 10 1) Battletoads 2) Dragon Warrior 4 3) Zelda 4) Blaster Master 5) Castlevania 2 6) Mega Man 2 7) Mega Man 3 8) River City Ransom 9) Metroid 10) Startropics Honorable Mention Contra, Ninja Gaiden 2, Shadowgate, Deja Vu, Maniac Mansion, Bubble Bobble, Zelda 2, and Life Force
  15. chaosrage

    Are you a Sensei?

    Well no one can ever come close to beating me in Dr. Mario. I don't know why. I've never even played it that much. I just finished all of f-zero GX on master and did all the story modes on very hard. Does that count? Fucking insanely hard. Play that if you want a game that would do NES proud.
  16. chaosrage

    The ONE and ONLY SmackDown! Thread

    Yep, they're not competent and they decide things on the spur of the moment. Okay. The feud still makes sense. Eddie used to be a drug addict, he's someone that lies, cheats, and steals, and Kurt doesn't want him to be champion. It writes itself. Why should Angle go over every week? Eddy's the new rising star. He's the one that needs to prove that he's tough enough to wear the belt. What good would him getting beat down every week do?
  17. chaosrage

    The ONE and ONLY SmackDown! Thread

    God, what's wrong with it now? It's the best they could come up with in such a short time. Kurt sounded pretty convincing.
  18. chaosrage

    The ONE and ONLY SmackDown! Thread

    Yeah, it's cool and all but it's not like it's something new. This is the same thing heel Kurt's been saying since 99.
  19. chaosrage

    WrestleMania Top 10 Matches Special Announced

    It wasn't that big of a deal back then. Almost everybody liked HHH until he came back in 2002. And I watched it again later and still liked it.
  20. chaosrage

    The ONE and ONLY SmackDown! Thread

    I guess. You're welcome. What's the main event?
  21. chaosrage

    Ten Least Favorite NES Games

    HAHA! You dumb fuck. I felt dirty for RENTING Barts Nightmare or whatever where he has to find his essay through his dreams. I only spent like $1.25 for the rental and it still made me cry. I think thats SNES though. Bart's Nightmare was pretty good. Virtual Bart wasn't bad either. It's just all the ones on NES that sucked.
  22. chaosrage


    *gasp* The original, of course. Then like I said to Sakura, get an emulator and download Link's Awakening. (why wasn't it in the collection?!)
  23. chaosrage


    MM1 was the hardest of the NES games, but it's still no Castlevania or Ghosts N Goblins. Dr Wily's castle was a bitch though. No energy tanks.
  24. chaosrage


    The only hard MM game I've ever played was X3. And maybe the first one for game boy.