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Posts posted by chaosrage

  1. Well, the rating is in.


    From PWInsider:


    This week's edition of ECW on Sci Fi did a 2.2 cable rating, with a 4 share. That is down slightly from last week's 2.3 cable rating. The good news for the show is that the numbers built throughout the program, starting with a 1.9 quarter hour, going to a 2.1, then a 2.3, 2.3 and a 2.5.


    I was hoping it was lower than that. Even though we got a good RVD/Angle match out of it, that was just about the laziest written show to ever be produced on television. Everything they did was a copy of last week. We got a Sabu squash, Dreamer calling out Show and getting his ass kicked, Kelly dancing, Sandman caning a stupid gimmick, and a main event involving RVD and Angle.


    Nothing about the show stands out as seperate from WWE or extreme except for maybe Sabu throwing a chair. We all know it's not going to be like the old ECW, but they could at least make an attempt to show us something different rather than showing us exactly what we see on Monday. What reason does any new fan have to watch when it's just a Raw with less star power? What reason does any ECW fan have to watch when it's not ECW and Vince never intends it to be?

  2. From Todd Martin over at WO.

    They ran an introductory package for Test. He is the antithesis of ECW. ECW was about giving opportunities to guys who were overlooked despite their talent because of narrow-minded decision-makers in WWF and WCW. Test on the other hand, is a guy who had every opportunity to make it because of the same narrow-minded foolishness, and yet failed every time because he has no charisma and he’s a mediocre worker. Like Show, he’s a guy that shouldn’t be anywhere near the “ECW” product. ECW should be the location for guys that haven’t been given the proper opportunities on Raw and Smackdown. If you have gotten 8,000 opportunities because you’re tall and friends with the right people, and you still failed, you ought not apply.


    Have to agree 100% with that. Tonight was much better than the first show, but it's hard to be too hopeful when Test is on the way.

  3. From Dave Meltzer:

    Stemming from the reaction to last week, this is is said to be close to 100% Heyman and he was given a lot of leeway this week.

    I don't understand this. I thought based on the reaction last week that Vince would do things his way b/c of the ratings.


    That never made any sense. What would good ratings show other than that people liked ONS2 and were excited about ECW? It's not like the fans could watch the show, be disappointed at how awful it was, and then go back in time to not watch it.

  4. The creationists used stuff like canopy theory and that the Bible is an allegory; it wasn't literally seven days.


    Canopy theory? Jesus, what kind of high school did you go to? Even the batshit insane young earth creationists are not dumb enough to believe the canopy theory.



    Arguments we think creationists should NOT use



  5. Did the Zombie go over Sandman?

    Did John Cena win the title back?

    Was Jerry Lawler announcing?

    Was Stephanie McMahon presented as the owner of ECW?

    Did they promise Sting only to deliver 20 minutes of Jeff Jarrett promos?


    Yes, it could've been worse.


    Except for Cena winning the title back, all of those pale in comparison to Big Show destroying the entire ECW roster in one match and Kurt Angle squashing a former ECW world champion in less than a minute. It could not have been much worse. Every single ECW guy now (other than RVD and Sabu) looks like a jobber on their own show. No matter what they do on the next few shows, it'll be almost impossible for anyone to be able to take ECW seriously again.

  6. - Chris Masters, Mark Henry and The Great Khali are awesome


    - Carlito sucks on the mic


    - Shelton Benjamin doesn't have 'IT'


    - John Cena is on pace to be a better worker than The Rock


    - Shawn Michaels is the least entertaining character on WWE television


    - Brent Albright is boring and mediocre


    - I wouldn't piss on JBL if he was on fire. JBL promos are my ambien


    - Mickey James and Melina are unatractive


    You may now crucify me.


    You are the opposite of everything that is good. (Except for the Shelton comment. That's the one thing that was true)

  7. Since ONS2 is tomorrow, I figure that now would be a good time to post some videos.



    A compilation of extreme ECW moments.




    Dudleys pre-match insult and curse the crowd out for 10 minutes warm up at Heatwave 99




    Danny Doring & Roadkill vs Chris Chetti & Nova from Heatwave 99. Doring preposes to Lita before the match. Chetti dances with Lita to Livin La Vida Loca DURING the match.




    The Mass Transit incident with hilarious commentary provided by New Jack



    Rob Van Dam vs Jerry Lynn from ECW on TNN. This is the match where Jerry has taped up ribs. The best match in their series IMO and one of the best matches ever in ECW.

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EoUcvN2SDDU&search=rvd%20lynn part 1

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhA_UaJHrfs&search=rvd%20lynn part 2

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=98aEpc8Ijqk&search=rvd%20lynn part 3



    Rob Van Dam vs Jerry Lynn from Hardcore Heaven 2000




    Jerry Lynn vs Lance Storm from Anarchy Rulz



    Of those, I uploaded the Dudleys intro, Doring/Roadkill vs Chetti/Nova, and Storm vs Lynn. Any requests? I have Anarchy Rulz, November to Remember 99, Guilty as Charged 99 & 00, Heatwave99, and Barely Legal.

  8. I really have high hopes for ECW after reading this. In particular, his dead on comments about why TNA is such a shitty wrestling promotion. And his plans to try to out-do Raw and Smackdown.


    It'll be interesting to see Heyman turn the old ECW guys back from being jobbers and nobodies into badasses again. Every single wrestler in ECW believed they were all that, from Taz to New Jack to the Baldies to Rob Van Dam to Danny Doring to Simon Diamond. They all had confidence and they all made it seem like they thought they were on top of the world. You don't get that from WWE. You could look at the Baldies making their entrance and believe that if they came across the Rock or HHH in a dark alley, they would beat them up and gangrape them. ECW made it's wrestlers seem like they weren't to be fucked with. That image has been more than ruined in the last few years.


    Even fucking Spike Dudley. You heard his music and you knew someone was about to be destroyed in the ring.


    No one seemed weak. Somehow, they all seemed like they deserved to be there and got used to the best of their abilities.

  9. RVD's apparently going to be using his new Shadow's Fall music.


    Good. I don't care what it sounds like, anything is better than what he has now.


    Have you heard that song? Its basically his first WWE theme with lyrics over it, but the lyrics are pretty much screamed.


    Works for me. I liked his first WWE theme.

  10. Bingo. I knew I wasn't alone in feeling that way, and it isn't about Shaq getting a ring before Kobe, it's more along the lines of not wanting to see Shaq win another title out of a Laker uniform, if that makes any sense. Especially considering he got his fat, lazy, unmotivated ass in shape, and has lost over 50 pounds since coming to Miami. That's aggravating as a Laker fan; don't know why the other California fans would feel that way though.


    At least you know that he hasn't been honing his free throw shooting skills any.
