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Everything posted by TheFranchise

  1. From Monday Night Raw, we'll see John Cena, Triple H, Randy Orton and The Big Show battle for the uncrowned WWE Championship. Can the Viper strike again? Or will his Game be over? Or will someone else take the whole damn Show? From Friday Night SmackDown! we'll see NEW! World Heavyweight Champion CM Punk defend against both men who lost the title on Sunday in different matches, Edge and Jeff Hardy. Can Mr Straight Edge continue to be Mr World Champion? And of course, ECW will give us a title match.. Current nostalgia Champion and all-round good guy Tommy Dreamer will be defending the silver strap against the most popular extreme superstar.. Christian! Can the class of 1998: (or so) Christian, Edge and Jeff Hardy all take home the gold? What about Batista? And we might even name a new GM! All this from Charlotte, WHOOOOO! North Carolina!
  2. TheFranchise

    Huge Mofo Signed to WWE

    The Punjabi Playboy!
  3. TheFranchise

    Is Batista truely injured?

    The more they stay the same. I have 0 interest in Batista any longer. When he defeated Randy Orton clean recently to win the title, it truly felt like a step backwards.
  4. TheFranchise

    Has Mick Foley ruined his legacy?

    Foley's current association with TNA has done nothing but help him really. His career in WWE really tailed off towards the end, but now he's back, and he's enjoying himself with his character.. That's what Mick Foley has always been about.
  5. TheFranchise

    WWECW 6/16/09

    He should totally go back to his 'I love to fight' music, though.
  6. TheFranchise

    WWECW 6/16/09

    ECW was fun last night, DH Smith, even if he did almost 'Misawa' Christian, had a fun match. Finlay returning.. You were almost right Masked Heel, he nearly helped Christian! I'm happy enough with a main event four of Christian, Dreamer, Swagger and Finlay. A heel Finlay turn would be neat now, especially as Hornswaggle isn't associated with him any longer.
  7. TheFranchise

    WWECW 6/16/09

    That's Henry's primary job these days, though. In the end he's only there to put his opponent over. Christian, Matt Hardy, etc. Apologies over the preview, I thought you'd just wrote predictions like I usually do when I make a show thread. Definately agreed that tonight will see Swagger/Dreamer booked for The Bash after Swagger cheats (for no reason) to win. Something's gotta happen with Swagger and Tiffany, though. There's been something brewing for several weeks.
  8. TheFranchise

    2009 PPV Prediction Contest

    I think we're done here, man. JHawk himself said he's not continuing, as he posts primarily at TRTSM now. It's a shame, once we get a little bit more activity, we can always bump or start a new thread, as it's a good little side game. It complimented the TSM Fantasy game well.
  9. TheFranchise

    WWE Monday Night Raw.. Three 4 All!

    Are Priceless trying to set a record for number of different entrance themes used? They're really racking them up now.
  10. TheFranchise

    WWECW 6/16/09

    I don't think Finlay's due back yet, is he? I personally hope we don't see Henry/Bourne tonight. I'd rather them have 10 minutes at The Bash. They could work a great 10 minute PPV match. Give me some Hart Dynasty music and i'm set.
  11. TheFranchise

    WWE Monday Night Raw.. Three 4 All!

    Credit: PWInsider.com The Donald Trump angle from RAW last night is starting to be picked up by a lot of TV media outlets, which is exactly what WWE was banking on. The last time Trump was involved with WWE, his storyline created a ton of interested leading into Wrestlemania and WWE feels they can recapture that interest with this storyline. The timing of this was also no accident, as WWE and USA Network both want to bounce back strongly from the low ratings they had during the NBA Playoffs and Finals.
  12. TheFranchise

    The Shoot Interview Thread

    Yes we'll survive here. Fortunately, wrestling will always be alive in some form or other, and for that reason this place will continue to thrive. It's not like we don't have new members signing up. The important thing is we're moving better than we were a month ago, and in a months time we'll be moving even better than we are today.
  13. TheFranchise

    1 post of solitude.

  14. TheFranchise

    WWE Monday Night Raw.. Three 4 All!

    Perhaps they wanted a SmackDown! vs Raw type Survivor Series, and Team Raw led by Trump vs Team SmackDown! led by Vince. Hell, I'd have been happy with a heel team on Raw with the likes of Big Show, Miz etc, led by Vickie against Teddy Longs face team. Orton/HHH is puzzling, because they haven't had a great standout match, as you point out cabbageboy, both workers can put on great matches, but just not with each other. Perhaps they have the Jericho/Austin problem. One question.. Where does MVP go from here? He is probably just above the United States level now and just a step below the main event. A feud with The Big Show?
  15. TheFranchise

    The Shoot Interview Thread

    The board isn't dead Brody.. It's just in transition right now.
  16. TheFranchise

    Can They Be Salvaged: Samoa Joe

    Well, it's a nostalgia type moment with Taz. It's common knowledge that Taz can't work a real series of matches, and save the One Night Stand match, we haven't seen Taz wrestle a match for a long, long time. I hope he's using this time away from the camera to really improve his physique. Taz was never known for having the best body, but a little improvement could really go a long way. One question, though.. Will this eventually lead to Taz vs Joe?
  17. TheFranchise

    WWE Monday Night Raw.. Three 4 All!

    The problem with Trump, if it's going to be a regular ongoing angle, is how many Monday nights is he going to want to work? Unless he just films some obviously pre-done segments like tonight, but like Red said, I'll give him a chance, as unless you throw stuff at the wall, you don't know what sticks. I found Raw to be a lot of fun tonight, it seemed like a throwback to the older 'classic' Raws we've had over the years. I imagine next week we'll have Legacy interfere in the WWE Championship match in some way, which leads to Trump making a 'huge' announcement that, in six days time, we'll see HHH get another shot at Randy Orton, but to make it no interference.. We'll see a Hell in a Cell. We've not had one for a while and that does seem to be HHH's match now (save Undertaker) so that's possible. Marked out for Orton winning, I must admit. I thought they might use it as an excuse to get the title from Dave to HHH without the match but, even though it's yet another title change in such a short amount of time, it was good watching. Dreamer defeating Christian fairly clean, where does that leave Christian? I reckon we'll be heading for Swagger/Dreamer at The Bash and Dreamer retains again. It was good seeing The Hart Dynasty on Raw too. Oh, and I thought that the Hornswaggle/Miz moment kinda deflated the crowd. Who really wanted to see that happen? Good Raw, 7/10.
  18. TheFranchise

    WWE Monday Night Raw.. Three 4 All!

    I'd love Orton vs MVP at Summerslam.
  19. TheFranchise

    WWE Monday Night Raw.. Three 4 All!

    WWE issued the following message on their official Twitter account: The Chairman, Mr. McMahon, is in Charlotte TONIGHT to announce the NEW RAW GM!! Special 3-hour Raw at 8 /7 CT!! Edit: As slimm said. I wish they'd bought Linda back instead. We get Vince too often, a McMahon can be great when used like once a year.
  20. TheFranchise

    WWE Monday Night Raw.. Three 4 All!

    Neither fued does need the title involved, I'll grant you that, but then, take away those four men, who are you going to put the title on? I'd love to see MVP have a run, but it's probably six months to a year too early for him. Although if he were to win it tonight or soon, it could definitely work. I too miss the days when a heel or a face would come out, call out the Champion and tell him he wanted the belt. No silly logic, no sneak attacks, just one man calling out another because he wants to be the best.
  21. TheFranchise

    WWE Monday Night Raw.. Three 4 All!

    Two legends backstage at Raw tonight, not sure if a spoiler tag is needed but there is a GM to be named and one of these gents could be that man:
  22. TheFranchise

    Can They Be Salvaged: Samoa Joe

    I can't see it happening. Shane Douglas, I believe, isn't even signed to the company full time. By the time Joe recovers from his injury, I think Douglas might even be gone. It seems they've invested enough time with this angle to change it now, it'll most likely be Taz, but then, where do they go from there? Even if Taz was in ring shape, is he physically able to compete? And if he was able to compete, could he still hang with the likes of TNA's upper midcard? I imagine Taz will simply be an adviser, rather than a physical one. I'm looking forward to seeing Taz in a non-commentating role again, definitely.
  23. TheFranchise

    WWE Monday Night Raw.. Three 4 All!

    The next PPV is The Bash, and it's in 13 short days. I assume the person who doesn't get pinned in the SmackDown! title match will go on to challenge CM Punk there, I'd guess it's Jeff Hardy, because it's rumoured The Bash is the last date Jeff is working before his extended time off. So I bet Edge eats the pinfall tonight, spearing Jeff and then walking into a GTS. If Tommy defeats Christian tonight, is he going to work Jack Swagger at The Bash? I see Swagger interfering tonight setting up a rematch at The Bash from tonight, where Christian picks up the title. I don't see Tommy holding the belt longer than a month. As for Raw.. If Triple H wins, or Randy Orton, you can bet they face each other for the title at The Bash. Likewise Big Show/John Cena, but I can't see them taking the WWE Title out of the Orton/HHH feud.
  24. TheFranchise

    WWE Monday Night Raw.. Three 4 All!

    MVP could easily have gone in, in place of Triple H. They'd have had to re-write last weeks Raw of course, but still, unless HHH is winning the title, MVP would have been a pleasant non-offensive addition. I'd not mind Christian winning the title, but i'd rather have two successful defences and one new Champion in the case of Raw. If anything, I just hope CM Punk retains the title.
  25. TheFranchise

    The Highlight Of Your Day

    I read the first chapter of Bret Hart's book today. Two bastard dogs jumped on it. Right in the middle of the park, in the sun. And some old fat woman walked up and said 'Sorry. Hope he didn't piss on you'. Then I came home and made this sweet signature/avatar combination. Not that I made either.