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Everything posted by TheFranchise

  1. TheFranchise

    No Way Out notes

    I couldn't really picture Scotty Steiner as a face though..
  2. TheFranchise

    No Way Out notes

    shane isn't
  3. TheFranchise

    How has Wrestling Influenced You?

    Funny you should say that, lol, i actually used the F5 in a fight the other day, honest to god, it was more funny than painful..
  4. TheFranchise

    Raw X: 10th Anniversary DVD

    Steph's not fat
  5. TheFranchise

    Anybody else see a problem with this?

    Damn, I fell for it. lol, you're not the only one
  6. TheFranchise

    Raw X: 10th Anniversary DVD

    They should have put all the WWE Desire videos on this.
  7. Or this could happen. Team Angle and KA destroy Edge in the show, who makes the save but... Rhyno. Edge is taken to hospital, Rhyno takes his place.
  8. TheFranchise

    RE: Hennig Video on WWE.com

    oh god, what have i started..
  9. TheFranchise

    Are You Psyched About No Way Out?

    I wouldn't be surprised, i wouldn't be shocked at all if the WWE pumped cheers over the PA system, lol.
  10. TheFranchise

    Booker T main eventing at WM

    LOL This was quality
  11. TheFranchise

    Are You Psyched About No Way Out?

    WAIT!!! don't quote me on that since we get it free in the uk, i'll watch, but i wouldn't buy it if i was in the states mate, especially now the 6-man is in danger. Of course, some of us die hard bret fans still want the best to be there so badly, we start believing it,.. Bret Hart WILL be there. yes.
  12. TheFranchise

    Are You Psyched About No Way Out?

    Tell you what i'm looking forward to, on the hope that he doesn't back out. I'm looking forward to that first step that Shawn Michaels takes into the Canadian arena that they are in, i can't wait to see the reaction.
  13. TheFranchise

    How has Wrestling Influenced You?

    It could have been worse. "and now, from the Steeple Centre, Wrestlemania 20!" *cue cheesy 80's music. Take on me...
  14. TheFranchise

    Title reigns that make you say

    i can not believe it took so long for somebody to mention the Arquette reign.
  15. TheFranchise

    How has Wrestling Influenced You?

    Definatly, i'd never even heard of Salive or Drowning Pool before they wrote theme music for wrestlers and PPV's. However, i WAS subjected to that AWFUL WrestleMania theme, and then again years later when Linda for some reason started to use it as her enterence music.
  16. TheFranchise

    What if Hogan never came to WCW?

    Nah, i don't think so, Hart would have been too over as a face in 96 (saying that, Hogan was)
  17. TheFranchise

    WWE.com Finals for Greatest WWE Champion

    Of course it is, HBK wins, then you'll see him start miracuously challenging for the title again. sigh.
  18. TheFranchise

    A big "what if"

    IE HHH - backing up my theory of him getting ME status through ability and not... some other ability
  19. NO! DON'T YOU DARE SAY THAT! HE'LL HAVE BIG SHOW DO A RUN IN!! AUSTIN VS BIG SHOW FUED!!! sorry to shout, it just sucked if that'd happen.
  20. TheFranchise

    WWE.com Finals for Greatest WWE Champion

    Angle out in the first round? HOGAN HOLDS DOWN TALENT ON THE INTERNET!
  21. TheFranchise

    What if Hogan never came to WCW?

    Thanks, you just blew another part of the book for me, i'm about 1/4 through and its been discussed so many times on here i already know it
  22. TheFranchise

    How has Wrestling Influenced You?

    Two things that simply should not be. I'll be watching MTV when i'll come out with (to myself) "i mark for russian lesbians" and i have also used the 'Get the F out' speech a few times to workmates.