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Everything posted by TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

  1. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Bret Harts best match ever?

    ok godthedog: 1. Bret Hart vs Owen Hart, WM10 2. Bret Hart vs Chris Benoit, Owen Tribute 3. Bret Hart vs Steve Austin, Survivor Series 96 4. Bret Hart vs Davey Boy Smith, SS92 5. Bret Hart vs Owen Hart, SS94 And here's some others which never get any credit: Bret vs Randy Savage, Nov.87 SNME Bret vs Mr. Perfect, KOTR 93 Bret vs Owen Hart, Ironman Match Jul.94 Bret vs Diesel, Survivor Series 95(amazing carry job by Bret) Bret vs Ric Flair, Saskatoon Title change
  2. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    House Show Royal Rumble

    That IC title battle royal is one of my all-time favorite non-Rumble battle royales. Also theres a good one on Best of WWF 20 with Bret, Martle, Tito & Hennig as the final 4.
  3. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Bret Harts best match ever?

    Bret vs Owen WM10 or Bret/Benoit - Owen Tribute
  4. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Hogan Vs. Flair

    You think Flair's record against Hogan is ugly? To my knowledge Randy Savage has NEVER defeated Hogan by pin or submission.
  5. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Best Comic to Motion Picture Adaptation

    The Crow. Period.
  6. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    best match tournament

    1)flair-steamboat 2/3 falls clash 6 3)bret-austin survivor series 96 6)10 man tag canadian stampede 58)bret-buldog summerslam 92 10)flair-savage wm8 12)steiners-bret/owen 14)rey mysterio-eddy havoc 97 16)flair-steamboat chi-town rumble 18)hbk-taker bad blood 97 19)rumble 92 43)hhh-cactus jack rumble 00 24)flair-bret ironman match 39)bret-owen wm10 37)bret-benoit nitro 10/4/99 30)benoit-angle rumble 03 34)savage-steamboat wm3
  7. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    For people in Canada

    Thank you. and I would rather wait a bit longer than pay a lot more.
  8. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    For people in Canada

    I checked in HMV, Best Buy and Future Shop and haven't found them. So anybody in Canada seen'em anywahere? and in which store?
  9. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Detailed Review of HBK DVD

    Mind Games is good I'd call HIAC better than it anyday. HIAC - ****3/4 Mind Games - ****1/2
  10. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    How come 2 Cold Scorpio

    I've always wondered this. Watching him and Benoit tear the house down at Superbrawl 3, I couldn't get how come he didn't make it big anywhere(except slightly in ECW). He had the talent, the mic skills, the look, but always sort of just disappeared. Anyone know why or have any theories as to why he never made it anywhere?
  11. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Best & worst Wrestlemania title matches

    The bets by far, IMO, is Savage/Flair. 1. Savage/Flair 2. Austin/Rock 3. Hogan/Andre - for spectacle 4. Kurt/Brock 5. Hogan/Warrior 6. Austin/HBK 7. HBK/Bret 8. Hogan/Savage 9. Austin/Rock - WM15 10. Savage/DiBiase
  12. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Detailed Review of HBK DVD

    First off I don't consider HHH/Rock overrated and I don't consider it better. I was just using an example. Summerslam 95 is better, Benoit/Jericho is better. Summerslam 1995, if you overlook the ending, is miles ahead of WM10 with better psychology, better bumps and a better performance from Razor. HIAC is better than all of those and in context of the match and the angle the squash what it should've been. Watch Groudn Zero then HIAC. You'll see why it was a squash. What does the WM10 have then aside from bumps(which were Holy Shit at the time but not now)? What psychology does it employ? What story is told that isn't told in every single other ladder match done? Yah it's a great match and at the time was unbelievable and it does not hold up well. If you argue Summerslam 1995 as the WWF's best ladder match ever I would maybe agree but not WM10. Top 5 one man performances ever? Not even close.
  13. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Detailed Review of HBK DVD

    And the ladder match is EXTREMELY dated and does not hold up at all when compared to even Rock/HHH. HIAC is still the best(or second best) cage match in WWF/E history.
  14. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Detailed Review of HBK DVD

    Ummm you don't think the ladder match was *****? Ummm ooookaaay. You could definently make some arguments for Hell in the Cell and Mind Games as ***** as well and probably would even get a few people to say the Iron Man match was *****. The match with Diesel was excellent as well and definently Nash's best match ever. Also the AWA tag match, if its the one I'm thinking of, has to be seen to be believed. Not ***** mind you but let's just say Shawn WAS wearing white tights when the match started. The only match on this DVD anywhere near ***** is HIAC. Ladder is ****1/4 TOPS. Bret/Nash at SS95 is better than the HBK/Nash match. The Foley match is good but available on a better DVD. Ironman is half/half. Half of it is like ** the second half is like ****3/4. Totals to like ***3/4. If the AWA match is the one I think it is(same one as you probably) then it is the blood bath which I've seen but don't have, still not *****. But I might get this DVD just to laugh at the "I lost my smile" speech over and over again.
  15. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Detailed Review of HBK DVD

    Why thank you. Your sig has a nice old school Austin vibe gonig to it as well. BTW what ***** matches are that DVD? None to my count.
  16. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Best Entrance Today

    The Rock's 5 minute long video was cool the first time I saw it. Overall probably HHH, Jericho and Mr. America just to hear "Real American".
  17. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Bradshaw's haircut

    Looks like Test & Billy Gunn's illegitmate love child.
  18. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    How come 2 Cold Scorpio

    No that was Johnny B Badd's "Kiss That Don't Miss" SSP.
  19. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    How come 2 Cold Scorpio

    I recetnly watched the Clash where he debuted and when he hits the 450 and a dead crowd goes crazy and JR nearly has a heart attack. But yah he had all the tools to make it big but never did. WCW could've done so much with him(and Benoti for that matter) after Superbrawl 3. But they gave him one title match with Windham and just buried him.
  20. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Hart Foundation/NOD feud

    It was supposed to be DX doing racist shit to NOD and blaming it on the Harts to further DX's rep and NOD's gimmick. But the Harts and NOD refused to do it so it got canned.
  21. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    What's you favorite cheesy 80's theme song?

    OH shit I forgot that.
  22. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    What's the best Eddie Murphy movie?

    Well what is it? His best ones(IMO) are: Bowfinger, Beverly Hills Cop, Coming to America, Trading Places and 48 Hours. My favorite is Coming to America, Bowfinger or Trading Place. I would rank Trading Places as his best. Whatchu all think?
  23. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    The One and Only Smackdown Thread

    Um, apparently, I'd have to pass judgement later when the show actually is going. That said, I'd have to say probably not. Looks like Rhyno. Benoit got all the face heat. BTW next week is a CAN'T MISS show!!!
  24. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Top 5 Seinfeld Episodes..

    "I don't even really work here." "That's what makes this so difficult." PRICELESS!
  25. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Jim Ross on TSN's Off the Record

    FUC i forgot about it. Someone...recap....