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Everything posted by TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

  1. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    The One And Only WWE RAW Thread 6-16-03

    So will we see RVD jobbing to Jindrak next week as punishment for the interview he did?
  2. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    The One And Only WWE RAW Thread 6-16-03

    Lemme guess tomorrow's WWE.com headline: The WWE regrettably announces that we have parted ways with Lance Storm.
  3. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    The One And Only WWE RAW Thread 6-16-03

    I wonder if this has something to do with Storm complaining about his short match last week. And I gotta admit this is pretty fucking funny.
  4. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    What's the best Eddie Murphy movie?

    i'd say 'boomerang' started his "downfall," cause that one flopped on its face & he was in nothing but bombs for 3 years after it. he didn't really have another hit until 'the nutty professor', which i think pretty much saved his career. I'd say he still hasn't fulyl recovered from having BHC 3, Metro and Vampire in Brooklyn in consecutive years and all bombing badly.
  5. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    The One And Only WWE RAW Thread 6-16-03

    WHY IS MAE YOUNG STILL IN THIS FUCKING COMPANY?!?! And out of all the guys on Raw we get Al Snow & Maven saving Foley?!
  6. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Top 10 Triple H matches

    HHH vs Cactus - No Holds Barred Raw 1997 HHH vs Cactus - Street Fight RR2000 HHH vs Rock - Backlash 2000 HHH vs Rock - Ironman Judgment Day 2000 HHH vs Jericho FL2000 HHH & Austin vs CVC - Raw 2001 HHH vs Austin - 3 stages of Hell NWO2001 HHH vs Cactus - HIAC NWO 2000 HHH vs Rock - Ladder SS1998 HHH vs Benoit - No Mercy 2000
  7. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    HBK ticked off

    The IC title match should've gotten more time if it had a decent decision. Prolonging it would've just further pissed off the hometown crowd, who, IMO, never recovered from Book's loss. And the tag match well...I got not explanation for that. It blew, it was short(I think the opener was longer) and Kane STILL didn't turn.
  8. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Worst WWF PPV

    Still a ***1/2 + main event makes up for the crap on a 2hr show.
  9. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    HBK ticked off

    As much as I hate it and want HBK/Flair to go atleast 30, Nash/HHH SHOULD be the longest match on the card considering it's the main event and is a World title match, no matter who's in there.
  10. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Raw casualty list

    I'm pretty sure Hogan is the only big signing/return over the past few years that has made back the money spent on him.
  11. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Ranking The Middle Horsemen

    1. Arn Anderson 2. Tully Blanchard 3. Brian Pillman 4. Barry Windham 5. Dean Malenko 6. Lex Luger 7. Ole Anderson - never liked him
  12. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Worst WWF PPV

    Why is international incident there? It had a great main event and a decent Austin/Mero match. KOTR gets my votes.
  13. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    What's the best Eddie Murphy movie?

    Showtime wasn't that bad IMO.
  14. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    tapes for trade or sale...

    could you perhaps post a list? If not here's what I'm interested in if u have it: Fall Brawl 95 & 97 Souled Out 98 SNME where Savage fights Roberts(heel/heel) Rumble 89 And do you have any Nitros?
  15. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Worst Pay Per View Ever.

    I watched it with a friend who's a huge mark who cheers for Taker above all and enjoyed HIAC...he HATED the Triathlon and considered a waste of time.
  16. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Worst Pay Per View Ever.

    That was bad. Very bad. BUT not KOTR95 or even last month's Judgment Day level of bad. HBK/Flair was going ok until the retarted table spot(although it looked cool). It had no point in context of the match, the storyline or in general. Since when is HBK a hardcore wrestler? And yah the whole match existed to put over Orton. Still it wasn't bad. HHH/Nash was tolerable and atleast better than Taker/Bossman. Jericho/Goldberg was miles above what I thought it'd be and the crowd turning on Goldberg was funny. Everything else SUCKED BAD. And the crowd never recovered from Book losing in his hometown. Still the three top matches keep it from worst ever. Oh and I'm sure Vince gets off while Bischoff gets humiliated as payback for Bisch thinking he could compete with Vince.
  17. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Best carrying job ever?

    Oh yah I heard a myth about a *** Flair/Gigante match. Can anyone confirm this?
  18. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin


    You're not alone. Hardest month in a long time.
  19. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    The Raw Review 6/15 - 6/21

    Last years Raw had one of the most unintentionally funny moments I've ever seen. nWo confronts Brock. HBK/Brock face-off: loud pop Nash/Brock face-off: louder pop Big Show/Brock face-off: silence
  20. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    best match tournament

    1)ric flair vs ricky steamboat clash of champions 6 2/3 falls 2)shawn michaels vs mankind mind games 3)bret hart vs steve austin survivor series 96 4)wargames 87 60)bret hart vs curt hennig summerslam 91 6)10 man tag canadian stampede 58)bret hart vs davey boy smith summerslam 92 8)fantastics vs midnight express clash of champions 1 9)chris benoit vs great sasuke super j cup 94 10)ric flair vs randy savage wrestlemania 8 11)mitsura misawa vs toshiaka kawada 6/94 12)bret/owen hart vs steiner brothers wrestlefest 93 52)undertaker vs mankind king of the ring 98 51)owen hart vs davey boy smith raw 2/97 euro title final 15)jushin liger vs great sasuke super j cup 94 49)cactus jack/max payne vs nasty boys spring stapede 94 17)bret hart vs steve austin wrestlemania 13 18)shawn michaels vs undertaker bad blood 97 19)royal rumble match 1992 45)bret hart vs undertaker one night only 44)chris benoit vs el samurai tosj 93 43)hhh vs cactus jack royal rumble 2000 23)eddy guerrerro vs dean malenko hostile city showdown 41)ricky steamboat vs rick rude beach blast 92 25)tigermask vs dynaite kid 2/3 falls 39)bret hart vs owen hart wrestlemania 10 27)steve austin vs the rock wrestlemania 17 37)bret hart vs chris benoit nitro 10/4/99 36)ultimate warriar vs randy savage wrestlemania 7 35)wargames 92 34)ricky steamboat vs randy savage wrestlemania 3 32)ric flair vs ricky steamboat wrestlewar 89
  21. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Who is the most overrated wrestler of all time?

    Personally I prefer Bret to benoit simply because he makes his matches seem more, as someone else put it, epic. He's got more inring charisma I guess and when it comes to the WWF I consider Bret one of the best ever. That doens't extend to Japan although some of his 80's stuff with Misawa is pretty f'n good.
  22. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Best carrying job ever?

    Bret's carry job of Nash at SS95 was much better. a) the match was much better b) IYH was more of a brawl than Bret/Diesel was
  23. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Best carrying job ever?

    One thing I will give Luger is in his early days(up till 95) he very rarely blew up. Still I'd rank the two carry jobs pretty close. Waht abotu Bret Hart carrying Diesel at SS95?
  24. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Top 5 Seinfeld Episodes..

    MErv Griffin show was classic. Especially when Kramer playign the music andi nterruptign their covnersation. And hearing Jim Fowler say "where are the camera's?"
  25. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Who is the most overrated wrestler of all time?

    Bret could work a very smart match. And get around opponents weaknesses(ie. carry well) a lot like Flair could. But Bret's main problem is when he didn't try his matches became WAY to predictable and he began to rely on nothing but the 5 moves of doom. On the mic Bret wasn't the worst(better than Benoit by a mile) but nowhere near Flair, Foley, Austin, Rock, Hogan, even Angle or AA.