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Everything posted by TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

  1. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Best carrying job ever?

    Ummm in his shoot Steamboat called Luger the equivalent of a lamp post. That's not a good thing.
  2. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin


    World Heavyweight Title match, Hell in a Cell, Mick Foley guest referee TRIPLE H (-300) vs. KEVIN NASH (+220) Intercontinental Title Match BOOKER T (-200) vs. CHRISTIAN (+170) 400 on Booker World Tag Team Title Match LA RESISTANCE (-140) vs. RVD/KANE (+120) 200 on Frenchies GOLDBERG (-550) vs. CHRIS JERICHO (+375) 400 on Goldberg SHAWN MICHAELS (-200) vs. RIC FLAIR (+170) 150 on Flair SCOTT STEINER (-220) vs. TEST (+180) 300 on Test THE DUDLEY BOYS (-110) vs. RODNEY MACK/CHRIS NOWITZKI (-110)
  3. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    What's the best movie of the year so far?

    Top 3 that I've seen this year: 1. Phone Booth 2. Identity 3. X2
  4. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Top 5 Seinfeld Episodes..

    1. The Opposite 2. The Race 3. The Rye 4. The Contest 5. The Subway
  5. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Reason why Triple H/Goldberg match was delayed

    Considering Goldberg/Xtian drew Raw's highest quarter hour ratings in months and Y2J/Nash which ME'ed the same show drew like 6 points lower, that sort of erases the buyrate argument.
  6. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Best matches for each wrestler

    Jushin Liger - vs Brian Pillman, New Jersey, Week before SB2(where he won the belt) Kurt Angle - tie vs Benoit, RR03; vs Austin, SS01. I also prefer the Austin match. Mick Foley - vs Austin, OTE Scott Steiner - w/Rick Steiner vs Bret & Owen Hart, Wrestlefest 94 El Hijo Del Santo - At the AAA PPV. That's all I've seen form him The Rock - vs Jericho, No Mercy 01 Chris Benoit - tie vs Sasuke, SJcup finals 94; vs Bret, Owen tribute. I prefer the Bret match because of the circumstances. Owen Hart - vs Bret Hart, WM10 Dynamite Kid - vs Tiger Mask, MSG in 82 Chris Jericho - vs Benoit, RR01 Akria Taue - w/ Kawada vs Misawa & Kobashi Vader - vs Sting, Superbrawl 3
  7. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Scarface: 20th Anniversary

    THANK YOU LORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Josh Rumbin

    Do you know his address? Cause I got ripped off by someone named Josh who said he had a bunch of Colo video masters, ROH DVD's etc. His address was: JOSH COUCH 8981 MEADOW DRIVE LITHIA SPRINGS, GA 30122
  9. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Top 10 Undertaker matches

    Top 10: HIAC vs HBK One Night Only vs Bret Final Four vs Bret, Austin, Vader Canadian Stampede vs Vader Ground Zero vs HBK WMX7 vs Triple H HIAC vs Brock Summerslam 97 vs Bret Boiler Room vs Foley Return of Taker vs Foley
  10. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Best carrying job ever?

    Steamboat carrying Luger at GAB89.
  11. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Top 10 Steve Austin matches

    Looking back Austin and Mero sure have had great chemistry together whether it be Stunning Steve vs Johnny B Badd or Stone Cold vs Marc Mero. Am I the only one that prefers the SS96 match wtih Bret to WM13 match?
  12. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin


    Knowing them probably not. But in my town a new best buy opened which I plan on checking out and where I plan to buy WM19 and 619.
  13. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Actor Gregory Peck dies at 87

    A tragedy. That's all there is to say. Him as Atticus Finch is one my favorite perofrmances ever. RIP Gregory Peck
  14. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    What's the best "Guy" movie ever?

    What movie when you're bored or got nothing to do you could pop in and watch the teststerone. Doesn't even have ot be a good movie, but a movie just for guys. Predator - One liners. Action. Arnie. Jesse the Body. Everything a growing boy needs. Oh yah and the kick ass support from Bill Duke, Carl Weathers and Sonny f'n Londham. Quotes: "I aint got time to bleed" and "If it bleeds we can kill it" are cultural landmarks IMO. Nothing's more manly than that.
  15. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    The Best of the Worst

    Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man. Shitty Butch & Sundance rip-off but I love it for some reason. Tom Sizemore, Big John Studd, Mickey Rourke...and Don Johnson but he's a pussy. "I would rather die a brave man than live like a coward"
  16. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Judgement Day 2003 GAMBLING RESULTS

    I made a HUGE jump. I'm third. I like so rule. Bad Blood should be a bit harder to predict though(damn Kliq match).
  17. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Name an obscure movie

    Another in a long line of erotic thrillers featuring Mr. Rourke (9 1/2 Weeks, Wild Orchid). I heard once that Rourke and Bonet had gotten so worked up during one of their sex scenes that they finally did it in a broom closet. Take from that what you will. I wouldn't consider it an erotic thriller. There was one major sex scene but that was about it.
  18. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Something I NEVER thought would happen

    I'm in as much shock as you. I even supported Steiner over HHH but Nash is so terrible I actually wnat HHH to squash him. It's like what is the lesser of two evils? I'll say HHH cause atleast he gets Ric flair airtime despite how disgraceful the way they treat Flair is. Babbling I know but this revelation(supporting HHH for oncE) had to be revealed.
  19. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Name an obscure movie

    Angel Heart Robert De Niro playing a guy named Louis Cypher(took me a while to figure out what that meant before they revealed it). Mickey Rourke putting in a good performance. And the movie that got Lisa Bonet fired from Cosby. Kick ass movie too.
  20. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Create the perfect wrestler!

    Mat work - Bret Hart Brawling - Terry Funk Striking (as in punches, elbows, kicks etc) - Punches - Vader Kicks - Low Ki Eblows - Misawa Moveset - Owen Hart Arial abilities - Rey Mysterio JR. Charisma/mic work - Hulk Hogan or The Rock Bumping - Curt Hennig Psychology - Jake Roberts Brain (the smartness of the wrestler) - Ric Flair Carrying (ie. working good matches with lesser opponents) - Ric Flair
  21. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    All Tape Traders Read

    I don't know what stats you mean. But i'd consider myself a good trader. A few people here would vouch for me as I've traded with them.
  22. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    clearence tapes for sale.

    Oh phew. I was getting worried. Sorry about the delay.
  23. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Top 10 Favorite Movies

    My top 10(not in order): A Bronx Tale Lethal Weapon Terminator 2 Taxi Driver Goodfellas Shawshank Redemption Scarface(Tony fucking Montana rules all) Usual Suspects Pulp Fiction Die Hard
  24. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Good /Best Acting Rappers

    Top 5 Rapper/Actors are(in no order): 2 Pac - See Gridlock'd. He was very good in that. He pretty much got better by the movie. Ice Cube - See Boyz N The Hood, Three Kings. He's good and pretty consistent too. LL Cool J - He's got a charisma about him which makes him great in movies. Plus he can deliver lines well enough. Queeen Latifah - See Chicago. Will Smith - He's better at acting than he is at rapping.
  25. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Best WWF Main-Eventer 1985-present

    SECOND ROUND 1--Steve Austin - Easy 2--Kurt Angle - Very tough 3--The Rock - Easy 4--Hulk Hogan - I like Savage a lot better but he didn't draw asm uch as Hogan, although he never got the chance to 5--Bret Hart - Rude was never that big a ME'er. In 1990 Hogan/Quake ME'ed most shows. 6--Triple-H - See Rude, sub Hogan/Andre 7--Ric Flair - HBK was best as an upper card heel 8--The Undertaker - Tough call but I despise Warrior