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Everything posted by TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

  1. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    So with all the main matches set...

    I'm sure HHH will love being on the card higher than Austin & rock esp. if he's winning.
  2. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Favourite Lyric?

    "Fight the Power" - Public Enemy: "Elvis was a hero to most, but he never meant shit to me, you see/ straight up racist that sucka was simple and plain/ muthafuck him and John Wayne" "Life's A Bitch" - Nas f/ AZ "Visualizing realism of life in actuality/ Fuck who's the baddest/ a person's status depends on salary" "Ripper Strikes Back" - LL Cool J "Ask Canibus/ He aint understandin' this/ Cuz 99% of his fans don't exist"
  3. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    The War and WWE

    Alright seriously, I doubt it'll make much difference.. Maybe a few interruptions for 'updates' and some plugs on the show itself but nothing severe.
  4. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    The War and WWE

    Don't be surprised if Sgt. Slaughter makes a surprise comeback as an Iraqi sympathizer with Regal & Storm as his lackies.
  5. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    So with all the main matches set...

    One thing I think they might do is have Hogan/Vince between Rock/Austin & Brock/Angle. Hogan/Vince is probably the only match(aside from the above two) that will get heat no matter that Austin/Rock is before it. So with this they can calm down the crowd get the Hogan pop when he wins and have the crowd ready for Borck/Kurt.
  6. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    TSM's Official Countdown To WWE Demise

    I'm pretty sure that as long as Vince is breathing he won't let the WWE die. If they get really desperate the McMahons could turn it back to a private company and fund it themselves.
  7. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    When did WCW first go downhill?

    Starcade 97. Period. nWo should've ended that day. Next most important: Goldberg losing to Nash. The one marketable thing about WCW is killed.
  8. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Good matches that....

    So which matches did you think were good which were supposed to absolutely suck considering the talent involved. Royal Rumble 1990: Greg Valentine vs Ron Garvin, I Quit match A very surprisingly good match which featured good psychology, a smart ending and the North American PPV debut of the sharpshooter(to my knowledge). Summerslam 1993: Lex Luger vs Yokozuna, WWF title match Consdering the millions and millions of restrictions involved this match was pretty damn good and had a very hot crowd. Well those tow come to mind for me, what about the rest of you?
  9. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Who never bleeds?

    Hennig bladed against DDP at Hog Wild 97.
  10. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Kurt Angle admits he is risking his life

    This is Kurt's decision not Vince's. If the doctor cleared Kurt there's nothing Vince can do. Let's pray that Lesnar doesn't work sloppy or screw up and if they keep it on the mat, WITHOUT an German suplexes, then it could go off well. And if this is his last match it would be classy to allow him to retire champion.
  11. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    What's the best single episode of Raw?

    Here are my top 5: 1. April 21, 1997. First it features an Austin/Bret street fighti n which Austin MURDERS Bret's knee and legit nearly breaks hi wrist. Then in the ambulance Austin again attacks Bret. And then later Owen and Bulldog jump Austin but get chased off by HBK. And just when we think Austin is safe...Brian f'n Pillman makes his return and destroys Austin. IMO best Raw ever. 2. September 28, 1998. It starts off with Austin driving a Zamboni into the arena and jumping Vince and ends with one of the most original booked matches Russo's ever done with Rock, Shamrock and Mankind(who had fought in a triple threat cage match the ngiht before) facing Taker and Kane. In between Taker and broke Vince's leg and Mick Foley had his very first "comedy" moment by offering Vince a sip of his slurpee. 3. September 22, 1997. Why you ask? Austin stuns Vince for the first time, Foley and HHH have a classic No Holds Barred war and the HOT MSG crowd makes it feel even more special than it is. 4. May 17, 1993. It features a classic HBK/Jannety match and what, to this day, is the biggest upset in wrestling history as the no name Kid pinned Razor Ramon. 5. Arpil 28, 1997. It start with Pillman, Owen & Bulldog 'praying' for Bret Hart and Steve Austin. It has Owen winning the intercontinental title in a good match against Rocky. And ends with the shock return of Jim Neidhart and Bret tossing Austin off the stage. Those are IMO the 5 best ever. BTW I do not, and never will, consider Raw Is Owen to be a nominee for this.
  12. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Anyone else like the show

    I know it's cheesy, shitty and all(according to most) but I love watching old re-runs of this. I don't know why maybe it's the predictability or the good guys always winning or the comaradarie but for some reason I've always liked this show. Any other fans here?
  13. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Anyone else like the show

    Deacon is right. In the very first episode he's a straight by the book cop who came form the big city and doesn't use kung fu or trust Walker's instincts but gradually learns too. He's also an ex-football player who got drafted by the Cowboys but messed up his knee so became a cop. And yah it is standard uniform for Rangers to wear cowboy hats. I think everybody on that show does.
  14. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Guilty Pleasures

    One guy who IMO was always unfairly canned was Big Bossman. He's always been a decent big man andi n the previous few years hasp layed a decen Corporate enforcer. Plus he has a good knack for psychology so he'd be good to teach youngsters in training camp.
  15. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Yoko Vs Austin...

    HBK/Vader - ****1/4 Mankind/Taker - ***(Pretty boring but very historically significant) Everything pretty much blows except a decent match Owen pulls out of Savio Vega.
  16. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Before you figured out wrestling was fake

    Like MaxPower I've always loved heels: Fav: Savage, Hennig, DiBiase, Flair, Bret, Owen, Hogan(only face I liked), IRS, Jake Roberts Least: Warrior(HATED him - still do), HBK, Taker, Luger, JYD, Bossman(when he turned face), Dusty
  17. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    New Updates for my tape site

    Yah a few PPV's form the WWF: This Tuesday in Texas IYH: International Incident King of the Ring 1996 A comp. tape featuring the best of 1993(btw just wanna say that I got this off Retro Rob and his tape arrived in 2 days - fastest i've ever deealt with). Best of 1993 includes: Flair/AA vs Benoit/Eaton Horsemen vs Hollywood Blondes Sting vsFlair(VERY long match, I think over 50 minutes) Vader vs Bulldog Steiners vs Quebecers - Famous title change off Raw And more. Also available very soon is a custom made Bret Hart vs Owen Hart compilation: Some matches include: WM10 match SS94 cage match Bret/Owen - Lumberjack match(Owen wins title) Bret/Owen - No Holds Barred Bret & Bulldog/Owen & Anvil Bret & Bulldog/Owen & Backlund Bret & Owen/Quebecers(Owen turns on Bret) And more. Plus I have the only Randy Savage vs Shawn Michaels ever now in my collection. My Tape Site
  18. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Guilty Pleasures

    Sorry but I still like Hogan's promo's. I've been watching him since I was a kid and I still mark for him no matter how bad he gets. And I can put up with HHH during the Evolution segments or when Flair is doing something useful like speaking for him.
  19. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Who never bleeds?

    For whoever said Steamboat he bladed heavily and a few times in his feud with Don Muraco in 1986. It's available on one of Coliseum's best of tapes. Hall never bladed in Wargames. Warrior bladed in WCW I think, not sure though. What about Johnny B Badd/Marc Mero? I don't recall him ever blading in WWF or WCW.
  20. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Top 10 All Time Tag teams

    1. Money Inc. 2. Owen Hart & British Bulldog 3. Brainbusters 4. Hollywood Blondes 5. Edge & Chrstian 6. Hart Foundation 7. Quebecers 8. Chris Jericho & Chris Benoit 9. Mega Powers 10. Ric Flair & Arn Anderson
  21. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Good matches that....

    Bossman was a pretty good big man back in the day. The nWo/Horsemen/WCW 12 man tag at Unscensored 1997 was WAYYYYY better than humanly possible consdering it had Hogan, Piper, Mongo, Giant...etc. Plus the ending with Sting was one of my biggest mark out moments. Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Owen pull a ***1/4 match out of Ahmed Johnson sometime in 1996.
  22. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Matches that were supposed to be great...

    Shawn Michaels vs Mr. Perfect, Summerslam 1993 Considering the WWF called it the greatest IC title match everm BEFORE the match took place and considering the talent, the match sucked.
  23. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Top Ten Favorite Wrestlers

    1. Bret Hart 2. Randy Savage 3. Mr. Perfect 4. Owen Hart 5. Hulk Hogan - marked for him since I was a kid 6. Ric Flair 7. Sting 8. Ted DiBiase 9. Chris Jericho 10. Kurt Angle
  24. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Anyone else like the show

    I think it was Nash Bridges but I do remember a few episodes about underground fighting.
  25. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Anyone else like the show

    Yah I saw the Hogan one. It was interesting to say the least. Pretty decent actually but hogan's no Roddy Piper acting wise. But I agree wihth others that my main problem with Walker is it's way too preachy and I liked it less when the Gage and Nia Peeples joined the crew in like second last season.