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Everything posted by TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

  1. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Weekend boxoffice report (there is no God)

    I saw BDTH and I laughed teh whole way through. I'll go out on a limb and say that this was much better than watching another "US soldiers have a conscience and will not leave their fellow men" movie. BTW Barbershop was f'n awesome and underrated.
  2. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Latest on Brock / Angle Wrestlemania plans

    I'd turn Rhyno heel to face Brock post-Mania but at Mania I guess a face/face respect match with Benoit but that might kill all of Benoit's heat. So there best bet would be a respect match and just have Rock/Austin and Hogan/Vince(and maybe even HHH/Book) go after it so it doesn't kill Benoit's heat too much.
  3. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Biggest Undersellers

    Hawk of LOD
  4. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Weekend boxoffice report (there is no God)

    Good for Steve Martin. He's one of the most underrated comedians ever.
  5. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    your favorite period/era?

    WWF/WCW 1993: This year got me hooked on wrestling.
  6. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    To anybody who has a lot of old SNME's

    Would anybody here be bale to make a SNME comp. tape. I was dealing with someone but they don't have a few that I badly want, so that will be held off until I see if anyone else has them. So anybody with all or almost all SNME's reply and I'd be willing to pay goodm oney for this. BTW I'm in Canada so I don't accdept PAL tapes.
  7. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Best Sketch in SNL history

    Top 5 1. I don't know the name but the one where Eddie Murphy dressed up as a white guy and he saw what "really" happens when there are no black guys around. 2. Chippendales with Swayze & Farley 3. Matt Foley - Motivational Speaker with Spade, Hartman & Farley 4. The Joe Pesci Show where the real Peci & De Niro show up. Me and barron we're talking about in another post. 5. The toy skit with Aykroyd.
  8. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Wrestling Link Game....

    Killings lost it to JEFF JARRETT who has held it ever since
  9. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Anyone want to make a comp for me?

    K pm me your tape list and we'll coem to a deal.
  10. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Stone Cold's Post-PPV Interview...

    I've got nothing to say against Taker/Show since it was better than expected and nothing else was that good. My vote vote for MOTN is Jericho/Hardy.
  11. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Wrestling Link Game....

    The Wall, now knows as Malice, fought KEN SHAMROCK at the first ever NWA:TNA PPV
  12. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Best Wrestlemania Matches EVER

    1. Savage/Flair, WM8 2. Bret/Owen, WM10 3. Bret/Austin, WM13 4. Savage/Steamboat, WM3 5. Rock/Austin, WMX7 6. TLC 2, WMX7 7. Hogan/Warrior, WM6 8. Bret/Piper, WM8 9. Savage/Hogan, WM5 10. Rock/Hogan or Hogan/Andre
  13. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Anyone want to make a comp for me?

    I have: Bret vs. Bulldog (IYH 5) Steiners vs. Harts (Wrestlefest) Flair vs. Funk (GAB '89) Steamboat vs. Luger (GAB '89) Midnights vs. Fantastics (COTC I) Steamboat vs. Rude (Beach Blast '92) Benoit/Malenko vs. Raven/Saturn (Spring Stampede '99) Nasties vs. Cactus/Sullivan (Slamboree '94) Cactus vs. HHH (NWO 2000) HHH vs. Rock (Judgment Day 2000) Austin/HHH vs. Benoit/Y2J (Tag Titles - RAW) Don't have the rest but I mgiht be able to make a comp. of those if you want.
  14. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    A Question About...

    Ummm i'm not sure aobut this but I remember some confusion on the announcers parts to whther Mil Mascaras was spposed to eliminate himself but maybe he was. Not sure there. And only for HBK(the rest were all gone soon enough) and Savage they changed the rule since Taker(1993) and Maven(2002) werren't allowed back in depsite being eliminated by someone who waso ut. Austin & X Pac chetaed so it's different.
  15. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    A Question About...

    Ummm i'm not sure aobut this but I remember some confusion on the announcers parts to whther Mil Mascaras was spposed to eliminate himself but maybe he was. Not sure there. And only for HBK(the rest were all gone soon enough) and Savage they changed the rule since Taker(1993) and Maven(2002) werren't allowed back in depsite being eliminated by someone who waso ut. Austin & X Pac chetaed so it's different.
  16. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Wrestling Link Game....

    Marty jobbed to LUDVIG BORGA at Summerslam 1993 ending nay hopes of a push.
  17. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Jericho / Goldberg 1998

    Yah I remember goldberg saying something about too many being in his ear and how he wasn't thinking straight. Bret says the smae thing in his 2nd shoot.
  18. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    What Curt Henning match should they put...

    I heard that Hennig & Shawn were tearing up the house show circuit with ****+ matches left and right but at SS they just fell apart somehow. I wouldn't mind seeing Hennig's first IC title win where he beat Santana on there or his first ocmeback match, Savage & Hennig vs Flair & Ramon.
  19. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    SNL review

    Yah I knew Goodman was up there and I suspected Martin was first. I did not however fathom that Tom Hanks has had 7 times. I must have missed 3 or 4 of those.
  20. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Benoit at Wrestlemania?

    My money's on Austin/Golberg(if he comes in) and then maybe Benoit/Rock since Rock is out of opponents. But I sincerely doubt that will actually happen.
  21. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    SNL review

    I agree with you on Walken but I always found the John Goodman episodes to usually suck even though his last appearance was really funny. Him showing up 9000 times in the 98-99 season kinda killed him for me. You're thinking of the April 12th Rob Lowe/Spice Girls show. The two guys imitating them were Jim Breuer as Joe Pesci and Colin Quinn as Robert DeNiro. Rob Lowe did an impression of Eric Roberts. Alec Baldwin was supposed to play DeNiro but didn't for whatever reason. DeNiro and Pesci doing the beatdown was hilarious. They did 'The Joe Pesci' show one more time after that- in the Rudy Guliani/Sara Maclachlan episode. (Although Joe did show up in the Sylvester Stallone/Jamiraquai episode but it wasn't the Joe Pesci Show) That skit is one of my all time favourites and I would give it ***** without hesitation Yah that is definetely one of my top 5 all-time skits, best part was the complete shock of Pesci & De Niro showing up. Plus whenver someone spoofs eric roberts it's gold. I don't why but I've aslways found Goodman hilarious especially in the mid-90's. But Goodman is right up there with Baldwin(I think) for mot times a host. I forget who holds the record.
  22. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    SNL review

    I didn't see all of it last night I must sya that Christopher Walked is one of the best guests ever. Only competition he gets is John Goodman and Steve Martin. This is only the third SNL i've liked this year along with the Gore one and the De Niro one. BTW anyone remember a skit in 1997 where two guys were imitating De Niro and Pesci and were beating ppl up with bats but then out ofn owhere the real De Niro & Pesci showed and beat down the imposters?
  23. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    A Question About...

    The only other time osmeone was eliminated and was allowed back in was HBK in 1996. What do HBK & Savage have in common? They were obth in the title match at WM.
  24. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    The No Way Out Gambling Thread

    World Heavyweight Title Match Triple H © - $100 vs. Scott Steiner The Rock - $50 vs. Hulk Hogan Steve Austin - $50 vs. Eric Bischoff The Undertaker - $100 vs. The Big Show Brock Lesnar, Edge, & Chris Benoit vs. Kurt Angle, Shelton Benjamin, & Charlie Haas - $100 Chris Jericho vs. Jeff Hardy - $50 WWE Cruiserweight Title Match Kidman © vs. Matt Hardy - $100 World Tag Team Titles Match Lance Storm & William Regal © - $100 vs. Kane & RVD
  25. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    The Top 100 Pro Wrestlers of All Time

    Benoit has never drawn any serious money or been a world champ. Once he gets the WWE title and proves he can draw he should make the top 25 Sting has a better body of work than Taker. And he lasted through WCW despite being the worst angles in wrestling history(Shockmaster,Black Scorpion,Cheetum the Evil Midget). He doesn't have the influence of a Vader or Flair but the above should be enough to rank him higher than 94.