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Everything posted by TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

  1. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Are You Psyched About No Way Out?

    I'm surprisingly hyped for this show. I don't why but I get the feleing the Ausitn/Bischoff match will have Austin murder Bisch until someone comeso ut and cosst Ausitn the match.
  2. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Most Anticipated Match of All Time?

    Sting/Hogan I'd say. Followed by Hogan/Andre. Rematch: Rock/Austin I gues although Bret/Shawn is right up there as was HBK/Taker in the first HIAC.
  3. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Favorite wrestling beatdown!

    The Bret/Austin - Owen/Bulldog - HBK - Pillman beatdown sequence of the Raw the night after IYH: Revenge of Taker. After the Austin/HBK vs Owen/Bulldog tag match, the Harts beat down HBK while Ausitn beat down Bret. When Sting got invovled for the firts time in 6 months at Unscensore 1997 and destroyed the whole nWo.
  4. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    The death of the Simpsons?

    Carlton got dumber? You're forgetting about Hilarry she got dumber by the season. I agree with most points here although I consider Frank Grime's one of the Simpson's best episodes. I liked for once to have a darker show in which we're supposed to cheer Homer but he is just an asshole and, by modern standards, a villain. Lately you just get the feeling taht they're just putting out shows out of necessity and just to put something out. And about Homer being dumber: case in point. he didn't Lisa's spellympics for a sandwhich. And does he later realise his mistake and pick Lisa over the sandwhich? No only after there no sandwhiches left does he go. Little things like that annoy me.
  5. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    The Top 100 Pro Wrestlers of All Time

    There's one thing that really annoys me. How oculd they justify having the Rock ahead of Terry Funk. Funk has wrestled great matches, awesoem brawls, he's drawn in the US and in Japan, his interviews are some of the best ever. He's influenced more people than 90% of the people on the list and they have the Rock ahead of him? If you ask me Terry Funk is top 15. And I really think Bret Hart should be ahead of the Rock but Funk being pretty low(for his standards) is pretty damn bad.
  6. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    No Way Out

    Very tough call since Hogan/Rock will likely kill the heat of any match following it except Austin/Bischoff. But then again Austin/Bischoff won't be the last match unless they wnat to send the fans home happy. The 6 man'll likely have Team Angle winning, Vince'll screw Hogan, Trips'll beat BPP so the only face going over is Austin. Thus they might put Austin on last to send the crowd home happy.
  7. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Biggest over-seller

    At SS91 Curt sold a hip-toss by Hart by flying onto his sotmach and flipping to the post crotch first. That was awesome.
  8. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Another Former World Champion

    It won't be Bigelow he retired a few months back from back injuries. **prays its Sting** BTW Sting looked in good shape in the WWA crap.
  9. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Top PPV's of the year

    I just want to voice my opinion on World War 3 1995 vs Starcade 1995. Both are the top PPV's from either company in 1995. WW3: Sting/Flair(***-***1/2) Suzuki/Ozaki vs Nakano/Hokuto(***1/4-***1/2) DDP/Badd(***1/2-***3/4) I kid you not this match owns. A decent battle royale. Starcade 95: Eddie/Ohtani(****1/4-1/2) Benoit/Lyger(***1/2) Flair/Luger/Sting(****) Very underrated match. Savage/Flair(**1/2) With another point for a great blade job by Flair. Plus a few other decent WCW vs Japan matches. If you get the chance buy both although by inches I recommend Starcade more. Also: WCW HALLOWEEN HAVOC 1998 or WCW SOULED OUT 1998 - MUCH better. Bret/Flair, Lucha action and Benoit/Raven. WCW SUPERBRAWL 1992 or WCW BEACH BLAST 1992 - Most underrated PPV of all-time. Rude/Steamboat, Sting/Cactus & Steiners/MVC WCW SUPERBRAWL 1991 - Equal but the tag match > Wargames thus this is the pick. WCW WRESTLEWAR 1991 WCW WRESTLEWAR 1990 or WCW CAPITOL COMBAT 1990 - I'll recommend this since I aint seen Wrestlewar 1990.
  10. There is Bret's belief that you should focusc on one body part and go frrom there. And Flair's in which you work over whatever you can. "Here, there, everywhere" as Bret puts it. I prefer Bret's with the focus being on one body part. Which do you prefer?
  11. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    The Top 25 Simpson episodes....

    Might as well make my own top 10 list(off the top of my head): 1. Cape Feare 2. Homer's Enemy 3. 22 Short Films About Springfield 4. Last Exit to Springfield 5. Flaming Moe's 6. Homer the Heretic 7. New York City vs Homer Simpson 8. Homer Defined 9. A Fish Called Selma 10. Brother From Another Series Worst: Last few seasons had a lot of shitty ones. I hate the Africa one but there's one or two classic lines in it. So I'll pick the episode where Maude Flander's dies. Fuck me if I know what it's called.
  12. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    The Top 25 Simpson episodes....

    MY favs. are "Homer's Enemy" featuring the great Frank Grimes and "Cape Feare" with Sideshow Bob, such a brilliant parody of Cape Fear. I love all the Sideshow Bob episodes but one which is very underrated is "Brother From Another Series" featuring Sideshow Cecil. It's such a masterful parody of Frasier, best thing is it's admitting it's parodying Frasier("Frasier is a hit show on NBC"), and the laughs are great.
  13. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Roddy Piper pays tribute to Curt Hennig

    On Piper's site there is a tribute video to Curt Hennig made by Piper. It's pretty good and a nice look back at Hennig. And yes, still more than the WWE has done to remember him. Only thing is you must have Windows Media Player 9 to view it. Piper's Tribute
  14. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    WCW Monday Nitro's

    I have a lot of WCW PPV's but to be honest I don't really feel like doing a huge trade right now. I'm still waiting on two or three other trades to come through.
  15. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Roddy Piper pays tribute to Curt Hennig

    I would but it's impossible to find a decent pic of him.
  16. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Roddy Piper pays tribute to Curt Hennig

    No clue on that one. I assume so but it's Vince you never know.
  17. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Bret "Hitman" Hart vs. 1-2-3 Kid...

    Yah that is a uct version. I have the original featuring Savage & JR and runs 30 minutes. Bret pins Kid but it doesn't count and eventually Bret wins it the same way he beat HBK at SS92.
  18. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    To anybody who has a lot of old SNME's

    Would you be willing to put the speicfic matches I asked for on a Comp. tape?
  19. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Roddy Piper pays tribute to Curt Hennig

    Too bad they couldn't use any of his WWF footage but that is still more than the WWE's done to remember Curt.
  20. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Greatest WWF/E Champion of all time

    I'm pretty shocked Bret beat Hogan.
  21. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Good matches that....

    Too lazy to edit so I wanna add two matches. Lawrence Taylor vs Bam Bam Bigelow, WM11 Not great at all but ocnsidering the people involved shockingly decent. Great heat and a good agnle helped this make WM11 go form a bad WM to a average one. Ric Flair & Arn Anderson vs Steve McMichael & Kevin Greene, Great American Bash 1996 I know Flair and Arn are involved but look on theo ther side. Greene didn't embarass himself and it features one of the best heel turns in WCW history. Plus it features an awesome Horsemen beatdown of Ranyd Savage.
  22. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Cult Favorites

    Chris Nowinski Paul Roma - Don't ask why, I don't know Bam Bam Bigelow was decent.
  23. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Good matches that....

    Well when he first debuted he seemed like one of the best giants in a long time since he was pretty carryable(as doen by Sting and even Luger) and very charismatic. Ofcourse once WCW had him smoking on screen taht was all gone.
  24. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Good matches that....

    Ahhh ok I thought you meant Paul wight in general not just as The Big Show. But yha as Show his best is the Austin match.
  25. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Good matches that....

    Show had a *** match with Sting(Wight's best match ever) at Slamboree 1996.