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Everything posted by TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

  1. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    NHL Thread

    Senators really pissed me off. They could've had Roberts straight for their #1 pick. Instead they get Saprykin (a HUGE step down) for essentially a 2nd rounder? Dumb, dumb, dumb. I have San Jose as the big winner counting both Rivet and Guerin. Although Calgary and Detroit are looking really good too.
  2. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Greatest WWF Matches of the 90's Tourney

    Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart, 3/20/94, WrestleMania X Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels, 10/5/97, Badd Blood, Hell in a Cell
  3. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Maxx Payne brings an interesting comment

    Reminds me of something I read about Sting a while ago. It sort of went like "When Sting debuted in 1987, people saw so much star potential for him to carry the world of wreslting once a few key guys, on their last legs by that point, retired. When Sting retired in 2001, he was still waiting for those few key guys to retire." I always found that hilarious for some reason.
  4. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    TOAO Smokin' Aces Thread

    It was really good until the ending. Seriously, how dumb was that... Sad that every new movie HAS to have a twist these days.
  5. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Greatest Royal Rumble Matches

    Look at how he got eliminated though. And in 1989 it was Hogan fucking him over so I'll give him that. Still though, 1990 he didn't last long and got tossed early. 1991, he didn't even make it to the match. 1992, he eliminated Roberts then didn't get another offensive move all match. 1993 he came in 30th and was eliminated in the dumbest spot in Rumble history. 1994 he was non-descriptly tossed in the background as the camera focused on Doink.
  6. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Greatest Royal Rumble Matches

    I just watched 1992 again last night. Flair got the crap kicked out of him all night long by everyone from Roddy Piper & Hulk Hogan to Undertaker & Jake Roberts. The problem that completely kills 1995 is that it is less than 40 minutes long. Shawn's performance in 1995 didn't even last as long as Dibiase's way back in 1990 and there is somebody almost every year that does better than it. I blame the booking and not Shawn for that, but it is what it is and it really hurts the match. Plus Shawn fought very few credible opponents that year. There was Bulldog, Luger and umm...King Kong Bundy and Crush were about the biggest names of the rest (not counting Owen & Backlund being taken out by Bret Hart before they got into the ring). Flair had to beat some of the biggest names of the 80s/90s and he won the title for winning it. HBK just won a shot at the title. 1992 was much more eventful than 1995. 1994 might be the ONLY year where no one topped Shawn's 38 minutes. I agree with it totally killing the match when compared to others. Shit in 1992, Bulldog lasted like 10 minutes or so less than he did in 1995 and he lasted not even half the Rumble. I rewatched 1994 yesterday and it's really good stretches with a REALLY hot crowd. Having 14 guys in the ring at the end though, hurts it. Not to mention guys like Savage and Diesel being gone by the half way point. What is it with Savage and Royal Rumbles? He ALWAYS does horribly. In 1992 he made the Final 4 but got maybe 3 offensive moves in during his entire time in the ring.
  7. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    WWE/TSM HoF Ballot

    Hall of Fame Ballot: Hulk Hogan Randy Savage Bret Hart Andre the Giant Bruno Sammartino Nominations: Jesse Ventura Vince McMahon Jr. Ted DiBiase Ricky Steamboat Arn Anderson
  8. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    The Youtube Thread

    Rude & Heenan on Arsenio: Bad News on Arsenio: Savage's second(more famous) appearance on Arsenio :
  9. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Greatest Royal Rumble Matches

    I still think 1990 had a more star studded cast than 1992. You had Hogan, Savage, Warrior, Rude, Hennig, Dusty, Piper, DiBiase, Andre, Jake etc. Not to mention all the elite tag teams of the day.
  10. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Super Bowl XLI

    The game itself should be really good for once. It'd be nice to have an actual interesting style clash, although it does smell like a blow-out.
  11. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    NHL Thread: January

    Sell me on Antropov. From what I've seen he's a moderately quick forward who can't handle hard passes, has trouble finishing around the net, has an average shot, is sloppy in his own end, I can keep going. What do you see in him?
  12. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    NHL Thread: January

    We should make an all-useless team. Gerber would definetely be the goalie.
  13. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    NHL Thread: January

    Watching the Pens/Leafs game right now leads me to 2 observations: 1. The Penguins on the power play are the funnest team to watch in over a decade. 2. The Boston fans on here weren't kidding, Hal Gill may be the most useless guy in the league - he gives Antropov a run for his money for uselessness. He can't even fight worth a shit against a guy literally half his size.
  14. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    WWE/TSM Hall of Fame

    Hulk Hogan Bruno Sammartino Randy Savage Bret Hart Gorilla Monsoon(as commentator and/or backstage) Bobby Heenan(as manager and/or commentator) Superstar Billy Graham Pat PAtterson(as wrestler and/or backstage) Roddy Piper Jesse Ventura(as commentator)
  15. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    2007 NFL Playoffs

    The NFC;s respect disappeared when Young, Aikman and Sanders retired and the NFC started to generally suck year in and year out.
  16. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    2006 top 10

    1. The Departed 2. Dreamgirls 3. Little Miss Sunshine 4. The Descent 5. Casino Royale 6. Borat 7. Rocky Balboa 8. Inside Man 9. The Devil Wears Prada 10. Miami Vice
  17. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Most Professional

    He can bitch and moan like crazy if he feels like it. He was very upset about having to lose to Ric Flair at the Bash in 1995, even though Flair was using a cane to KO Savage. He was fine when it was going to be through interference, but when it was changed to Flair winning through use of the cane, Savage threw a fit. I still find Savage was a lot better at the whole jobbing thing than most other big names. Sting was good at it too. The Rock is hands down the winner here, though.
  18. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Best Videos.....

    The "If life was fair..." video from Summerslam 1997. What a perfect way of highlighting the Bret/Shawn/Taker situation. Also, I've always liked the Bret Hart video set to Tom Petty's "Makin' Some Noise" that's on the Coliseum version of Wrestlemania 10. Anyone remember that?
  19. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Rocky VI Officially Greenlit

    Saw it and loved it. And after seeing it, I was really happy to see this: WEDNESDAY BOX OFFICE 1. Rocky Balboa $6,204,105 2. The Pursuit of Happyness $2,806,095 3. Charlotte's Web $2,019,086 Looks like the movies are right, Rocky just won't stay down.
  20. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Miami Vice

    I never said the movie is fast paced, I meant that the plot works at a fast pace. Everything occurs at a pace it would occur in if it were reality.
  21. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Miami Vice

    I loved it. Best thing about it was how it moved fast and didn't slow down to tip-toe audiences through it. From talking to many people who hated it, I realized the main complaint people had is that they had trouble getting into it. I really liked how Mann made sure to not slow down to explain things for people to easily understand. The movie starts ahead of the viewer and stays that way. It's not that hard to keep up and put it all together but you have to think fast. More movies need to be that fast paced and more movies need to avoid dumbing things down for people to keep up.
  22. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Nas - Hip Hop Is Dead

    It leaked a whole 2 weeks early and I must say, it is easily rap album of the year. It's on point from top to bottom with Nas rapping tighter and fresher than he has in ages. It's his first attempt at a concept album and he pulls it off admirably going through the death, the rebirth and the hope for the future of hip hop. Plus hearing Nas and Jay Z on a track together is still great eventhoug it's nowhere near the best track on the album.
  23. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Nas - Hip Hop Is Dead

  24. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Nas - Hip Hop Is Dead

    Hip Hop Is Dead is bottom half. Black Republican's, from what I've read, is either being hailed as a classic or as a huge disappointment. Very split views on it.
  25. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Las Vegas

    Does anyoen if they air repeats of the new episodes of Las Vegas at any point? I missed last night's and the thing on the NBC site to watch the repeat doesn't seem to be working.