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Everything posted by TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

  1. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    The Official NHL Offseason Thread

    The ???? is DeVries. Wow, considering DeVries was a trade deadline pick up this is amazing for Ottawa. And we signed Heatley to a 3 year/13.5 mil contract which means there's a good chance we can afford both Chara and Redden now. God I love this!
  2. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    The Official NHL Offseason Thread

    HOLY SHIT! DANY HEATLEY TRADED TO OTTAWA FOR MARIAN HOSSA AND ????!!!! As long as ???? isn't Chara or Redden I LOVE this ! www.tsn.ca
  3. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    The Official NHL Offseason Thread

    I'm in the roto league as Champs Are Here. didn't make it into the H2H one in time .
  4. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Four Brothers

    Sad that this movie gets one fucking reply and Duece Bigalow gets atleast two damn pages.
  5. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    The Official NHL Offseason Thread

    Hamrlik to Calgary, who's looking like a cup favorite suddenly.
  6. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Weekend Box Office Report

    Yes! Four Brothers was great, good to see it make money.
  7. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Favorite Movie Quote?

    From Unforgiven, "Deserve's got nothin to do with it." From Coming to America, "Son, I'ma tell you this only one time: if you wanna wokr here, stay off the drugs." From The Running Man, "Ben Richards: I'll be back! Killian: Only in a rerun." From Reservoir Dogs, "Are you gonna bark all day little doggie, or are you gonna bite?" More later.
  8. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Four Brothers

    Agreed. I saw it and thought it was great.
  9. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    The Official NHL Offseason Thread

    I'm in for a league.
  10. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Hulk Hogan or Shawn Michaels?

    Do you count injuries going out? If so Rick Rude retired from in ring competition at the top of his game.
  11. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Hulk Hogan or Shawn Michaels?

    Hogan. I'll totally mark out seeing Hulkamania run wild all over Shawn Michaels.
  12. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    The Official NHL Offseason Thread

    Not really, I called that the second Martin became their coach.
  13. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    The Official NHL Offseason Thread

    1996? Out of those only Recchi is severely past his prime. Well Mario too but even past his prime he's awesome.
  14. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    The Official NHL Offseason Thread

    Ziggy Palffy has signed in Pittsburgh. Lemieux, Crosby, Gonchar, Malkin, Palffy, Recchi etc., now that's an offensive juggernaut.
  15. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    The Official NHL Offseason Thread

    Kariya in Nashville...umm well that was unexpected. So whose the best FA left? Palffy?
  16. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    The Official NHL Offseason Thread

    Apparently Edmonton is now targetting Kariya and CuJo might wind up in Pittsburgh which I would love since it'd be my favorite goalie playing with my favorite player(Mario). And Ottawa STILL does nothing.
  17. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    The Official NHL Offseason Thread

    "Hey, my nice car just broke down ... let me go and get a cheaper, older, less desirable one to replace it." The B's better be using the cash differential to sign another big name or 3. Not that much cheaper. They're paying Leetch 4 mil.
  18. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    The Official NHL Offseason Thread

    Ok Philly is looking quite scary now. JR to Ottawa would be godly(won't happen though ). And now I'm pissed that they didn't dump Hasek and sign Bulin.
  19. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    The Official NHL Offseason Thread

    Hmmm we needed a gritty depth center so I guess he fits the bill but we better not be paying him much after how badly he bombed in Boston.
  20. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    The Official NHL Offseason Thread

    Ottawa aint doin much either. We don't need to do much but signing Jason Allison or Scott Neidermayer won't hurt.
  21. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin


    The 4/21/97 one with the ambulance incident has already been mentioned. Antoher fav is July 97 from Nova Scotia which ends with the Hart Foundation winning a flag match. Another fav is from September 98 which featured the Zamboni incident, Taker & Kane breaking Vince's leg, Foley's first turn towards comedy and a solid Kane & Taker vs Rock, Shamrock & Foley main event.
  22. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    How do you remember

    For being my favorite wrestler ever and leading my favorite stable ever during my favorite period of wrestling ever.
  23. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    The Official NHL Offseason Thread

    Well with the Sens keeping Hasek, Smolinski and DeVries and having a #9 pick, I'd say we're one or two signings away from a cup. Le'ts pray to the gods that good ol' Gary Roberts is a Senator next season. Wouldn't mind seeing McCarty in Ottawa too.
  24. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Weekend Box Office Report

    Not below expectations for second week. I doubt most expected it to remain #1. Ah well, I'm ecsatatic at how well Wedding Crashers is doing cause it was truly a hilarious movie.
  25. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Hogan Knows Best

    He's driving a sick Supra too. Lucky bastard. Plus that chick Hulk tried to hook him up with is about 10 times hotter than Ashley. Ah well it was all worth to see Hogan going wild with those guns, especially the machine gun.