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Everything posted by TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

  1. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    2005 Dead Pool - Roll up, roll up

    You people don't get it do you? Jake Roberts will not die. He'll die at like 85 from old age.
  2. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    DOI reporting that Chris Candido has died...

    Sad to see that after all the effort he put into cleaning up, a freak thing like that kills him. RIP
  3. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Insider Timeline: 1995

    Judging by the Flair and Shawn bias in the two articles and the match ratings, I'm guessing this is from Meltzer.
  4. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    10 Essential Pay-Per-View Events

    Now THAT I could probably agree with - Souled Out '98 was a great example of a WCW PPV that hit on all cylinders. Only two or three matches on that show were "bleh", the rest were outstanding and the crew brought the workrate in spades for that one. I don't see much historical significance with that one, but I definitely can see it as a top-notch show workrate-wise. Even Nash/Giant wasn't bad.
  5. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    10 Essential Pay-Per-View Events

    I'll agree that SummerSlam '98 would probably have been a better pick than '00, both from a historical perspective and for being a more solid, well-worked-and-booked card overall. But WrestleMania 1 and Souled Out '97 being better, and more deserving, than SS '00 and WrestleWar '91? I beg to differ. WrestleMania 1, while uber-historic for multiple reasons, was a completely wretched card with a bunch of matches that were borderline-horrible (why did we have to get Valentine/JYD instead of the Valentine/Santana match that made more sense and would've been about 8 1/2 times better?) And as much as I love the energy surrounding the Piper/Orndorff vs. Hogan/T main event, it was nowhere near good. WrestleMania 1 is probably among the five worst WM's ever, so how on Earth can it be one of the top-ten PPV's ever? WM1 has always gotten a "bye" from being slaughtered by the die-hard wrestling community simply for it's historical significance, but that's it. If such a show was presented today, it would be raped by even the most lenient fans on this board. WrestleMania III did much, much more to shape our image of what WrestleMania should be than 1 ever did. Souled Out '97 was wretched, a waste of money, and three hours of my life I'll never get back. It's only historic significance was being the first "completely nWo" PPV, but aside from the Guerrero/Syxx ladder match, that show was bad. Really bad. And speaking of the ladder match from SO '97 - it was by far the match of the night, but as ladder matches go, it's an afterthought to at least a dozen better ones, and it's hard not to stand out on a supercard that has such blockbusters as Jarrett vs. Michael Walstreet and Scotty Riggs vs. Buff Bagwell. Aside from some historical value, I have no idea how you could ever call Souled Out '97 any better than ANY of the shows on the top-ten list we're debating. In comparison, WrestleWar '91 had an outstanding WarGames (definitely one of the ten best WCW matches from the first half of the '90's), plus the Luger/Spivey match which defied all logic as one of both men's best efforts EVER. I'm not quite sure about it being a top-ten PPV overall, but definitely a top-ten WCW PPV. If you can find a copy and fast-forward to the final hour-and-a-half or so of it, you should enjoy it immensely. And SummerSlam '00 had three excellent matches (the main event 3-way, the TLC match, and Jericho/Benoit 2-of-3 falls.). The rest of the card wasn't that good, and didn't carry the booking aura of '98 or '02, but it was still a fairly solid show that deserves good praise. And, undoubtedly, more enjoyable to watch than either WM1 or Souled Out '97. I don't know that I would've included SummerSlam '00 or WrestleWar '91 on the list, but saying that WrestleMania 1 or Souled Out '97 needed to be on the list ahead of those two shows is, as Carlito would say, "not cool." I'll give those two shows the "historical significance" card, but that's it. To me, the "top-ten PPV's" should provide both outstanding workrate, PLUS memorable moments that helped define the industry. Neither WM1 or SO '97 did that. I meant Souled Out 1998. But looking back I disagree with my own choices of WM1 and Souled Out. But I maintain that Slam 98 belongs on there.
  6. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Wrestlers You Thought Would Never Turn Face/Heel

    Does that even count? He was still the most over face on the roster.
  7. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Weekend Boxoffice Report, April 22-24

    "King's Ransom was a nice bomb." What the fuck is King's Ransom? Haven't even heard of it.
  8. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Kayfabe Explainations For Unexplained Things

    B. To keep the illusion up that they weren't in cahoots, so to further suspicion from themselves. Or cause he wanted a world title shot.
  9. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Tapes I'm looking for

    I have the Bret shoot and Survivor Series. I'm willing to trade. Do you have any old Raws?
  10. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    The Chronic and Doggystyle.

    Why is NWA being mentioned with "Today Was A Good Day"? That was made LONG after Cube left NWA.
  11. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Things that seemingly everyone hated

    - IRS was one of my favorites eventhough most people consider him nothing but a bad gimmick. - I still think Ahmed Johnson would've been WWF champ had he stayed injury free. - I thought the Billy/Chuck wedding was handled really and liked it although most of the internet hated it. - I'm a huge Hulk Hogan fan. Most of the net hates his guts.
  12. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Soooo...who has their...

    I'll wait till it comes on satellite and watch it for free. I'll use my money on XXX2 instead.
  13. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    JoeDirt's old school match thread

    I know this is a long shot but does anyone have a clip from that Raw in 02 where they played an Anthology commercial featuring Bret Hart in Montreal and totally teased the crowd? I'd love to see that again.
  14. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    The Chronic and Doggystyle.

    I still prefer Chronic. No one flows better over Dre beats than Dre himself and it's evident. Although Snoop is a close second. But both are classics.
  15. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    2005 thus far

    Did you get an advanced copy? I found it online and downloaded it. I didn't want to spoil it for myself but once I got into I couldn't stop. So yah, great album. Not 100% sure it's the full album though since it's only 11 tracks.
  16. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    2005 thus far

    Best CD I've heard this year is "Be" by Common. A near-classic.
  17. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Rolling Stones Immortals List

    Yah I don't wanna buy the magazine but I'm curious as to the order of the top 50. So if anyone has the magazine or knows the list could they post it please.
  18. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Favorite Old Man Flair Moment . . .

    The all-time classic: Booker T and someone are fighting backstage when out of nowhere Ric Flair appears screaming, ranting and raving leading HHH in a forklift.
  19. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Rolling Stones Immortals List

    So much wrong with this list, although the top 10 isn't that bad really. Guns N Roses is WAY too low.
  20. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    RedSox Fans Show That They They Are

    Wait a minute! Baseball exists outside of New York and Boston? My god, watching ESPN I would never have known.
  21. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Update on Earthquake's health

    Good to hear that it looks like he's gonna make it .
  22. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Rolling Stones Immortals List

  23. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    NFL schedules are out

    1 9/11 @ BAL 7:30 PM ESPN 2 9/18 JAX 12:00 PM CBS 3 9/25 CLE 12:00 PM CBS 4 10/2 @ TEN 12:00 PM CBS 5 10/9 @ SF 3:05 PM CBS 6 10/17 STL 8:00 PM ABC 7 10/23 @ HOU 12:00 PM CBS 8 10/30 BYE - none 9 11/7 @ NE 9:00 PM ABC 10 11/13 HOU 1:00 PM CBS 11 11/20 @ CIN 1:00 PM CBS 12 11/28 PIT 9:00 PM ABC 13 12/4 TEN 1:00 PM CBS 14 12/11 @ JAX 1:00 PM CBS 15 12/18 SD 1:00 PM CBS 16 12/24 @ SEA 4:15 PM CBS 17 1/1 ARI 1:00 PM FOX Christ. I do NOT like this schedule in the least. We get Baltimore and NE on the road. Plus Pittsburgh and SD and Houston & Jax twice which I hate cause they always play us tough. I see an 11-5 or 12-4 season this year.
  24. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Hogan to return @ Backlash!

    Where Michaels lasted all of 30 seconds before being tossed by...Hogan.
  25. TheOriginalOrangeGoblin

    Some interesting Survivor Series 1997 stuff

    I'm pretty sure Bret was never asked to drop the title before Survivor Series. And why would he have been? The ppv was in Canada, Vince would have been nuts to go into that show without Bret as champion. He was. He said he wanted the match at SSeries to be a World Title match to make it more important. No Bret offered to drop the title to Vader, Taker, Austin or, even, Brooklyn Brawler on any house show prior to Montreal. Vince was the one who didn't want to lose the world title main event for Survivor Series.